15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for bgagan911

Hi there guys..!! Well what I'm looking for is.. [IMG]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/IMG] Basically I want to have an HTML POP-UP Window, which would contain a FLASH File of the RESOLUTION "800x622". I want to have Google ads on both sides and at the bottom too. It's easy to define a layout for …

Member Avatar for bgagan911
Member Avatar for csj16

I am trying to use the following script for something. [IMG]http://www.kirupa.com/forum/images/smilies/hugegrin.gif[/IMG] [URL="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/thumbnail2.htm"]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamici...thumbnail2.htm[/URL] What I have done with this script is that I have a few "loadareas" where the images show up. So basically I have 3 load areas. "loadarea1", "loadarea2" and "loadarea3". In each load area the default image is …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Hellodear

Dear Guys, I am a newb in javascript. I have a question, please help me out! Please make this is in Javascript. [COLOR=blue]Q1. Design a webpage to operate a simpe arithmetic calculator that accepts two numbers and performs the calculation (Hint: create three text boxes - two for operands and …

Member Avatar for Hellodear
Member Avatar for amtallah

hi, please i want to make function java script that check if user enter empty string([U][B](" ") more one space)[/B][/U] or no if yes prevent this string from submit to database (this string will enter to database) i know there are function trim() can remove empty string from text but …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Seb_london

Hi Guys, Does anyone know how to remove the space between the paragraphes when creating a new element <p>? (see the example below). [URL]http://www.mozilla.org/docs/dom/technote/intro/example.html[/URL] Thanks!

Member Avatar for AnzJ
Member Avatar for Dani

I am calling a JS file with a [INLINECODE]<script src=...>[/INLINECODE] tag in the header. It's a rather large file. The thing is, there is one function in the file that needs a query parameter, and I therefore must pass it to the file, making the file not really cachable. Should …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for thirunavukaras
Member Avatar for thirunavukaras

Hai i created one ascx (Usercontrol)...file the user control file contain one panel and one check box if i go to click the check box the panel backcolor will change the panel control inside check box i want using javascript how to change the panel bgcolor pl help me.............

Member Avatar for MidiMagic

In every book I have on HTML, it shows a database or other file associated with a form. I want to use form elements with JavaScript to control the web pages themselves, without the use of an external file. Can this be done?

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for obscured47

Hey, sorry if this is a really stupid question but i'm a bit in a hurry, got this coursework due tomorrow and i realised there are some problems with my code. I have a text area where the user can type a message and change the font-family, font-style, font-size etc …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I want to understand the difference in parameter passing between the three methods used: - Returning an array in the return statement. (variable a in the code below) - Returning an array copied as a unit from another array. (variable c in the code below) - Returning an array, each …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for mahesh_gupta024

I am developing a small Embedded webserver with some webpages written in CGI, so that whenever I execute a CGI, the code in Webserver will be executed and HTML content is sent to browser. Now if I press refresh continusly only half the page is being displayed on the browser. …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for amtallah

hi i make textarea for user to insert your comment on topic and press submit to enter comment in database , problem i want to privant user to write empty string and press submit to enter it in database and i want to make this validation on textarea or submit …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for SAMSEIED

I am trying to make this lunch menu work in the past few weeks and I have not been able to make it run. I am using firefox's dubug , but there is no bugs. your help is truly appreciated Here it is <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>SAM'S DINNER MENU</TITLE><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!---Hide from non-JavaScript browsers//This …

Member Avatar for jay.smith
Member Avatar for diresaint

just a small thing i'd like this little bit of code to not need some selected text to function... in other words id like to be able to click on the insert button i have and have it just apear inline with where the cursor is in the text area …

Member Avatar for bosko
Member Avatar for CyberWrek

Please help! I've been putting together a webpage using CSS and a Javascript feature. Everything looks fine when I test the page from my PC. But when I upload it to my server, I get a bunch of odd symbols, like Asian writing. I had this happen ages ago to …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for aparnesh

