15,127 Topics
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Hello, I'm trying to get some help on a problem I'm having with my iframe and forms. I have a form that is brought into a hidden iframe. Now I can't seem to get the form to submit? I am guessing this is the case because of how the content … | |
Hello All, I'm trying to force my users to close a popup window before they can return to the Parent window. I more or less want to "lock" the parent window and force the user to fill in the info on the popup and hit submit, which in turn will … | |
I'm trying to make a calculator in javascript. The buttons are already working, but I don't know how to separate the first input from the second input. We're not allowed to use global variables so I can't use the "flag" thing. please help, here's my code so far. thanks! [CODE] … | |
While saving the html code, I accidentally saved my code as encrypted code. I don't remember what did I do. More importantly, Now I dont' now decrypt it. Please help me make it return as html code. Thank a lot! [CODE] 3C 21 44 4F 43 54 59 50 45 … | |
What I'm trying to do is import a list of addresses from an xml file and display them in a google map. When each marker is clicked, a window will appear with the address and a name given from the xml. So far, I've gotten the code to work, with … | |
I want to install a site glossary using tooltip popups. No problem finding tooltip popup scripts. But obviously I don't want to code the same word every time it comes up on different pages to make it use the js. Ideally I want to have a txt file with word+definition … | |
Zend Technologies today is set to announce a series of alliances intended to allow its PHP framework and development environment to work with other widely deployed RIA technologies from Adobe, Dojo and IBM. In a keynote speech at [url=http://www.zendcon.com/ZendCon08/public/content/home]ZendCon[/url], the company's annual PHP developer conference in Cupertino, Calif., Zend CEO … | |
Hi all; i have script below i would like to ask why there var step=1; outside the function works but inside not anyone explain me pls thanks beforehands [CODE]<html><head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var image1=new Image() image1.src="bir.jpg" var image2=new Image() image2.src="iki.jpg" var image3=new Image() image3.src="uc.jpg" //--> </script> </head> <body> <img src="bir.jpeg" … | |
Hey everybody, thought I'd let you know about a JavaScript framework I released lately called SceneJS. Here's the "elevator pitch": [QUOTE]SceneJS is an open source JavaScript framework that allows you to program hardware-accellerated 3D scenes that run in the Web browser without plugins. SceneJS operates on top of the WebGL … | |
hi, i want to make a [B]gallery[/B], i should display photos by using Next and Preview buttons, also the photos should be [B]zoom in [/B]and [B]zoom out [/B]but [U]the border of the photos must be fix [/U], the page should have a [B]textbox that is disable [/B]for showing the real … | |
how many data(string) can we pass using GET method in ajax? i want to pass 10 strings to the servlet and add it to the database... | |
what is wrong in the below code? i am not able to write in div er [CODE]function check() { var pass,confirm; pa=document.chg_pwd.pass.value; confir=document.chg_pwd.confirm.value; if(pa!=confir) { return true; } else { return false; } } function val() { var pass=document.chg_pwd.old.value; if(pass==="" || pass==null ) { return false; } else { return … | |
Hello everyone, I'm still pretty new to javascript and require a little help. Basically, I wrote my first script, which was designed for innerHTML, and tann I found a website which showed me a few things. It showed me how to use two links per harder, one shown, one hidden, … | |
In the following code I just want to disable the textbox if “other Amount is selected”, radio element 7. I have been working at this too long cause I can’t see the problem. Can someone point out what I am doing incorrectly [Code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" … | |
Hi, I have a problem with IE7 (Works fine in FireFox!). I'm sending a Jquery AJAX POST request to get option values from a PHP script. The php script returns a bunch of the following: [code]<option value='x'>xxx</option>[/code] Ajax also sends a value to the PHP script, so if that value … | |
Hi All! I found a simple star-rating system based on mootools, dhtml and css. It seems to work fine with one exception that I just can't seem to figure out. You set it up as in the following:[code] <td class='td_stars'> <ul id="price" class="rating onestar"> <li id="1" class="rate one"><a href="#" title="1 … | |
how to create login page using ajax? i know whether to show valid or invalid in the same page.......... but how to redirect to same different page wen its and valid? | |
[CODE]<select name="splace" onchange="eval(this.value)"> <option value="javascript:show_loc('1');">Chennai</option> <option value="javascript:show_loc('2');">Coimbatore</option> </select>[/CODE] In the above code, in the option the value property is given as a javascript. Since in IE the onclick function doesn't work I've placed onchange in the select and then given the javascript in the option value. Now to save the … | |
I need to make a password in php and javascript (with html) so that if the user wants the password to be 6 digits long, then the password is y0z0z2z4z6y2z0z2z4z6y4z0z2z4z6y6z0z2z4z6… If the password is 4 digits long, then the password is y0z0z2z4y2z0z2z4y4z0z2z4. THESE ARE NOT RANDOM NUMBERS. There is a … | |
I know this sounds so stupid, but it's a project that I am working on. I need to develop an application where people can upload a picture of themself and then it will add a wig to their picture over their hair. I just don't know how the code scans … | |
Hi, I am trying to open the Jquery Dialog box using VB.NET. [B]After the data has been saved successfully[/B], I need the dialog box to show up with the message to the user. Also allow user to perform some other actions like clicking the buttons. If I call the same … | |
Hello, I am attempting to customize the following script in the head portion of my page, based on a url parameter. The url parameter is being evaluated by a different script (proven by "alert" code), but the "galleryURL" variable is not being generated upon page load. Please help! Thank you. … | |
Hi I am a Ajax noobie and need a little help with a simple ajax mysql problem I have a php page witha ajax function that calls a php page and in the php page I run a mysql select I then pass the result back to the page that … | |
Hi i am not so good with javascript so i really dont know the best way do do what i want to do. want to make a form that allows people to add and delete rows with javascript but it just doesn't work the way i would like. javascript is … | |
Hi, I am trying to create a private chat from hacking some opensource chat room. All going well to a point. I am trying to use some basic AJAX (noobie) to insert a field into a mysql db. It is doing what I want it to do mysql wise but … | |
How do you save a session value in JavaScript? Please help! Sally | |
hi all, and respect for seniors & experts, i m a free lancer vb6 programmer and wants 2 shift 2 web development. i m very much confused as 2 which combination of technologies 2 opt. to opt for open source or not., which client side technology and which server side. … | |
Hi all I've been trying to find a jquery list selection solution along the lines of the following. I want to have two boxes. One on the left that holds all the options to choose from and a box on the right that holds the options selected in the left … | |
Hello, I have this in my CSS: [code] #contentbox a{ font-weight: bold; color: #c8a468; cursor: pointer; }[/code] And want to change the color with Javascript's function: document.getElementById, but when I use document.getElementById('contentbox a').style.color= "#d05048", I get an error that it doesn't know 'contentbox a'. I tried multiple things and searched … | |
I'm not good with AJAX but am trying to learn for this project. I've picked apart many galleries, some of which are kind of similar to this idea, but surprisingly I haven't found one that is actually just like this... [IMG]http://www.22graphics.com/slideshow-concept.jpg[/IMG] In case above image isn't loading or right side … |
The End.