15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for MDanz

i have a php code in a div. I'd like to cancel clicking on that div, until the page loads. i'm having the problem if i click on the div too fast which calls a popup div... it doesn't get the content from the php.. so it is a blank …

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for fawad123

My problem is very easy. I have written the following PHP code to generate the arrays of textareas: for ($i=0; $i<length; $i++) { echo '<textarea type="text" name="username'. $i.'" cols="60" rows="4" onkeydown="check_username(this.form.username'. $i. '.value)">'. $sentences_data [$i]. '</textarea> <span id="username_label"></span><br/>'; } The Java function is function check_username(username) { if (ajax) { ajax.open('get','testuser.php?username=' …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for ShArKss

Hey Guys, So I'm making a webpage that has a form that is based on the selected section of the website... And I got a few questions/issues. [LIST] [*]Is it normal that I have to make a different name for a value from a section that needs a javascript (line …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for brenton_77

I am currently trying to create a live search box that as I type it will start displaying results that match. Here is an example [url]http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_aja...p?output=print[/url] but it retrieves its data from an XML file, I need mine to retrieve from a column called FirstName within a table of an …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for bbman

Hey, I am looking to have a menu similar to the one on: [url]http://maplestory.nexon.net/[/url] I want it so that whenever any menu item is hovered, a whole menu shows. Anybody know how I would go about doing this? Thanks a lot

Member Avatar for whinkz_zl16

[quote=peter_budo;269339]another think to keep in mind, if you take that script from somebody site it may not work properly/ at all because it need some data[/quote] hi,, i'm whinkz,,hmm juz wanna ask u how to run javascript program properly?,,,,i was juz doing a school report,,, i dont have any idea …

Member Avatar for dibakar borgoha
Member Avatar for Roshan_Jain

please help@ i plugin the thuderbird to my java class and now i want to store the thunderbird send ,save ...mails to local database how i can be connect thunderbird to database for this.

Member Avatar for SerjSagan

I have a table with a bunch of check boxes, this is not a plug: (found at [url snipped]), I am trying to figure out how to store each checkbox's value in real time (there is no "Submit" button). I run jQuery through my site and was thinking that PHP/jQuery …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for bapu435

i am developing a website in html in which the contactus page i have to connect to ms access database i am not able to get it ,can any one tell me how to get that one.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for sureshrajanmca

cannot close the page in mozilla, so i set dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows true manually. then i used window.close() its works fine. my problem is, i want to set dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows enable true automatically using javascript code, its possible are not?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for niths

Hi all, i am having a page wer we can see a dropdown of projects and below that list of users with check box. so wen we select a project from dropdown,the page gets refresh and the assigned users for that project wil be shown as checked. this is done …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for eswaramoorthy

Hi, I have problem in rich:hotkey when using JQuery i have used rich:hotKey for h:inputText in my jsp page. And also i wrote jQuery for get the textBox value. When i use jquery, that time rich:kotKey not worked [CODE] <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" …

Member Avatar for eswaramoorthy
Member Avatar for Batoul88

Can anyone Help me ??? I need css style like in the picture bellow???? thanks alot......... [ATTACH]15283[/ATTACH]

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for ms_sws

I would have "thought" it would be a simple thing to get the (unformatted) text in each cell of a dynamic table but I have failed to solve this problem. So...I have a table that the user can dynamically load with data. They click an add button to insert a …

Member Avatar for ms_sws
Member Avatar for tech.b

hey buddy i read this code of urs on one of the threads my concern is tht i need to to atore the data form each row in the table into an array..... or a srting..... could u please help me with this??? <script type="text/javascript"> # function showContent() { # …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for rahul8590

I recently herd the buzz about JSON and stuff was also saw the coding style , but still i am not able to appreciate it . Well i am working in python web framework (not Django) and also using templating language. when i wrote a program to just to add …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for smith32

hello, can u plz help me?? I can't run the javascript on Mozilla nad IE(can run on Chrome) I don't know why. I think my javascript has some problem. Here is my code ..... [CODE]<script> function check() { if(document.getElementById("name").value==""||document.getElementById("address").value==""||document.getElementById("phone").value==""||document.getElementById("email").value==""||document.getElementById("username").value==""||document.getElementById("passwd").value==""||document.getElementById("passwd2").value==""){ alert("You need to complete the form"); } else continue; } function …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ekseks

