2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for wchitamb

I have some tables that i have created in SQL Server and i want to write a stored Procedure that will insert data on to one of my tables AND also be able to update say if i select record [CODE] CREATE PROCEDURE Sp_cust_SaveCustomer --ALTER PROCEDURE cust_SaveCustomer (@id int, @ …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for brenn13
Member Avatar for brenn13
Member Avatar for Kaddolas

Hi I wonder how I do to remove usersid from 1915 to 1945 for example in MS Sql? [code=sql]Delete from [dbo].[user] where user ID = 1915 to userID 1945[/code] When i add that i get this message: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 Incorrect syntax near the keyword …

Member Avatar for mail2saion
Member Avatar for mmxbass

Simply put, I need a better query. I have a table that contains 85000 rows, each row has a TITLE and an ABSTRACT (they are academic papers). What I need is to do a realistic SMART search in my query. Right now I'm doing[code]SELECT * FROM PsPapers WHERE Title LIKE …

Member Avatar for daspeac
Member Avatar for lukeser

Whenever I create a new database from a C# program and create tables for that database, the tables always show up under the creator's default database instead of being listed under the newly created database. This observation is from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express. Is there some setting in …

Member Avatar for lukeser
Member Avatar for shine_jose

Hello i wish to retrieve rows from a table based on a particular column which contains null values in sql2000 server I try ed a lot but its not working please help me.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for SQL_n00b

One of the UPDATE queries I am trying to run is not quite working the way I want it to. I know this query is the culprit, but can't quite figure out how to fix it! Here's the story: ------------------------------------------------------- I have 3 tables: let's call them tblUsers, tblDueVisits and …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for Rahul002

Hello, I want to create database on SQL Server using Javascript and HTML. User will input following data. Server Name, Database name, File Sizes. When I will click "Submit" button database should be created on Selected server with entered name. I am using Client side HTML and Javascript. we need …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for BratNZ

The reason is that : 1. I wish to run multiple databases on a single server. To do this securely each login must be granted db_owner on the database so we can use "deny view any database" to hide the other databases from view. (login can see all databases they …

Member Avatar for forjo
Member Avatar for bmanish

hello i m using a library management software for which i need sql server while installing ms sql 2005 at one point installer gives me this message and throw me out. the message is " To continue, you must provide a strong sa password. To review strong password requirements, click …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for shangita

I created 2 tables 1 st table as csat csat_code csat_ou_cod csat_csaeid cus name CSA00001 ADM00001 6825 CUS08349 CSA00002 ADM00001 6826 CUS08347 CSA00003 ADM00001 6832 CUS08351 CSA02547 ADM00001 6824 CUS04150 table2 as csat_survey surveycode csat_code qns id ans id SUR00001 CSA02547 1 3 SUR00002 CSA02547 4 7 now i want …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for wchitamb

I need some help I have managed to get this far (as below), from thatI can put a AAA_NUMBER and be able to get that record details and thats the 1st step that I wanted the 2nd step that I want is say if the DOCID is not available I …

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Member Avatar for Wenners

Hi, I've imported a Visual FoxPro database to MS SQL Server 2008 and had a couple of queries; The VFP tables used Numeric(5,0) for the Index fields, but I'm thinking of converting them to Integers in SQL Server. Is there any issues I should be aware of? A co-worker keeps …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for azamsalam

i am using SSRS 2005. In my dataset there are some blank rows and in SSRS is showing blank rows. Is there a way that i just show rows with data and ignore blank rows. i set the visibility property but it is showing blank line. dataset: a b c …

Member Avatar for azamsalam
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day all i have created a Global Variable as depicted in the following Pic [URL="http://www.tiyaneproperties.co.za/SSIS/pic1.JPG"]http://www.tiyaneproperties.co.za/SSIS/pic1.JPG[/URL] The Following Screen-shot shows how i created my Variable and its Properties [URL="http://www.tiyaneproperties.co.za/SSIS/pic2.JPG"]http://www.tiyaneproperties.co.za/SSIS/pic2.JPG [/URL] and the Following Screen-shot shows the Script Editor Properties [URL="http://www.tiyaneproperties.co.za/SSIS/pic3.JPG"] http://www.tiyaneproperties.co.za/SSIS/pic3.JPG[/URL] and the Last pic is the code that write …

