15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for sharao

i am checking the checkbox is checked r not by using following code.... if the condition is true i have to checked another box in runtime using docuemnt.form... or document.getElementById like...document.form.chkbox2=checked like that... [CODE]if(document.form.chkbox1.checked){ // }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for sharao
Member Avatar for simons24

i need open source for dropdownlist for country,state and city as same as in below link [url]http://www.genuinematrimony.com/register.php[/url]

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for RobRob666

I already have 3 Javascripts working that I trigger within my <td>'s like this: [code]<td onMouseOver="mover(this)" onMouseOut="mout(this)" onClick="mclick('test.html')">Test Button</td>[/code] I have now coded up 1 Javascript function to handle all 3 events (using if statements). But how do I trigger the calling of that function inside my <td>'s? I was …

Member Avatar for RobRob666
Member Avatar for mukandknit

Hi, I have been trying for having pop up menu inside textarea while typing on it. while typing, it takes the text from the textarea and should display 4-5 options in textarea at the point of typing and if we select any option , it replaces the word being typed …

Member Avatar for naziatarannum

Hi All, Please help me in this. I'm a new member. I have a page with grid view appearance, data is coming in from table. For each column of the grid I have a button to sort data in asc/desc order of that particular column. I did this: <recordset_name>.Sort="<column_name> DESC" …

Member Avatar for enireka108

i am doing an assignment in programming javascript...and i'm stuck in a problem. It asks to automize a system over the internet to rent a car. the company has overall 8 cars from which 4-are air conditioned and 4- are not. the program should ask the user to press 1 …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for mohamed1

hello every one sorry if my activity not very well at last few days :icon_rolleyes: I need function 2 remove spaces if more than one and to merge lines into one line like this [COLOR="Green"]we still here where are you [/COLOR] into [COLOR="Red"]we still here where are you[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for psomashekhar

i'm trying to detect the host so that the print function if detected WSH print should call WScript.Echo(obj) if detected Rhino print should call java.lang.System.out.println(obj.toString()) if detected Browser create a console for output using Javascript/DOM and print should call like console.print(obj.toString()) or console.innerHTML = obj.toString()... is there anyone who can …

Member Avatar for hollatola

Has anyone ever done what is called eproject in school before ?,can someone xplain and clue about eproject pls thanxz.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Xessa

Hello guys. I have a callable statement which runs and gets a value from the database. I have registeroutparameter which turns an integer value. I got to alert that value on screen. In java code everything works fine and i can print it on screen. But i can not turn …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for sivak

i want to know all the javascript function in c# .net ..can anyone send me the link or material plz

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for nigelburrell

I am building a website for users that exist around the world and need to show the user's "local machine" time and timezone, not the time of the website host server. Is there a javascript function or process to determine this?

Member Avatar for nigelburrell
Member Avatar for xylude

I am pretty new with javascript, and I am making a page that has divs that change an image when rolled over. It works in Live View in Dreamweaver, and in Safari (couldn't test in IE because I'm on a Mac), but not in Firefox. Here's what I got in …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Xessa

Hello people i have a textbox and i have its size 20 and its maxlength = 11. it does show it in the textbox while writing, but it lets me insert 15 digit number to my database. i type 12345123451 (it shows in my textbox) then i type 9999(it doesn't …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for kingben

Hi. I am serving the contents of the page based on the navigation anchor links. e.g. [url]http://somesite.com/index.html#home[/url] will serve the home page contents. [url]http://somesite.com/index.html#about[/url] will serve the about page contents. The contents are stored in contents.php page and are written in the below tag inside index.html [code=html] <div id=contents> <!-- …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for NetMyMate

Which is the best popup image viewer (Facebox, Fancybox...)? I need a good looking, powerful one. Thanks in advance!!!

Member Avatar for rishabhv
Member Avatar for nish123

Hello Frndz i m in complete mess... i have to a table with Add/Remove rows features... it should look like this - [code]textbox1 | textbox2 | Add Button[/code] after clicking the add button Row will append and Disable the textbox with values...!!! It looks like this after clickin Add Button.. …

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Member Avatar for goldy736

hi guys, i have a php page with java script embed in it , i have 3 forms in a [B]single page [/B]... namely form1, form2, form3 . form 1 and form2 have a text box , these text boxes get input from users. Now my task is to get …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for melektaus55

I have problem with the responseText property in Safari, Google Chrome and IE. Line 68 - the responseText is empty. This works fine in Firefox and Opera. Also i have this problem with the responseText only in the block that starts at line 61. I don't have problem with the …

Member Avatar for crokusek
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi all, I am making a web page in which i want to use to dates one for "FROM" field and other for "TO". But i want to for this calendar should not show backdate means it will show all dates after today but it will not show yesterday date …

Member Avatar for ablitz
Member Avatar for acplayer

I am having a problem with a select that is showing thru an opaque div. See attached image(sorry, but this is an internal client app and I cannot show more). The blue horizontal line on top is the edge of DIV that I am displaying containing the text you see. …

Member Avatar for acplayer
Member Avatar for mnealmneal

Hello, Wonder if there is a way to have my Drop-Down box selections create individule single row/dual colume tables for each item that was selected from the drop-down box. An example would be: 1: I selected 3 items from my drop-down box at one time (my drop-down box allows multiple …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for mnealmneal

Hi all, I am very new to this but have look some of the examples of deleting tables and or rows with Java. The only problem is that all examples I have seen talke about one table and one or more buttons. What I needs to do is have 4 …

Member Avatar for hardik.rajani
Member Avatar for xide007

Hello everyone, I wrote this AJAX script to process a php file to remove data from a MySQL database, but for some odd reason it isn't working so I've come here for some help, hopefully someone on here will be able to guide me to solving this issue :) Here's …

Member Avatar for anisa

Hello everyone, i need help with a this choice i made to implement button swapping. Basically, the idea is : you have two buttons, each of them links to different pages and is represented by an image (a button of course). When one button is clicked i want it to …

Member Avatar for jcacquiescent27
Member Avatar for jrconstance

I am working on a registration form for a conference. The form has several sections of radio buttons and checkboxes and I would like to have it set up so that if a radio button or checkbox is selected the price related to that selection shows up in the rigjt …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for sanjaypandit

i have a problem. i have a folder named jadu, there are various images . i want to show them in the a page. what i did its here [code=php]<? $path = "images"; $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path"); echo "Directory Listing of $path<br/>"; while($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for gromf

Hello. I've been using a very helpful AJAX-based script called [URL="http://www.gayadesign.com/diy/ajaxtwits-load-tweets-on-your-website-with-ajax/"]AJAXTwits[/URL] to load multiple Twitter timelines for a sports team into a div. The nice thing about the script is that it (1) combines multiple timelines into one chronological timeline and (2) caches the xml for faster loading. Every so …

Member Avatar for gromf
Member Avatar for drugoholic

Hello, I'm having a problem understanding why would a form I built before would stop working now. Basically I have some javascript functions that are being called in a reservation form with 2 buttons. This is the JS code: [code]var bgMemory; // save color information var fgMemory; var statusinfo = …

Member Avatar for sysel
Member Avatar for aashishn86

hiii i have a field called DRIVE ACCESS under it user enters PATH DATE what i want is that when user click on + two new boxes open which allow him to enter the details for second DRIVE basically i want to enter text boxes dynamically using javascript.... any ideas …

Member Avatar for Luckychap

The End.