15,688 Topics
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Hi I am new to ajax but i have done one simple menu program using ajax i created one index page with menus if i click each menu i want that linked page in the same window now i am getting as a separate window that is i want to … | |
Hello everyone, please tell me how to disable print-screen option in mozilla firefox to save my web page. | |
Hello, I added some filtering and pagination functionality to a large table with JQuery. It runs fine if I access it locally on the server. But it runs very slowly if I access it over the internet. I don't understand this. I thought all javascript execute in the browser. Why … | |
Hi I use Visual 08 ASP.NET C# and JavaScript I would like to do the following validation on a text box the length MUST be 12 characters long in the following format LLLLLLNNNNNN Where L = Letters N = Numbers if the users input does not match the required format … | |
hi all, I am using one javascript function for confirmation in submitting link in database. As we know there is two option comes for confirmation for YES and NO. But when i am clicking NO button then it is submitting the request . But i want when i click only … | |
hi, i am very new AJAX.i have some assignment. if i am clicking any menus means target location must be in [B]PARENT ITSELF[/B].it should not open another windows.As like frameset,but i dont need to use frameset.I want to use AJAX with javascript............ please give me a sample coding. | |
I want to write to input and click submit on a form, but don't know how to access the elements, given an id. Help :D | |
Hi, this error on IIS 6.0 (windows 2003 standart). Same code work at different server(iis). i think, update java script or install extension. | |
Is it possible to iterate through an anonymous array of strings with a for loop? Here's what I'm trying to do:[code]for ( i in ['country', 'city', 'state'] ) { doSomethingWithString(i); }[/code] What I want is the string, but what I'm getting is the index number of the array, which I … | |
Hello all. I am unable to solve two problems when creating a contacts form using dreamweaver CS3. My other problem is posted under the heading, "Setting text field to accept only alphabetical characters". For this posting, can someone please tell me how to modify my code, pasted below, so that … | |
Hi guys, currently i faced a problem that is i need to add some extra text into HTML Editor (AJAX) but i fail to get the text cursor location, have anyone can tell me how to solve it?? | |
Apologies for the huge post! I am having trouble with ajax right now on my site: (This site is only a first draft and has a few nav problems with the flash - will sort it soon) My main problem is I have an Ajax code on the index page … | |
Ok, I use apache web server to host a club website within a school network. Now I need a script to display the ip address of my web sever because it is constantly changing. Is there scrip that will perform this function. note: the site only works within the school … | |
Hi, I made this test page: [url]www.wearwolfdesign.com/index.php[/url] In Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer and Google chrome it works perfectly all look slightly different but acceptable. The problem is in FF the text at the top looses all it's format and goes a horrible font with no positioning. The second issue is … | |
I want the cursor to be in a particular textbox when the page loads. I achieved it using document.formname.formname.focus() But the textbox has a default text. And i want it to disappear once the user starts typing. how can i get rid of this default test ? | |
I've try to figure it since 3 days a go..:-( and sorry for my english. what i want to do is displaying a random link on my conduit toolbar and it change randomly everytime EBNavigateComplete event occur. EBNavigateComplete is just one of conduit's event. It works fine on my firefox … | |
hi, i am currently working on aptana studio nokia wrt plugin to develop a mobile widget where i need to retrieve data from database. i've created a java servlet in eclipse to connect and execute query to the ms sql server 2005 database. in aptana, i am using js file … | |
I am trying to populate a drop down list in an HTML form that pulls it's data from a datbase. Basically, the users can manage the values via a differnt interface, but the web page will present what ever values are in a given list. I can make the list … | |
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hi to all i am new to ajax. i have create menus and that menu i gave a link on that link page i want to design a form and submit the form after submitting the form the action of the submit button has be done and the form only … | |
I know this must be simple because I cannot find a reference to it. I would like to use javascript to load the background-color value of a table row into a css file. The background will vary depending on which menu option is chosen. To hopefully clear this up, the … | |
Hi guys, I am facing a weird problems which is i am fail to get cursor position at DIV at IE8 but work at IE7 or IE6. Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem. | |
Hi i am new to ajax but i want to do one small concept in ajax i have all the menus designed in html if i click the menus i want to go to the particular page but that page should not open as a separate window i want my … | |
Help my blog comment form and button are not appearing. Whats wrong? [url]http://codisarc.blogspot.com/[/url] <a href="http://codisarc.blogspot.com/2009/10/finally-results-are-in.html#comments"location.href=http://codisarc.blogspot.com/2009/10/finally-results-are-in.html#comment-form;> 0</a> </style> <link rel="me" href="http://www.blogger.com/profile/11763506196893470340" /> <link rel="openid.server" href="http://www.blogger.com/openid-server.g" /> <!-- --><style type="text/css">@import url([url]http://www.blogger.com/static/v1/v-css/navbar/697174003-classic.css);[/url] div.b-mobile {display:none;} </style> P.S I get this Error... [quote]Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; … | |
Hi I have a page with a bunch of divs set to display:none with 70kb background images. As buttons are clicked the divs are displayed. The background images are specified in an external stylesheet, pc firefox, mac ff, mac safari and every real browser ignors them until the div is … | |
Hi, I am not sure if what I am trying to do can be done, but basically I want to add/edit/delete information in a text area from inputs. I know how to add from inputs to text area but I am struggling with the edit and delete. [CODE] <script language="javascript" … | |
[CODE] <embed id="test" src="http://*.***.**********.com/images/****_*****/********/*************.swf?gsiUrl=www&version=103&quality=low&location=forum" width="200" height="100" allowScriptAccess="always" play="true" wmode="window" loop="true" quality="medium" [COLOR="#ff0000"] flashVars="userEnvironmentId=[COLOR="Red"]2962041[/COLOR]"[/COLOR] type="application/x-shockwave-flash" class="forum-flash-sigs" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> </embed> [/CODE] i want to change the value with a button [CODE] <input type="button" class="button" value="tank number" onclick="load1()" id="jtn"/> <input type="button" class="button" value="tank number" onclick="load2()" id="jtn"/> <script type="text/javascript"> function load1() {document.getElementById('test')userEnvironmentId=.value=37656; } function load2() … | |
![]() | Hi, the site [url]http://932gs.co.cc/secure_site.html[/url] loads fine for ie and chrome/chromium but for some reason the javascript wont load, can people verify this and if it is true, how can I fix it? ![]() |
With all the libraries available that have emerged, Java and Ajax applications practically build themselves these days. This week Java tool maker Instantiations added support for Ext GWT to [url=http://www.instantiations.com/gwtdesigner/]GWT Designer 7.2[/url], the latest version of its Eclipse-based drag-and-drop GUI-building environment that can be had for as little as $5 … | |
I am currently working on a small script that allows people to insert BB-codes to edit their text. They are able to click a button (for example underline) and then the bb-code will appear at the end of the textfield-value. How can i retrieve the current position of the cursor … |
The End.