32,207 Topics
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The unfollow button is written in Java does anyone or can anyone programmaticly click the unfollow button? tried everything i know, visual basic, Java, JavaScript,, you name it,, cant do it. | |
good morning i would like to ask about photo gallery codes in java...thank you... | |
An account has the properties account number, balance, annual,interest rate, and date created, and methods to deposit and withdraw.Create two sub classes for checkings and savings account.Checkings account has an overdraft limit, but a savings account cannot be overdrawn. One problem that i'm having is that when I withdraw x … | |
I'm working on a basic "banking" program. The most recent change I've made to it is to use inheritance so that instead of just an Account, you can make either a checking or savings account specifically. Everything is working fine, except that the checking account is supposed to have a … | |
I would like some help to index through an empty array and fill it with 10 entries one at a time. The objective of the task is to create a GUI with two buttons, one (Store) to save the value into array position and second (Quit) to run statistics calculations … | |
i wanna create a small game using java....suggest me the best one and guidelies to make it........ ![]() | |
Hi How to know if there is any version of Java installed on the user PC and what revision, using JavaScript thank you Charbel | |
Hey guys, I'm trying to solve a problem I received in school. It states: [I] Write a method named checkFermat that takes four integers as parameters—a, b, c and n—and that checks to see if Fermat’s theorem (a^n + b^n = c^n) holds. If n is greater than 2 and … | |
Hi, I'm having a difficult time printing the product of the odd integers from 1 - 15. When I run it the program prints "1 2 2 2 2 2 etc." I don't see what I'm missing or why it won't print what I want. Did I add something I … | |
This is probably an easy one that i know but its not coming to me. Im supposed to be hardcoding the 6 instances of a movie class into the array that i have set up. I am unsure where i would do that in my actuall code. [CODE] public class … | |
Hey Ive been hearing about Netbeans but Id like alternatives. Any out there? If the program is not written in Java (ironic I know) I would perfer it. Thanks | |
can someone help me find something that i can depend on making sourcecodes using while, do while, for while...thx | |
So I have designed my program but am stuck on one function. [I]The following is an excerpt from my class:[/I] [CODE] public class SqrXY { public void SqrXY (double x, double y) { xaxis = x; yaxis = y; } public double addition () { //this is what I am … | |
write a program in diving competitions, each jump is assessed by seven judges who give points on a scale from 0 to 10. The point for each jump are calculated as follows: Ignore the highest and lowest scores given by the judges. Then calculate the average of the remaining five … | |
Hello, I am a java/database rookie. I am attempting to find some information on how to link an access database to a java application that my company runs. I know this is possible, but does anyone know any tips, or even where to start? Thank you in advance. | |
G'day, I just want to ask how could i run a set up for a MySQL DB through Java. For example, when installing the application, I need to check if MySQL is installed, and if not, install it. OR, how would I go about checking for a registry for mysql … | |
I'm baffled by a recent discovery with one of my programs. I'm still in beta testing, so this was a good time to catch the issue. But it seems that, when installed on a 64-bit system, the data files are simply [I]not written[/I]. If you are running a 64-bit system, … | |
I'm having trouble figuring out a few different methods that I'm putting into a constructor. Any chance for advice? I'm having trouble with the last 3 near the bottom. I want to compare two name variable to each other to see if they are the same regardless of case, then … | |
hey guys, How to convert the lat/long (in decimal) to x,y pixel. my map has a height and width of 800,500 thnx regards, Nishan | |
Hi all, I've been trying to do this for a few hours now, I've seen several suggestions that castin the toArray() method to a (String[]) should work but this results in runtime errors for me. Code is below, any help would be appreciated. Error is with the getStudents() method, there … | |
we have a case study to accept user input or should i say... INPUTS from user input :: must not exceed 5 digits. when the user inputs 0 (zero) .. it will reverse his inputs from before. how can i reverse them?? can this could do the job? [CODE]public static … | |
I have a project to create a game. This is my code since i am the way improvement. But now i face a problems is, when i run the code and play it, there have a bug and i don't know how to fix it, pls help me. When i … | |
[code] private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ShellWindows shellwindows = new ShellWindows(); string filename; foreach (InternetExplorer ie in shellwindows) { // Get the document mshtml.IHTMLDocument document = ((mshtml.IHTMLDocument)ie.Document); // Get the script object. object script = document.Script; filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ie.FullName).ToLower(); if (filename.Equals("iexplore") && ie.Document.parentWindow.name = "Test") { // Make … | |
Can some one help me in find out which other threads are created as we start our main program, like "main" thread will be followed by "Finalizer" and then followed by "Reference Hanndler" etc. It may be System threads. But my questions is how i came to know and starting … | |
For homework, we have to find the time complexity class of certain algorithms and explain why it has that certain complexity class. So, I have a couple of questions: - Why is the first running time always so much longer than the ones after? (setting up the application or something??) … | |
Our professor decided to give us a really hard assignment in our 2nd week in the course. I really have no clue where to start. Requirements Writing reusable code to check a user name and password can be a challenging task. Three major things can change between one password checker … | |
Hi all, Me again. I am having issues with a looping program. My current issue right now is that it wont compile, it keeps saying i need another perentheses at line 20. This program is suppose to calculate the investment and show for every year. The year and amount of … | |
Hello everyone, i have a problem using the replaceAll method and i hope that somebody can help. I want to remove substrings (sub) from a string (message). The message string looks like that: prop(ag1,0,1,4,5)/prop(ag2,2,5,3,3)/prop(ag1,0,1,4,5).... I want to take each prop(...) and put it in a list, but not the duplicate … | |
I'm now studing Object Oriented programming course,and I want to do a gui and implement all rules of object oriented programming in it . so what's the best recommend language to do gui other wise library swing in java ?? | |
I had an assignment to create a calculator in two ways, 1) Method returning values. 2) Method without returning values. I've done this with methods returning values but how could i add, subtract, divide , multiply without returning a value from methods ? [CODE]import java.io.*; class first{ int a=5,b=2,c; public … |
The End.