1,765 Topics

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Member Avatar for Domus BRASIL

Hello, I represent a company developing software in Brazil. I wonder why my program (VB6) reading a number stored in the notepad, it reads the decimal number. for example if the value is stored 30.5 will display the value in textbox 305 how to make it understand the point. Thanks

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The [URL="http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/home?os=nonwin7"]Microsoft Windows 7[/URL] launch is all but upon us and I can't say I'm sorry. Not that I'm directly affected as a Mac user but Vista is now almost officially acknowledged as a flop and it'll be good to see Microsoft back in the game properly, in terms of …

Member Avatar for paul998
Member Avatar for ITleb

Hi, I have to develop a software and it should run on windows, mac and linux, so i was thinking of developing it in java using netbeans :-/ I have windows OS, would the jar file generated in windows run properly on mac and linux? and is there any specific …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for EddieC

With the price of Windows 7 topping out at US$320, Microsoft will be handing shoppers less cash at the end of its [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UzmsUtoo4Q&feature=player_embedded]"I'm a PC" commercials[/url]. Price advantages of Windows-laptops over those from Apple evaporated further today as Microsoft's latest operating system hit store shelves and OEM factories. In typical …

Member Avatar for EddieC

With the release of any new OS release, the question facing developers is whether or not to port existing applications. Often the answer hinges on two major factors: Will the operating system be widely adopted and what's downside of doing nothing? In the enterprise the decision is often made for …

Member Avatar for Shade01
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH]12206[/ATTACH] [I]I've lived long enough to have learned The closer you get to the fire the more you get burned But that won't happen to us 'Cause it's always been a matter of trust ~Billy Joel, Matter of Trust[/I] When word got out last week about the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story229934.html"]Sidekick data loss …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Odd isn't it, how Microsoft kicked up a fuss when Google announced the Chrome plugin for Internet Explorer on the grounds that it could make the browser more insecure. Indeed, it went as far as to suggest that it doubled the potential surface area for malware and scripted attacks. Yet, …

Member Avatar for fossrules
Member Avatar for The Mad Hatter

OK, so I get up, shower, eat, and open up my email client. Number 4 from the top is a Daniweb email telling me about the wonderful topics currently being discussed - here's the list: * Prevent programs from saving to certain folder? in Windows Vista and Windows 7 * …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for ember16

My computer is completely locked up. I can't even get in Safe Mode. What can I do to bypass this, so I can delete it?

Member Avatar for R1pperZ
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

To put it mildly, it's been a bad week for cloud computing. First of all word got out that Microsoft, the keepers of the data for users of Sidekick phones [URL="http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Microsoft-T-Mobile-Sidekick-Data-Lost,8832.html"]completely hosed the data.[/URL] I mean kaput, gone, vanished. See you later, bye. If you don't have a back up, …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for nihao
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Windows 7 is coming next month. That's hardly news to any of you, I'm sure, but have you considered that this major OS release could be the catalyst to end the recession? I'm guessing not many of you have come to that conclusion, but consider this: Many, many companies steered …

Member Avatar for cosuna
Member Avatar for khess

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220784.html"]Has Linux Fallen Into a Well?[/URL]." It was a tale of two brothers, aka The Cave Dwellers, who had too many complaints and angst concerning the Windows XP installation on my wife's old HP DV-5000 laptop. Reinstalling XP didn't do any good the …

Member Avatar for theonlycure
Member Avatar for kaninelupus

Like many I'm sure, I'd heard a little of the Free Software Foundation - their petitions to the US Govt recently (and a public march if I remember correctly), brought a bit of a laugh. But I recently stumbled upon a new campaign being run by the FSF, entitled the …

Member Avatar for The Mad Hatter
Member Avatar for happygeek

If it wasn't bad enough that someone is filing for a trademark to cover an adult-oriented games console called a SexBox, the world's largest adult entertainment company is seeking approval from Sony to turn its entertainment console into a PornStation 3. Silican Xtal Corp, a San Jose based integrated circuit …

Member Avatar for R1pperZ
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In [URL="http://mediamemo.allthingsd.com/20091007/live-from-new-york-google-cofounder-sergey-brin-meets-the-press/"]wide ranging interview[/URL] with Peter Kafka of the [URL="http://allthingsd.com/"]Digital Memo Blog,[/URL] Google CEO Eric Schmidt and co-founder Sergey Brinn did their best to give people the impression that Google was run by a couple of arrogant SoBs. Whether it was purchasing Android or suggesting that Google could never be …