Can I transfer some data, which the user enters into a pop up window, to the page which called the pop-up window ? The Main page is in a frame. When the user clicks a button on the main page, a pop-up opens showing some choices. After the user selects …

Member Avatar for godlike

can anyone point me in the right direction, i seem to have hit a hurdle i need to know what javascript code can be used to play the next file in an applet player once it has finished playing from a predefined list ( from a database selection)

Member Avatar for Dukane
Member Avatar for chewbacca810

i having been programming for 10+ years now, so I always try to adhere to good programming practices (variable naming, spacing, etc). Yet, almost every snippet of code for JS or PHP that you can pull up goes against those practices. even when writing JS or PHP, where var type …

Member Avatar for rgtaylor
Member Avatar for aparnesh

I have 3 SELECT elements, one of which contains text and the other two numbers. Values in all 3 selects are generated dynamically from ASP. The Option elements in the selects are being added by a Javascript Code like below [Code] var newOpt ; newOpt = document.CreateElement("option"); newOpt.text = <%=Value%> …

Member Avatar for aparnesh
Member Avatar for desiguru

I cant find a good solution for my fist java script class. Can someone help me here. The result is not showing up here. [code=javascript] <script language = "JavaScript"> document.write('<center><h3>-- Myname 23 -- ') myDate = new Date (); document.write(myDate.toLocaleString()); document.write('</h3></center><hr>'); </script> <script language = "JavaScript"> // Add, subtract, multiply, …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for enggars

Hello... I use javascript countdown timer in my page. Each time the page is being refreshed, the countdown is restarting. I blocked the F5 function to avoid the page being refreshed. It works, but it doesnt block the browser's refresh button. So what i gonna do is unblocked the F5, …

Member Avatar for enggars
Member Avatar for tefflox

I want to use javascript and php to make black dots appear on the screen. So far, I have the following code, which isn't working. What am I doing wrong? [code] function dots() { var dot = document.createElement("div"); dot.style = "position: relative; background-color: #000; height: 10px; width: 10px;"; document.body.appendChild(dot); }[/code]

Member Avatar for bosko
Member Avatar for PRSop2000

I'm trying to make a website that has a block of about 56 colors off to the right of a main image of a dress. You click a color block and it changes the dress to the picture of the dress in the color clicked. I cannot find any script …

Member Avatar for vickies
Member Avatar for tefflox

I'm learning javascript. My first idea has led to a problem. I'm trying to set up strings to load at random intervals on different parts of the page, but I don't know the right function to use with setTimeout(). I hear "don't use document.write" and "probably don't use innerHTML", but …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol

I'm getting some javascript that's causing slowdowns. It's stuck in an infinite loop or something. This is on Konqueror. Never happened before.

Member Avatar for clickbanners

Please can someone help, I would be most grateful for any help as I am new to this and I am really stuck.:( I used Javascript that I copied and pasted from the 'Google AdSense' on to my Freewebs.com page, now I cant edit my page. When I view my …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Mohandsa

[B][COLOR=royalblue]Dear All,[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=royalblue][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=royalblue]i write this html to get date in this format 4/1/2007 00:00:00[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=royalblue]but output is [COLOR=red]Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 UTC+0200 2007[/COLOR].[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=royalblue]please help me to convert it to this format 4/1/2007 00:00:00 to use it in select from al DB .:lol: [/COLOR][/B] [B]<html> <head> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function …

Member Avatar for richfeed
Member Avatar for SAMSEIED

Hi: I am designing this Dinner menu using Javascript, but when I up-load it, it only opens, the first pharase in green color that says dinner menu and it does not run which is suppose to show the menu for everyday's food.here is the codes, your help is apprecaited. <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>SAM'S …

Member Avatar for connor4312
Member Avatar for janda5

I have an Intel Pentium 166MHz w/MMX Computer and use Windows 98. A web site I was trying to access had this error message: "ERROR! JavaScript is required to use this site!" I then downloaded and installed JRE (Java Runtime Environment), Version 6, Update 1. I even customized my Security …

Member Avatar for The Dude

The End.