1,320 Topics

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Member Avatar for freshface001
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

OK, this is probably the wrong place for this question, but here goes nothing... I want to know what math is involved in making a Color gradient (so i can program some myself). My goal for now is to make a program that can get two locations and matching colors, …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I'm looking for a tutorial on how to make a dynamic flash photo gallery. I want it to do the following: [LIST] [*]Automatically detect images in a folder without having to manually list them in an xml file [*]have simple next and previous buttons [/LIST] I'm not great …

Member Avatar for Jen0608
Member Avatar for chaze

I'm trying so hard to add a flash overlay on the page <URL SNIPPED> that blends in and can be closed. Any help? I have nothing so far other the it has to be transperant. I will pay for this as well

Member Avatar for Reliable

I have a theory that I'd like someone to affirm or refute. With sites like Flickr now on the scene wouldn't another method of optimizing the speed with which a site can be downloaded be to upload your pictures first to one of those sites and then just include the …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for daviddoria

Is this flash (how do you tell?) [url]http://www.kwikkopy116.com/[/url] Is there any way to develop a flash site on linux? I've been unable to find anything about it! If not, is there any other way to make a page like this that can be done on linux? Thanks! Dave

Member Avatar for Walkere
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

I can not figure this out. this code seems to add the uiThumbs3rd to the whole stage but I am trying to put it on a movieclip shown here.There is no code in the timeline and I have the movieclip McContent drawn on the stage with the instance name mcContent. …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

In flash is [code] public function set fileName(String:fileName):void{ this.fileName=fileName } [/code] the same as [code] public function setFileName(String:fileName):void{ this.fileName=fileName } I was wondering if the word "set" acted as more than a function naming convention? [/code]

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for milktray

Hi Im a newbie, so I hope I am posting in the right place.... Some advice if you can, I have a little flip book that works fine in Firefox and some versions of Explorer, Flash 9 with Actionscript 2, Problem is for some people with older version of ie …

Member Avatar for milktray
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

My question is concerning Super. If someone is farmiliar with Super . Is it possible to get someone to look at the first and of code only and get me started on how I would approach the concept of using Super. Because the second two blocks of code are almost …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Is it possible to drag an instanc of a button to the stage and in the over state have text unique only to that instance. I'm not sure how to do this. I would like to have one symbol and several button instances that have unique text in the over …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Could someone check out the way the object are created? All the classes work independently but somewhere I think I am messing the display up when I call a new Class. I have two classes: one creates and loades a combobox and another class that creates and loads an UILoader …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for danpad

I am trying to embed more than one video on a site. The problem is they all start playing automatically, I would like to keep them from starting automatically. I get my code from helloworld.com they use razor stream the videos load up fast and don't stutter. If anyone with …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello. Could someone tell me why I open photoshop and the only tool available it the hand tool? I have no way to select anything. Thanks. -Steve

Member Avatar for Jen0608
Member Avatar for architact

Hello, I am trying to develop a calender using the flash's built-in date chooser component, what I want to do is that I want to pass an array of dates to flash from javascript and then disable that dates in the calender component, Please help me in doing this. Thanks

Member Avatar for pcmicro

Hello - I am fairly new to the flash/multimedia game... I am very familiar with HTML and other aspects of web. I am just coming accross one slight issue. I am trying to create a landing page with at least 12 full sized images collaged together to create a banner. …

Member Avatar for php_noob
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello everyone, Trying to get a grasp on AS3.0. I know what addEventListerner is for and pretty much how to use it, but I the last three parameters in the statement have me scratching my head. There is a number (usually 0) and two Booleans--false and true respectively. Why are …

Member Avatar for erico564
Member Avatar for xylude

I am trying to write a script in flash that takes variables ( a list of movies that I wish to be played ) and loads them into the movie. I don't have much code written for this but here is what I have in the first and only frame: …

Member Avatar for erico564
Member Avatar for jimbob90

I've got a blog up simply using html and css. what should i learn next, i want to add a comment feature stuff like that. my next project is going to be a forum wat languages are used to create forums?

Member Avatar for erico564
Member Avatar for mardone

Hi everybody, I am planning to start my own web developing business. First, I will be starting off at home and then seeing how it goes and will decide to take it to a bigger level. Keeping in mind the present scenario, web designing and internet based business are proving …

Member Avatar for erico564
Member Avatar for danpad

What I'd like to do now is have the video window to have an image before the play button is pushed. So this is the code for this video I am working on. [ICODE]<iframe width='320' height='240' frameborder='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling=no src='http://widgetpf.razorstream.com/widgets/v.1.0/inc/mediaplayer.aspx?lic=hw&accHex=3656ba4d-5fa8-4f9e-9906-ae1c18ac73c5&mediaID=20172337&mediaTag=&ts=1227432940018&expires=false&ipLock=false&ip='></iframe>[/ICODE] any suggestions? danpad

Member Avatar for tiger86

Hi I am having trouble with the hotspots tool and slice tools in photoshop extended cs3 and fireworks cs3. I get a hotspot or a slice and it works fine until I put it online then it doesn't work. I can't use XHTML to make it work because I am …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Would someone have time to look at some classes and an XML to try to tell me why nothing is loading? I have: A simple interface with two combo boxes (that do load) and they are linked to two separate classes. One cb class should load an UILoader class and …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Is it possible to set a cb on the GUI and load some XML into it from an external class?

Member Avatar for T4gal

Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, if it's not please let me know. I'm thinking about getting Dreamweaver, but I'm wondering how hard/easy it is to use, or if there is anything better out there? I'm just starting to do web design, I'm …

Member Avatar for cohen
Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, Can any one please tell me how to resolve "catastrophic error" in corel draw x3 installation.Please view it's screen shot and recommend any solution. Thanks & Regards,

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Can some one show me how to load thiis combobox to the fla from the Main.as? [CODE] package chromatic.load_files{ import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Sprite; import fl.controls.ComboBox; //this class is imported on the actions frame 1 //these are classes that create components already loaded import chromatic.load_files.CBMajorComponent; import chromatic.load_files.CBMinorComponent; import chromatic.load_files.UIImageComponent; import chromatic.load_files.CBMinorComponent; …

Member Avatar for Aikiman

Hello! I have a pre made flash website template and am using Mac Flash mxPro 2004. I cant seem to get the buttons to link to pages. I understand that I need to type in some code to do this yet I just cant work it out. Any help with …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Aikiman

Hi Can someone please tell me what I need to add to this code to make the link open in the same window and not a different window? [code]on (release) { getURL("http://www.drfire-online.com/html/index.html","_blank"); }[/code]

Member Avatar for OldDude
Member Avatar for cwindham

I am trying to get an idea of who uses Photoshop to design there website? I have been doing designs in PS since the beginning and it has worked out fine with me. Only thing is, everything has updated (such as coding). I am still a simple HTML guy. I …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan

The End.