Member Avatar for neebski

This is kind of a head scratcher for me. We have a few computers that are not loading the address book contacts when we are faxing out YET when I check the address book itsself everything is fine. I checked the windows default contact handler and it is the Windows …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In a strange part of what was otherwise and interesting and insightful [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/09/24/microsoft-ballmer-interview-exclusive-techcrunch-bing-mobile-azur/"]interview with TechCrunch[/URL] this week, [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/exec/steve/"]Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer[/URL] went out of his way to avoid naming Google, instead referring to them repeatedly as "the incumbent." This seemed to be a deliberate strategy and left me shaking my …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for EddieC

Microsoft and Palm today separately advanced web sites designed for developers to post and sell (or give away) applications for their respective mobile platforms, playing catch-up with Apple, whose [url=http://www.apple.com/iphone/apps-for-iphone/]App Store[/url] celebrated its one-year anniversary in July. Redmond also unveiled a series of new phones this week based on Windows …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[ATTACH=right]11664[/ATTACH]I confess I'm not always kind to Microsoft. They stumble and bumble and often make bad decisions, and as such make a great target for a blogger like me, but looking back at the announcements they've made over the last couple of weeks, when you add it all up, they …

Member Avatar for yonnie
Member Avatar for khess

What the heck is happening in Redmond? Is Microsoft really giving away antivirus software? Yes, friends, it appears that they [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/"]are[/URL]. Come on Microsoft, we really want to hate you. I've carried this Microsoft voodoo doll* around with me for years--stabbing it every time I have to pay money for …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for somename

Hi there, i am trying to implement thread injection from my windows forms .NET project. Here is the code which works just fine from simple console app or Gtk+ gui application, but unfortunately not from .NET gui app. [CODE]#define NtCurrentThread() ((HANDLE) -2) #define NtCurrentProcess() ((HANDLE) -1) typedef DWORD (WINAPI *Rm_MessageBoxA)(HWND …

Member Avatar for happygeek

There ain't no such thing as a free Windows 7 upgrade. At least that's what it is starting to look like for the majority of people, despite the 'free upgrade' vouchers that are being handed out with new computers as part of the Windows 7 Upgrade Option scheme. A scheme …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for khess

All the glass clicking and cheers of late surrounding the apparent conversion of [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] to the open source [URL="http://www.codeplex.com"]fold[/URL] needs to stop. We need the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_war"]Cold War[/URL]. We need [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism"]Communism[/URL]. And, yes, we need the OS Wars. Like any war, the OS Wars stimulate creativity, spark religious battles and divide …

Member Avatar for Alex_
Member Avatar for newsguy

The Microsoft Windows embedded product portfolio has just been given a hefty push into the limelight with the official release of Windows 7 technologies over to what Microsoft refers to as manufacturers of specialized devices. During an industry address at the Embedded Systems Conference in Boston yesterday, Microsoft announced the …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

It seems that Microsoft is now so threatened by Google that they have allegedly hired a high powered Washington lobbying firm to smear Google to government regulators. What's so interesting isn't that this approach is so petty and childish--although it is that--it's that Microsoft, rather than relying on the quality …

Member Avatar for kaninelupus
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It was surreal to read today that Microsoft's Apple iPod killer, the Zune, has gone all high definition. That's to say that the new version announced today will have high-def capacity. Reaction has been positive; connect it to a TV and it'll be great, everyone's going to want one. Well, …

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Member Avatar for vatsa.devil

i'm a little confused with the keypress thing.. this is how i write my code.. if(KEY_DOWN(VK_UP)){ // my statement ... } now what i want to achieve is, i want my statement to execute only once when i press up key. instead what happens is it keep executing till i …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Yesterday Microsoft launched the long-awaited [URL="http://www.zune.net/en-us/products/zunehd/default.htm"]Zune HD[/URL]. By all reports, this is a pretty nice device with a large 3.3 inch OLED screen with HD video and HD radio playback. As a media player, it offers access to a limited App Store and a very nice $15 all-you-can-eat monthly music …


The End.