1,765 Topics

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In a [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/print/magazine/content/10_04/b4164028483414.htm"]very interesting read[/URL] in BusinessWeek last week, writer Peter Burrows describes what he sees as the start of war between Apple and Google with the big prize being the Mobile Ad market. Burrows further speculates that it's possible this could escalate to the point where Apple will make …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for Psychoticus

Hi guys, Just wondering if there is a way to detect the windows version, form say 95 to win7, in vb.net? pardon my ignorance but im not a big coder and norm only do python. Thanks in advance. Cheers, James

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for Grand666

hi all, i hope this is in the right place. im a newbie and want to gain much experience with linux as server and maybe say 2 or 3 clients, all different OS's. at my work we have lots of pc's laying around and I have the okay from my …

Member Avatar for Firewolf
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

Hi I have an application installed. I need to have a functionality that prevents user from uninstalling the application if application is currently running. I uninstall appliation from Add/Remove programs. I have functionality in my system that allows it to be minimized to the task bar and to system tray. …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Office 2010 awaits us later this year, and I've been wondering what it could possibly offer customers that would compel us to buy or upgrade to this software. Office software in general progressed about as far as most of us needed it to go somewhere in the 90s. Since then …

Member Avatar for bogdan5844
Member Avatar for skyyforever

Hello, I'm developing an application which has, among the others, a windows form with data grid and combo box. User has to select a value from combo box and I use the selected value to read data from database and fill the data grid. Everything works fine, but sometimes there …

Member Avatar for skyyforever
Member Avatar for sat4star
Member Avatar for khess

I have a feeling that the desktop operating system as we know it is on its last leg. The reason I make such a bold statement is that cloud computing will replace our fat, bloated, virus-riddled, failure-prone desktop with something far more agile and elegant: A lightweight browser-based system. This …

Member Avatar for lrh9
Member Avatar for capiono

I was wondering if it was possible to this: example [CODE] if exists(Select * From table) select item from table set returnValue = 1 Else set returnValue = 0 [/CODE] Or if there any other way of doing this this

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for EddieC

While most eyes this week were trained on Las Vegas and the Consumer Electronics Show, Microsoft was gearing up to speak with retailers at the [url=http://www.nrf.com/]National Retail Federation[/url]'s annual [url=http://events.nrf.com/annual2010/Public/MainHall.aspx?ID=5938&sortMenu=101000&exp=3%2f13%2f2009+10%3a07%3a54+AM]Conference and Expo[/url] in New York City running tomorrow through Tuesday. The company [url=http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2010/jan10/01-08nrf10ma.mspx]announced yesterday[/url] that it will be demonstrating new …

Member Avatar for khess

While companies worldwide look for ways to reduce costs, shed dead weight from their labor resources and streamline their businesses, it makes me wonder if Linux will survive the global economic meltdown. Oh, I know it will survive in terms of us geeks who use it and tout its goodness. …

Member Avatar for samuel_1991
Member Avatar for stranoblaze

i keep getting these pop up notifications with the red badge and white X on the bottom right of my computer. it won't allow me to open up any websites in Explorer. it also won't allow me to run any of my anti-virus and ad-aware software as if it's blocking …

Member Avatar for stranoblaze
Member Avatar for EddieC

I think we can safely say that Windows Vista was a flop. The only one that doesn't seem to know it is Microsoft. Or does it? This week at [url=http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winhec/default.mspx]WinHEC[/url], the company introduced a series of capabilities in [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7]Windows 7[/url] that it says will "make it easier for hardware partners …

Member Avatar for danchiadz
Member Avatar for happygeek

Does anyone know just what is happening with Microsoft Windows Mobile devices? It would appear that many users with Windows Mobile powered mobile phones have been getting SMS text messages dated 2016. The first reports came as folk started to receive Happy New Year messages from family and friends on …

Member Avatar for Crash~Override
Member Avatar for capiono

I have property method in my window forms: public int selectMonthIndex { get { return selectMonthIndex = =monthSelection.SelectedIndex; } set { if (monthSelection.SelectedValue.ToString() == "February") { selectMonthIndex = 2; } } } After the selections and the OnSelectedIndexChange was triggered the user enters information and click save. the save function …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for newsguy