Member Avatar for elauri

Hello all, my first post. I have identical tables in my db. Is there a way to create a view with dynamic query to combine/union all the identical tables into one view? dbo.table.x-1 dbo.table.x-2 dbo.table.x-3 dbo.table.x-{n}

Member Avatar for elauri
Member Avatar for pavankotturi

how to insert system current date by using sql query in SQL SERVER 2005

Member Avatar for abhi_elementx
Member Avatar for daneuchar

danni web has been a great help to me i want just one more help i am able to connect to MSSQL present in my localhost using wamp but i am unable to connect to my MSSQL running in a pc with ip 123.xxx.xxx.xxx can u guide me on how …

Member Avatar for daneuchar
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All I have the Following Query [CODE] DECLARE @CurrentTime DATETIME SET @CurrentTime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP select tr.Descr [Room], tb.Purpose [Purpose], tb.Description [Description], convert(varchar,datepart(hour,tb.starttime))+':'+convert(varchar,datepart(minute,tb.starttime)) [Start Time], convert(varchar,datepart(hour,tb.endtime))+':'+convert(varchar,datepart(minute,tb.endtime)) [End Time], tu.name [Requested by] from tbl_booking tb inner join tbl_resource tr on tb.resources = tr.id inner join tbl_user tu on tu.id = …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for vkubushyn

Hello everyone, I searched extensively but was unable to find a solution to this problem. I'm attempting to generate the CREATE STATISTICS statement that was used to create an already existing statistics in an MSSQL db from its name or the table's name. I'm able to obtain the columns and …

Member Avatar for Cemils

Hi, I hope someone can help me creating a sql for the purpose i have. I have a table named case_score_t with these columns: id, case_id, user_id, score, created_date I am interested in picking the rows with the greatest created_date, for a certain user_id. I now this SQL with give …

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Member Avatar for hery

hi, how the way backup database in sql server 2000 with syntax sql for one month, i mean query. Thank's

Member Avatar for dfs3000my

Hi, I am doing a student progression system where the application is able to keep track of student marks. I have a problem currently and I've been spending nights on this. Let me briefly explain. Marks are calculated based on their hurdles. So for instance, H1 = xx%, H2 = …

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Member Avatar for Moordoom

In the view below, I need the line "[COLOR="Red"]isnull(wwr.packed_qty, isnull((select sum(qty_on_hand) from lot_loc where item = coi.item and loc like 'P%'), 0)) packed_qty,[/COLOR] " to include a "[COLOR="red"]or 'S%[/COLOR]'", so that both P and S are found, but I get a syntax error when I add it. What is the …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for else_harpal
Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for nanat07

it seem my connection string doesnt work? [code]$connect = mssql_connect("","sa","gasd") or die(mssql_error()); $test = mssql_select_db("banex", $connect) or die (mssql_error()); [/code] whats wrong with my connection string?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All I have a Package created and hosted in a Machine(Theresa) that has SQL 2008 and i have my Development Machine(Vuyiswa) that has IIS and am Debugging from the my machine. i have a ASP.NET 2.0 App and am executing a Package that in another machine. The First …

Member Avatar for Moody1

Hello, Ihope to find some help in here, i have the following diagram [URL=http://img143.imageshack.us/i/13503390.jpg/][IMG]http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6704/13503390.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] and i want a query which return Emp_ID, Pro_ID note; i can get these values but by 2 queries as the following; [code=sql]select Pro_ID from Projects where Dep_ID in (select Dep_ID from Departments where name = …

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Member Avatar for cheapterp

What is the best way to generate a set of dates based on today's date? Essentially, what I wanna do is: 1. Get Current Date 2. Populate a table with future dates 6 months apart and go up until I reach, let's say, 12/31/2020 I have looked at some of …

Member Avatar for cheapterp
Member Avatar for mr_scooby

hi guys, I have 2 tables, one called neworders which stores the part_id and num or parts and a 2nd table called parts which has all the part details including cost. tables are as follows [code] neworder part_id(primary key) number_of_parts parts part_id(primary key) 7-8 more columns, eg size, desc, sup …

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The End.