15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for dr_dumb99

Hi ! When I want to display following code by assigning it to $res["description"] , in the following mentioned way, it works fine and displays properly. The code is : /************START CODE*****************/ <script language=\"javascript\"> var uri = 'http://impgb.tradedoubler.com/imp/img/16173558/1014659?' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); document.write('<a href=\"http://clkuk.tradedoubler.com/click?p=37983&a=1014659&g=16173558&epi=$_SESSION[UID]\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"'+uri+'\" border=0></a>'); </script> …

Member Avatar for Mr Violent
Member Avatar for raywood5

I am building a site that has 3 main sections (Sec1, Sec2, Sec3) These 3 sections will be the main navigation going accross the top. On the home page will be a image approx 528 X 228. Each section will have a image relevant to the section. So when the …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus

Hi, I'm creating a page that has an ASP button that should delete a row of data from an SQL database. I want a javascript confirm window to appear to make sure the user [I]really [/I]wants to delete the information. I can set the button's OnClientClick property to "javascript:confirm('Are you …

Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus
Member Avatar for dr_dumb99

Hi! [html]<script language="javascript"> var myuid = 2; var uri = 'http://impgb.tradedoubler.com/imp/img/16173558/1014659?' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); document.write('<a href="http://clkuk.tradedoubler.com/click?p=37983&a=1014659&g=16173558&epi="'+myuid+'" target="_blank"><img src="'+uri+'" border=0></a>'); </script>[/html] My problem is that , var myuid is not replaced with value in the url. Kindly help me in this regard

Member Avatar for Lafinboy
Member Avatar for sujagr8

my coding is working well in IE not in mozillafirefox <html> <head> <title></title> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function displayHTML(printContent, text2,textn) { var inf = printContent; var vt2=text2 var vlabels=textn var tablestring='' var lnstr=text2.length; var vrows=1.5 var vroundrows=1.25 var vprintstr='' var vvalue=document.forms[1].fname.selectedIndex; var vovalue=document.forms[1].fname.options[vvalue].value var vfsize=document.forms[2].fsize.selectedIndex; var vofsize=document.forms[2].fsize.options[vfsize].value var vlbl=document.forms[0].lsize.selectedIndex; var textsize=document.forms[0].lsize.options[vlbl].value if(inf.length>30) …

Member Avatar for sujagr8
Member Avatar for lconvoy

Is there any way to view or access javascript portions of a web page from the linux shell? For example, I use curl to pull a web page that has text and javascript. The javascript portion does not show up, just the filename as it is in the source.

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for Ries

On a website I remeber seeing a news feature where the news would be a bar with a title and you clicked it and it would expand showing the message and other information and the code used was javascript:show but I don't understand how it works (as the news was …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for hinde

I am writing a feature for this company, and they want the pages to use AJAX. My question is this: Can I write the pages in php as usual, then enhance the page using AJAX techniques, or is the use of AJAX something I have to keep in mind from …

Member Avatar for LeProgrammeur
Member Avatar for mkumaresh_erode

Can any body help ! I would like to display a message when the user clicks on the "X" button of the browser. for that, I have used onUnload event and in that I am displaying an alert message. This works fine if I click "X". But, even if I …

Member Avatar for LiveWire

Hey guys, I thought I figured it out but I didn't. I decided to create an admimated gif of what I'm looking to do. Could someone help me out and get me going in the right direction? A Basic HTML code would be great as I know really nothing about …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for omesa

Hello everyone. I need to put a drop dropdown menu on items(such as a category)that is pulled from a database. I have used php+ mysql to pull the data. Can anyone tell me if I can include javascript so that when the mouse is over tha item and/or category, a …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ayajhane_dhagz

can javascript merge with php?...if so,how can we implement it... i had a hard time searching on that problem.... i made experiments but it doesn't work...hehe;)

Member Avatar for noppid
Member Avatar for ahr3n3

Hi, I urgently need someone's help. Any kind sou(s) will be greatly appreaciated. I've tried solving this problem for like three days. At first, my problem is I can't hide my sub-links. Now, I'm able to hide all of them. But it can't be showed when hovered. I understand that …

Member Avatar for ahr3n3
Member Avatar for J_Search

JavaScripters, This question is in regards to a JavaScript script within a PHP page. I included everything in case a complete understanding is required for a correct response. Thanks in advance. ****INFO**** Rater.php has a JavaScript script, which displays an interactive rating tool. It allows a user to slide a …

Member Avatar for J_Search
Member Avatar for adnan1888

i need to use the variables declared in javascript in asp.net saw a thread suggesting hidden textfields but that wud help in request or query strings what if i needed to use the value of a variable declared in javascript by fulfilling some condition into an INSERT COMMAND. the page …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm getting ready to take a stab at learning JavaScript. First, I guess it would be good to find out where I can snag a decent free compiler from. :idea: Thanks!

