1,588 Topics

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Member Avatar for planetrock

After disassembling my Presario 2100 to resolder the DC jack, the computer no longer recognizes the touchpad, and the LEDs for 'on/standby' and 'battery charging' no longer work. Strangely, the LED for hard-drive activity does work. The touchpad ribbon cable is connected. I am 99.999% it is seated all the …

Member Avatar for PRAKASHOM9095
Member Avatar for mahnaz0098

Hello when i use below program to write and read data from USB mass storage device(flash memory) i am getting following error. I've succeeded with usb_bulk_write() but can't utilize usb_bulk_read(). It returns an error. Set configuration usb_bulk_write: 12 bytes written 33 5b 2 1 0 5 1 3 7 f …

Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Hey guys, Im having a problem when trying to detect mouse clicks inside a function. Heres some code, and hopefully you can see what it's doing as its really confusing trying to explain. Sub ImageFollow(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs, myImage As System.Drawing.Image) Dim pBox As New PictureBox While TimerLeft pBox.Image = myImage …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for nabih17

very recently i formated the comp and it worked and i upgradedmy nokia 500 symbian anna into a belle after this the problem arised i dont know what happend my comp suddenly restarted (which happend like three timees that day) my monitor keyboard and mouse aint working i have tried …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for archana.patil.1800
Member Avatar for happygeek

Continuing the Lord of the Rings theme that I started with in the title of this review, I believe it is Gandalf who says "there is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power" but he sure …

Member Avatar for bryandavison1
Member Avatar for vaishvik.nakhashi

I dont know what goes wrong in this code... Help me here I simply want to save the initial and final positions after dragging the mouse... #include"iostream" #include<glut.h> class point1 { public: point1() { x=0; y=0; } int x; int y; }p[2]; int flag=0; void processMouse(int button, int state, int …

Member Avatar for vaishvik.nakhashi
Member Avatar for jason.quirk.35

first off my headset isnt a usb its a 3.5mm audio connection. whenever i try to speak to friends with it they can only hear me through the speakers of the headset and the detatchable microphone doesnt work. is this to do with the headset or settings on my pc? …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for aryan_

usb drive detected but not started even not in my window explorer not in other pc but it gives me blue light in my pendrive when i connect...

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal
Member Avatar for jackdog1

Hey everyone, ive got some troubles with my logitech X-530 speakers, sometimes (seamingly random although thinking about it its usually late at night) i get some radio interference, it sounds Russian or something(which makes me guess and i stress guess shortwave which i thought was extinct!!) anyway it does'nt matter …

Member Avatar for Oswald Cobble
Member Avatar for butt.usmanali

Dear All I need Asus N13219 D33005 128 Mb Display card driver, is there anybody to help me out? Thanking in advance Best Regards

Member Avatar for jagkarnan
Member Avatar for rahuluttekar

hello, i am developing application to capture image from webcam using .net and directshow. i want to capture image on push event of button available on webcam.i cant be able to do it using directshow. After some R&D i came to know that it can be done with Microsoft Still …

Member Avatar for JenniferLee
Member Avatar for mayank.dyl

when i open usb device it shows that you need to format it before you can use it. And when i click on format it takes hours and do nothing. Further it is showing 0 byte free and 0 byte used in its properties. Its a 4 gb memory card. …

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal
Member Avatar for happygeek

Last year I reviewed the original Kensington KeyFolio Pro case with integrated keyboard, and liked it so much I have been using it on a daily basis ever since. With a DaniWeb rating of 9 out of 10, there really wasn't much room for improvement. So when Kensington released the …

Member Avatar for keith8385
Member Avatar for Praveenvapn

My Front Panel USB Port is not working but the rear panel is in good condition. Could any one aid me to determine the solution for this. Thanks....

Member Avatar for Praveenvapn
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Kensington Presentair isn't the smallest 'laser pointer' on the planet, measuring in at 60mm x 70mm x 210mm and weighing 25g. Nor is it the cheapest with that $69.99 price tag. However, most of all it isn't just a laser pointer and thinking of it in those terms is …

Member Avatar for Amsonbiz
Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for drluke

i have a dell monitor with two usb ports on the side of the monitor. the monitor did not come with any usb cable. but want to use the usb port with the monitor. Can anybody help me out with this problem.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for rod1947

I am attempting to connect a monitor for a wireless security system to my network. This monitor connects to a Pc with a USB cable. At present I can only view the camera images on the PC the monitor connects to. I want to be able to view the camera …

Member Avatar for hazzag1995
Member Avatar for WeirDGamerHD

Hello, i've been having a problem latley with my microphone whenever i plug it in it won't work it was working fine for months but just this 1 time it stopped working suddenly and now every mic i plug in they work for a couple of days then the same …

Member Avatar for WeirDGamerHD
Member Avatar for jsherm101

![IMG_5674016](/attachments/fetch/L2ltYWdlcy9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8zL0lNR181Njc0MDE2LmpwZw%3D%3D/300 "align-left") These days scanners are no longer the flat-bed monstrosities of yesteryear, but have instead evolved into the sheet-fed beasts of today, capable of scanning dozens of pages in a matter of minutes. While some advertise their portability, or ability to easily organize your documents (such as with the …

Member Avatar for jsherm101
Member Avatar for Despairy

hey, i need suggestions of programs to ease the access to usb devices like webcam in a c++ program im writing. this post is made because i already tried a few suggestions like videoocx and videocapX but unfortunately they arent compatible with windows 7 64 bit , or just cant …

Member Avatar for apaulogy
Member Avatar for hazzag1995
Member Avatar for blade_costic

i have an external hard drive which i have partitioned. since then i have done virus scan and defragmentation on it. recently i have found part of the f drive (160gb) the write or read is stuck on part of it. so what do i do? do i `have` to …

Member Avatar for hotmatrixx
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there I have recently bought a usb network adapter (http://www.ebay.com/itm/280891780614?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_2366wt_1170) . It works fine in linux but in windows 7 I can't connect the laptop to the internet, for some reasons it keeps connecting to, it says, an unknown network and the connection is limited, it won't go on …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there, I wonder if you can help me at all. My lappy's network port is broken, I dropped it with the network cable in and as a result it pushed the pin back so that the network cable's connector is really loose when inserted and it won't connect to …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for malleswararao

iam using sony EH3a laptop in that function keys are not working can u tell me the solution for that

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Q8iEnG

Dear friends, I'm trying to "Write" Chrome-OS.img to a USB flash which is of size 4GB, Booting Chrome OS from a USB flash. I'm using "win32diskimager-binary" to do that. The problem is when I try to "Write" the image, this error message appears: (Writing to a physical device can corrupt …

Member Avatar for Q8iEnG
Member Avatar for riahc3

How do i make a autorun usb that executes a shell script that is on the USB drive? This would be only for my system so if there is something i have to enable, no problem (i imagine something like this would be disabled for security reasons) I believe the …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for code739

hi guys, i just wanna ask if you had known a link for free download for an anti virus that protects your usb i mean the anti virus that recides on your flash drives

Member Avatar for caperjack

The End.