2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for jimbo84

Hi, Im learning SQL and I've hit a bit of a wall early on.... I have these 2 statements [CODE]SELECT AcNum, FamName, GiveName, DeptNum, count(AcNum) FROM academic NATURAL JOIN interest GROUP BY AcNum HAVING count(AcNum) < 4[/CODE] [CODE]SELECT GiveName, FamName, DeptNum, AcNum FROM academic NATURAL JOIN department WHERE LOWER(state)= 'ny';[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for cgyrob
Member Avatar for Link82

Hi Guys, Kind of stuck on a query here. [CODE] select *--, c.last_name + ', ' + c.first_name as name from dbo.tblLevelOneApprover a inner join dbo.tblLevelTwoApproverToLevelOneApprover b on convert(int, b.level_two_emplid) != convert(int, @emplid) where convert(int, a.emplid) = convert(int, b.level_one_emplid) [/CODE] I'm trying to get all level one managers who are …

Member Avatar for Link82
Member Avatar for kormie

Is there a setting to suppress warnings from dispalying when running a script via SQL Query Analyzer? I would like to have only errors print. Thanks!

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for BOI-Guy

Hello, I have two tables aspnet_Membership and aspnet_Users. I want to remove all of the records from [B]both[/B] tables that are older than 30 days by using a single stored procedure. So far I have this: [ICODE] BEGIN BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION DELETE FROM aspnet_Membership WHERE CreateDate < DATEADD(DAY, -30, …

Member Avatar for BOI-Guy
Member Avatar for Dizzzy

I have a aspx page written in Vb and one of my button_click events has a function to connect to a sql database and retieve the data of a specific record by using the sql statement "SELECT * FROM Calendar WHERE Day="27" " The Name of my Table is Calendar. …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for michael123

I have one table in this format: [ICODE] Product Component --------------------------- A part1 A part2 B part1 B part4 A part3 C part5 D part1 [/ICODE] now I want to display product which components meet requested items, for example: I know component are "part1" and "part3", need to show product …

Member Avatar for cgyrob
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guys i cant open the mdf on the ms sql express 2005 why this will happen it is another ways to open it.

Member Avatar for johnly
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

hey guys, I've just got sql server installed in my system but i dont know how to start it. There are 3 options when i click on "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" in the programs namely: SQL Server Configuration Manager SQL Server Error and usage reporting SQL Server Surface Area Configuration …

Member Avatar for johnly
Member Avatar for php_noob

Guys, I need Help in making PHP APACHE and MS SQL SERVER 2000 to run. I search a lot but still can not get the logic behind it. All that I understand is that I need to configure something in the PHP INI. Is it possible in XAMPP? or I …

Member Avatar for php_noob
Member Avatar for XavierExtreme

I have a table that has become corrupt and I need to merge the records back into one record. I have multiple records that should be recombined and I have hit a brick wall on this. In my table the data looks like this part_id Unique c_date m_date Qty ht_num …

Member Avatar for XavierExtreme
Member Avatar for nybelle

I have 2 tables: a claim table and a corresponding date table. There can be multiple dates for each claim, with a qualifier type to distinguish them, and I'd like to retrieve them all in one row. Here's a snippet of what I have: [code=sql] SELECT d.PointerField , a.ApplianceDate b.AccidentDate …

Member Avatar for cgyrob
Member Avatar for BobLewiston

I'm trying to install SQL2008.AdventureWorks_All_Databases.x86.msi, but whether I try to install "Sample Files" or "Create AdventureWorks DBs", I keep getting the following error: PrepInstance() failed for MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS. The following features are missing: Full Text Search I already have installed on my PC: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 …

Member Avatar for Gustavo MPO
Member Avatar for krokodajl

Hi, in MS SQL we have [B]TOP [I]some_value[/I][/B] clause which means that only some first records are selected. For example: [I]select top 10 products from table_products[/I] How can I select rows for example from 4th to 15th?