Member Avatar for BikBen
Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25

I happened to stumbled upon this website [url]http://www.tristarwebdesign.co.uk/[/url] whereby on the (near) top-left corner, the option of user being able to select text caught my attention. This could help the viewers of my website to select the tex-size they feel comfortable with. Similar JavaScript can be found in [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex9/textsizer.htm[/url] but …

Member Avatar for Gizmologic
Member Avatar for Oxiegen

Hi, all! I've been trying to pass a javascript variable to an asp.net webapp through a hidden input field. All according to post [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread26184.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread26184.html[/URL]. But something seems to be garbled. Here's what parts of my aspx code looks like. [code] ... [COLOR=#0000ff] var[/COLOR] src = document.documentElement.outerHTML; document.getElementById([COLOR=#800000]"pSource"[/COLOR]).Value = src; } …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for J_Search

All, Here is some JavaScript I found. It creates a small scrollbar, which allows a user to scroll though a series of 5 images. The images represent votes, and the user can then press a "Rate us" button in order to cast a vote. As you can see in the …

Member Avatar for J_Search
Member Avatar for neophyteprogram

Greetings, I maintain a web page for the engineering department where I work and I was trying to make a humorous tool for the web page. Basically it is a form with three categories... Good/Fast/Cheap. Good meaning - a work product that is correct/accurate/etc. Fast meaning on or ahead of …

Member Avatar for neophyteprogram
Member Avatar for gridsplicer

Hi there, I feel a bit awkward posting this question without a proper introduction of myself, also not being a developer or anything. But there's this nagging problem I have with my homepage. [URL="http://www.xs4all.nl/~nickelvd/"]Here it is[/URL] (Dutch only). As you can see (in other browsers than Firefox), there's a javascript …

Member Avatar for SeekAnswers

Good afternoon all, does anyone know how to connect to a SQL database, using Javascript? I only know how to do it in VBScript, and not Javascript, can anyone help, thanks... Have a nice day...

Member Avatar for william_stam
Member Avatar for symbollion

Hi.. All, I want to 'decrease' the execution time of my script... some persons told to me to use 'Timer' .. But I don't have good idea about 'Timer' and I am new for 'javaScript' so please tell me how can I 'decrease' my script execution time using 'Timer' So …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25

Is there any way in CSS (without using any JavaScript) which allows us to NOT to have scrollbars next to "certain contents" only. I'm getting my inspiration from this website: [url]http://www.tristarwebdesign.co.uk/templates/templates/infinity/index.html[/url] My very top space is for "company's logo" & I don't want a scroll bar appearing on the right …

Member Avatar for John.Nye
Member Avatar for symbollion

Hi..Friends ... when i use Firefox ,i get always 'Unresponsive Script' pop-up... and i know we can 'solve' this issue with the setting of 'dom.max_script_run_time=20' config variable(Type about:config in address bar)... But my problem is --- I want to change 'dom.max_script_run_time' through 'javascript' code ...means when i will run …

Member Avatar for John.Nye
Member Avatar for andyux

Any help or direction is appreciated - i have a script that can write(text) something, but i dont know how to get it to run another script- sorry, it sounds elemental, just learning- thanks! intead of when true or false write (text), i need to insert another script- so if …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Heartyn

Hi Friends, Is it possible to download a file from the server and save it in the local pc. If possible what is the steps to be followed. Plz reply me....................:?: Regards Heartyn

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for symbollion

I am getting 'Unresponsive Script' error in FireFox1.5.03...and to fix this problem i need to make my script 'Fast' can anybody help me ..how can i make my script 'Fast'.... i need to modify my script ..which take less time to execute.... can anybody help me with some 'code Example' …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for mofo89

Hey guys, I need a bit of help with my project. I am supposed to make a turtle graphics program that has a 50x50 grid and incorporates penup/pendown/up/down/left/right buttons. I've experimented with the concept and came up with a few ideas but i was just wondering how you might suggest …

Member Avatar for arnar

Hi everybody I have one question. I´m quite new to HTML programming, but have been dabbling with it. I have a website that has two dropdownlists (ASP.NET controls). One ddl is filled on Page_Load with the months available. The other I have filled with every week of the corresponding month …

Member Avatar for tgreer

The End.