As is to be expected as we fast approach the official launch of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4050.html"]Windows 7[/URL], more changes from the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3766.html"]Beta version[/URL] to [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23795/53/"]Release Code[/URL] functionality have been [URL="http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/03/13/a-few-more-changes-from-beta-to-rc.aspx"]confirmed[/URL] by Microsoft. Although the Windows 7 team were at pains to point out that the latest update list is by no means …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Last post of the year from me and I've decided to ask five questions that could have some bearing on the areas I cover in this space in the next year. If you read me regularly, you know I write a lot about Google, Apple and Microsoft. I'm also fond …

Member Avatar for DavidAKnopf
Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://www.laplink.com"]Laplink Software[/URL] [URL="http://www.laplink.com/pcmover"]PCMover Professional[/URL] $59.95 Download Version If you don't know it already, you can't upgrade directly from Windows XP to Windows 7 using the Windows 7 bootable media. Microsoft suggests upgrading to Vista then to Windows 7. That's an expensive undertaking. It's also quite daunting to consider moving from …

Member Avatar for khess

Neither RedHat nor Novell feel the need to push for a Linux Desktop that competes with the ubiquitous Windows OS. So the two largest commercial Linux vendors are throwing in the towel in the Desktop arena. There it is. Now go by yourselves a copy of Windows Vista--and while you're …

Member Avatar for pogson
Member Avatar for khess

It was a cold November morning, leaves covered the now yellowed grass, the dog's water stood frozen, two little winter birds fluffed their feathers while sitting on a low tree branch outside my kitchen window and the smell of coffee began to fill my nostrils telling me that it's time …

Member Avatar for linux_ed
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Yesterday, the [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/dec2009/tc20091222_416170.htm"]Federal Appeals Court ruled[/URL] in what appears at first blush to be a shocking decision, that Microsoft must stop selling Word 2007 by January 11, 2010. But a closer look at the decision suggests that this isn't as big a deal as it first seems. Sure, Microsoft has …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Oh dear, now I do not believe that was meant to happen. It appears that users of Office 2003 who also protect their documents with the Microsoft Rights Management Service (RMS) have found them so well protected that nobody can open them - not even the person who created the …

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Member Avatar for DweyneAnne

i have a homework for our programmin classes, i searched for other solutions regarding the gotoxy function, but all saw was for devc++, turboc++ and other IDEs, when i use the function for devc++ or turboc++, i know it wont work, but i tried it, says there's not library for …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Writing at the official Windows Experience blog, Microsoft's Brandon LeBlanc refers to the latest NPD Retail Tracking Service data which shows that as of the February 2009 the Windows share of the US netbook market is a staggering 96 percent. That's up from less than 10 percent of US unit …

Member Avatar for tekd
Member Avatar for EddieC

Even Microsoft is sometimes faced with the decision of whether to "buy or build." This time it chose to buy. With the acquisition of Opalis Software announced yesterday, Redmond in one stroke takes a major leap in data center process automation. And it couldn't have come at a better time. …

Member Avatar for DweyneAnne

i have a homework for our programmin classes, i searched for other solutions regarding the gotoxy function, but all saw was for devc++, turboc++ and other IDEs, when i use the function for devc++ or turboc++, i know it wont work, but i tried it, says there's not library for …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Mark Cuban, the eccentric owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, has a [URL="http://blogmaverick.com/2009/11/13/google-murdoch-madoff/"]post in his blog[/URL] this week suggesting a way to kill Google by paying the top one thousand most popular sites $1M each to leave the Google Index. He wonders if Rupert Murdoch's plan to leave the Google …

Member Avatar for boattraveller78
Member Avatar for nerdthon123

To All Daniweb users, I have just started the programming trail of learning, i recently got courses from E learning center on how to use C++. The first Code (the hello world project) is where I'm having a problem. On Visual Basic 2010 Beta2 which is the only one that …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for PS2freak11223

Recently, I downloaded this file converter thing from Microsoft. Everything was fine until I ran the installer. Suddenly, this message popped up, and made everything close: [URL="http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll16/Rammstool/ERROR.jpg"]http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll16/Rammstool/ERROR.jpg[/URL] This has also happened to me when I downloaded a copy of 3dsMax 7 and 2010. If anyone can help me with this, …

Member Avatar for khess

This is the third entry in the continuing "cave dwellers" [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story223037.html"]saga[/URL] and their new lives with Ubuntu. Someone posted a comment on the previous cave dwellers entry about [URL="http://www.apple.com"]iTunes[/URL] not working on Linux and I was absolutely sure that it did. It doesn't. Much to my surprise (and disappointment), iTunes …

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The End.