15,688 Topics

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Member Avatar for oladiti4real

How can I build a responsive mobile app with PHP as a web developer, I'm a newbie in web development please and I wish to maintain apex growth in this field

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for esdrasb81

le has had a tendency of using their own ideas for descriptions - they have just started doing the same with title tags. The Titkle tags seem to have an affinity with the H1 tag so can be manipulated back to a degree. Descriptions are tougher

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Tierra

#include <iostream> using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ios; #include <iomanip> using std::fixed; using std::setw; using std::setprecision; using std::showpoint; int main() { const int PEOPLE = 5; const int PRODUCTS = 6; int sales[5][6]={{1},{2},{3},{4}}; double value; double totalSales; double productSales[ PRODUCTS ] = { 0.0 }; int salesPerson; int …

Member Avatar for Adnane_2
Member Avatar for loveboat

var mysqlstore = require('express-mysql-sessiion'); var app = module.exports = express(); var express = require('express'); var session = require('express-session'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var path = require('path'); var connection = mysql.createConnection({ host:'localhost', user:'root', password:'', databse:'mam_login' }); var app = express(); Good day all My code is giving me error: "can not …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Lynn_10

I just hired a developer in India to write an API upload script for my cloud server. He just finished it and it works fine for him, but I've tried it in all browsers and it doesn't work at all for me. I'm in the UK. What could cause this?

Member Avatar for Lynn_10
Member Avatar for sushmaja.arumalla.9

I have a tab structured view which consists of 5 different tabs. the content in all the 5 tabs were same, So i have reused the code and rendered the same code multiple times using knockout js. the problem here is that I have a datepicker control too. As the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for iscjm

This button page implements "window.open()" to open a new window. I would like to ask how I can automatically bring the button page to focus if I am browsing another page and the button page is not closed. I don't want to use "window.open" again to bring the button page …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for The Real Cedric

Trying to have a script built that locks the content until user refers a friend to signup, then they are granted access. They have a set amount of time, as a timer counts down or their account is deactivated. Its for a game we are creating and want to use …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Julia P.

HI!! How can I create an automatic numerical progression from 0 to 500,000 in html? The code I was given is this: <p><span style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;"><span style="text-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) 0px 3px 2px;"><sup>437</sup></span></span></p> how can i make the code progressive and automatic every three minutes? The progression I have …

Member Avatar for jedimatt
Member Avatar for kiranranjane

Write a javascript program to accept a number using prompt box and display whether the entered number is a perfect or not (use onclick event)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for joseph_59
Member Avatar for Cristical
Member Avatar for Vandu_1

9. Write a JavaScript program to generate n number of random numbers and store them in an array. Sort the generated numbers in ascending order using array sort method. Develop separate functions to find mean and median of numbers that are in the array. Display the results with appropriate messages.

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for patk570

Hi Everyone, I am looking for a way to add a username to confirm a seat choice for certain weeks, I already have the PHP Code to confirm the seat when choosing but on the image i would like for it to display the username so other people know its …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for RH_589

I made an ecommerce theme and threre register mini-cart.php by <?php echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_widget_cart_item_quantity', '<span class="quantity">' . sprintf( '%s &times; %s', $cart_item['quantity'], $product_price ) . '</span>', $cart_item, $cart_item_key ); ?> code but when I add product to cart its show empty,afte page reload shows product numbers

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for r4ds

Hello. I have this code. I want to show 'correcto' when 'response' is 'ola', but not working. I have this procedure to do it fails: -Change php response (echo) to number,, `echo "ola";` to `echo "25";` -Change javascript,, `if(response == 'ola')` to `if(response == 25)` <script src="jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script> $.ajax({ type: "POST", …

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Member Avatar for jkook

<html> <head> <title> Exercice 6</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello</h1> <script language= "java script"> var N=prompt("Choisissez entre: 1-addition et 2-multiplication",""); if (N==1) { document.write("<table border="2" align="center" rules="alls">"); for (var i = 0; i<=9 ; i++) { document.write("<tr>"); for (var j=0; j<=9; i++) { var s=i+j; document.write("<td>"+s+"</td>"); if (j%3==0) { document.write("</tr>"); } } …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Marty_3

It has been a few years since I actually did real coding... well a few years since i had a job for that. Just dumping about 1000 photos from a directory and want to display them. No magic of fancy stuff. Thanks

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ChrisJ

This code below works successfully to capture/record/play video - after camera access permission is granted - when the start button is selected. I'm trying to add the functionality where (after camera access is allowed) the camera view appears, without recording starting automatically (And have the camera view displayed while recording). …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for helloworld2021

hi everyone, i want to display content of div into sweet alert message and here is my code <?php echo '<script> var swal2container = $("#swal2container").text(); setTimeout(function() { swal({ title: "Alert!", text: swal2container, type: "error" }, function() { window.location = "index.php"; }); }, 100); </script>'; ?> <div id="swal2container">test</div> i still cant …

Member Avatar for jeet_4
Member Avatar for dipa_2

Write a javascript program to display a text after every x seconds, where x is a number from geometric series with coefficient term (a) = 3 and common ratio is 2 eg: The text will be displayed after 3 secs, then after 6 sec, then after 12 sec and so …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sabir khan
Member Avatar for ChrisJ

This html web page code, when viewed via mobile device, captures video from the mobile device. By tapping the page, the mobile video full screen appears, ready to begin recording. I'd like to find a way to reduce the dimensions of that full screen, if possible. I'm guessing it might …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Facundo_3

First I would like to say that I do not speak English so sorry if I express myself badly. Hi, I need to know how I can solve this game. "Archers in the Forest". The game consists of a forest represented by a grid, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9 (The user will …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Richard Dickson
Member Avatar for Richard Dickson
Member Avatar for ChrisJ

Is it possible to add scrolling text across the page/video-camera-screen? On an html page, it uses this code: accept="video/*" in this context: <input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload" accept="video/*" capture="user" onchange="submitForm();"> and when you view the page via mobile, and tap the page, your video camera screen appears. I'm looking to see …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for anneseo08

I am currently creating a simple invoice page. But I am also having a hard time retrieving and displaying the price and description of items selected by the userfrom my dropdown (dropdown is populate from database). My knowledge of jquery and php were not that deep yet. I hope someone …

Member Avatar for k99rs
Member Avatar for Mustikamoos17
Member Avatar for r4ds

Hello. It is something very simple for someone who knows javascript. How to capture the text content of the pressed element? Important is that the page is built with PHP. <li><a onclick='cat();' href='#'>Text 1</a></li> <li><a onclick='cat();' href='#'>Text 2</a></li> <!-- Above PHP, important: text content element is dinamic--> <script> function cat() …

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The End.