Here is a sample of our project which involves counting votes, the problem is that we implemented a pop-up window thus clicking a submit button to be able to vote (which is in the pop-up window) well what our problem is that we need to increment or rather add +1 …

Member Avatar for ekseks
Member Avatar for printsmarter

we've got an issue on our new test site that i'd like you to be able to solve; we have product pages; example page: [url]http://www.printsmarter.co.uk/newPrinttest/34-Brochures.html[/url] there is a selection of menus on the screen that you can change select different options to show you a price. issue is as follows; …

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for adobe71

I want to create Google Custom Search TextBox that has background image and image disappears on onmouseclick and appears back on onmouseout. What is the code behiend it.Pls write the code. [B]THANX[/B]

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ekseks

Can someone give me a simple code of hovering my mouse into a picture in a html then the picture automatically has a white light fade on it thanks... I've been searching over the internet and they're just giving me a fade effect... I just wanted a simple white highlight …

Member Avatar for ekseks
Member Avatar for wemustdesign

I have a form, I have successfully passed the username from jquery [CODE] $.post("http://www.photographycourses.co.uk/cpl/cplfunctions.php?action=checkUsername", { username: username} ); [/CODE] to php script. The php script checks the database to see if the username exists: [CODE] if ($num >=1){ echo= 0; }else{ echo= 1; } [/CODE] How do I pass the …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for zaki_bwz

Hello. i have a trouble with my php and javascript code. I want to get database from form that use javascript that use onSubmit as form validator. It work when i refer to another page as addDb.php then add to database. I want to stay on current page then php …

Member Avatar for blackhole
Member Avatar for shawtee6875

INDEX.html Home Page 1. There is a banner ad at the top of the index page called banner1.jpg. Create a cycling banner ad using the 3 banner ad images supplied on the disk (bannerad1.jpg, bannerad2.jpg and bannerad3.jpg). Add a link to bannerad2 that will take the user to [url]www.example.com[/url] and …

Member Avatar for shawtee6875
Member Avatar for SerjSagan

I have a table with a bunch of check boxes, this is not a plug:(found at [url]http://www.enhancementresearch.com/penis-enlargement.htm[/url]), I am trying to figure out how to store each check boxes value in real time (there is no "Submit" button). I run jQuery through my site and heard that simple data storage …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for Pityu

Hey yo developers outta there. Mine is a simple question as this: How could I create rotation for IE? I know there's the filter function for this, but that can't rotate 45 degrees. So, if it is necessary I change my css rotate technics, to a jQuery or something. Now …

Member Avatar for Pityu
Member Avatar for fawad123

I have tested following code and it works fine in IE but not Mozilla: var ajax = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { ajax = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e1) { try { ajax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) {} …

Member Avatar for fawad123
Member Avatar for elneco

Hello Daniweb, i am having problems with the second button in my rather simple nav. i looked over the code a couple times but i can't seem to figure out why the hover is behaving teh way it is...perhaps someone with fresh eyes can help me out?? my nav: [url]http://elneco.biz/mynav/yeah.html[/url] …

Member Avatar for elneco
Member Avatar for shailendra_agra

Hello, Answer me I am adding multiple function onload in the body. IE showing the correct result but mozilla showing the problem like it showing the last function result in all function results. <body id="body" onload="showUser1('taj-mahal');showUser('taj-mahal');showUser2('taj-mahal');"> can anybody help on this,what is the problem??? and how to short out

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cloud09

In IE7 only, I have an issue with disappearing elements/styling. First, my h3 header disappears. The space that it occupies is partially there, but not text is visible, nor is the background or the bottom-border assigned to it. In addition, other divs below the h3 are missing their bottom-border. However, …

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The End.