Member Avatar for rathnakar
Member Avatar for kormie

I have "inherited" a series of scripts which are designed to run in SQL Query Analyzer to incrementally update a database based on a version id stored in a table. Each script includes code to create new tables, alter existing columns, add or swap out triggers, grant permissions, update data, …

Member Avatar for fatjoez

I have 3 tables, below are their structures ( a bit of pseudo code ) I'm trying to update one table, with a variable column name, retrieved from another table [B]order[/B] [id,field1,field2] [I]example row ( '1' , '', '' )[/I] [B]produkt[/B] [order_id,produktnr] [I]example row ( '1' , '23' )[/I] [B]fields[/B] …

Member Avatar for rathnakar
Member Avatar for NextCom

I have a INSERT, UPDATE trigger on a table, it works great and helps me from firing a stored procedure from all the (think it's over 50places) where it is needed. But I have one batch update to this table, that doesn’t require the trigger procedure; the trigger is very …

Member Avatar for rathnakar
Member Avatar for vytla

hi friends fetching datetime values from database, when data is null in code side it is displying the some garbage value instead that i want to show 'date is not found' the result is showind in grid view control service written for fetching datetime [code=C#] public List<Topics> GetAllTopicNames(int communityId) { …

Member Avatar for rathnakar
Member Avatar for Link82

Hi everyone, A few days ago I posted a question which someone did reply to. However, the tables have been re-arranged a bit and I didn't want to make my last thread confusing, so I thought I'd start fresh here. (Mod, you may close down my other thread; thanks). So …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, Anyone,please help me out.How to give ODBC Connection on Centos5.5(linux machine) and also what do you meant by FREETDS? Thanks in advance............... with regards, santhanalakshmi.

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Member Avatar for sivak

can anyone explain me one to one and one to many and many to one and many to many relationship in sql with example plz

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for HBMSGuy

Hello, While working with stored procedures I came across something I didn't know how to handle. I wanted to make a stored procedure where, One could give it 2 parameters. With these two parameters, it would return the uniqueidentifier of the row that matched, or if no match was found …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Link82

Hi everyone, I've never had to do this before sooo, I need help. I have a table which maps managers to regular employees. So you could say that Manager A is mapped to 20 peeople and Manager B is mapped to 5, and so on. So the table looks like …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for abhi211285

This thing is really getting me in trouble. If any have any idea please share [B]Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "extra" reported an error. The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure. Msg 7343, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 …

Member Avatar for LAMDB

Hi all, There is a (I assume) simple query i cannot figure out (in a best practice way). Let's say I have three tables: [LIST] Users[/LIST] [LIST] AOI (Areas of Interest) [/LIST] [List]Users_AOI (Simply containing userId and AOIId for all interests for each user)[/List] So far so good. Now I …

Member Avatar for cgyrob
Member Avatar for johnny.g

hi all, i have a simple problem with the reporting services. i have configured the reporting server and it is working fine when i browse the reports through the report server. i have another application in which i have made use of a report server. when i try to browse …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for mathmath

Hi, All I encounter this problem when I am trying to insert some data manually for my project. Example: LA-R1, LA-R2 , LA-R5 , LA-R8 ….. [The Rs are Already in the Original Data] Simply put, my Goal is to fill in the gaps between the Rs. So, the result …

Member Avatar for NextCom

The issue isn't how to use sp_send_dbmail, because i use it everywhere, for both querys and system mails. But i have one problem, and that is how do you send a mail with HTML and TEXT format? You probably wonder why i need this because all the mail readers now …

Member Avatar for S2009

I am trying to create Update trigger which should be invoked only if the ReturnedOn column is clicked. I have used the following code-snippet but it generates the error: CODING: [code] create TRIGGER trg_ForUpdateOnBookIssuedDetails on BOOKISSUEDDETAILS For update as begin declare @Rows1 int,@Rows2 int if(update(ReturnedOn) begin IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for S2009

Hi all, I am creating a windows application. I have a column in the backend - MS sql server 2005 as ID which stores Patient Id. The values for this column should start with PT and contain the serial numbers in ascending order. Eg. PT001 PT002 PT003 I want to …

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Member Avatar for Athersgeo

(And before anyone points it out; I know they're not calling it DTS any more!) My problem is as follows: Whenever I go to import a flat file using the DTS import it's setting the default column sizes to be ludicrously small (50 characters) and it doesn't subsequently matter HOW …

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The End.