2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for j.arevathi

Hello All, I am here with not really a problem but a bit of guidance in getting along in my path. Here I go with my task, I am trying to align a set of small sequences(may be around 5000 in number and less than 27 char in length) for …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for ithelp

I have been coding in c,c++ for many years, now I need to ramp up on perl within 3 weeks, can you please suggest what all books do I need to buy or I can learn advanced perl from some online website ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for BobUillean
Member Avatar for toadzky

I am trying to process the results of a survey. I load the current results from an XML file, update them, then write them back to the file. I am get a 500 Internal Server Error when I run it from a browser, but it works fine in Windows and …

Member Avatar for toadzky
Member Avatar for eparse

hi for all the PHP experts here, i have couple of questions that keeps me feel frustrating.. first of all, may i know how to insert a link within PHP echo? for example, i have a function which is used to validate the username, if the username is incorrect, i …

Member Avatar for eparse
Member Avatar for cybarkop2007

I have a need to pull the header informatilon form about a thousand email messages that have been saved in a file folder as text messages. I want to get this information into a database. I have no skills in coding or scripts. Example: The source IP, To: From: Date; …

Member Avatar for cybarkop2007
Member Avatar for batcater98

I having troubles with the different seperators in this one and just picking out the lines I want keyed from the .dat filename. I basically have an autogenerated flat file that is an export of a directory structure. I want to parse through the flat file and pull values from …

Member Avatar for tuxboy
Member Avatar for gawain_

This snippet while(<>) { for my $word ( split(/\s+/) ) { $idx{$word}{$page_number} = 1; } $page_number++ if ( /\014/ ); } is part of a perl script which indexes words by page (I'm trying to rewrite it in python). I do not understand it, or rather, I can guess a …

Member Avatar for gawain_
Member Avatar for pink_zippy_123

Hi, Basically I am quite new to php but am currently connecting to a database and am trying to send data from one web page to another using the information selected in a hyperlink. The first web page contains a table populated will all options within the database e.g. if …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for john_aa

Hey guys wondering, if you are using Adobe CS3 and do you think, if there are other alternatives to CS3. Would you recommend CS3 or wait for something else.

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for KimJack

Hello All, I used a for loop to create a set of radio buttons. For example: for($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) { print '<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="first" VALUE=$i >', " $i|"; } My question is how do I display which radio button was chosen if all of them have …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for muppetjones

I have tried debugging and optimizing this code, yet I cannot find the source of this error to save my life. I am getting a 'floating point exception' when I run the code pasted below. I am running with 'use strict' and 'use warnings'. My program takes a sequence and …

Member Avatar for muppetjones
Member Avatar for yashwanta

I have to write a programme. Whic is like this: You are write a program whcih uses the quadratic equation to solve second-order polynominal. wchich is a x**2 + b x + c =0 and use the quadratic equation, when given value for the coefficient a, b and c, to …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for wikan_ak

Hi all, i development network multimedia lab, i use win 2003 server and win XP as client then i install 3ds Max 8 on server... I use Citrix for the connection client to server (PC cloning client running server). Install 3ds max succesfully without anything error on server and run …

Member Avatar for mechbas
Member Avatar for cdematteo

My uncle's cpu is running crazy...I rean CCleaner and deleted prefetch etc... Please review the log below and let me know of any issues Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 12:47:36 PM, on 2/7/2008 Platform: Windows Vista (WinNT 6.00.1904) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16575) Boot mode: Normal …

Member Avatar for Malwarehunter94
Member Avatar for abhinemo

I am a mew user of python.And I want to run following command in python perl test.pl -testconfig <config file> > test.log 2>&1 Can anybody help me.

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for SergioQ

Dying here people! I am have basically confirmed that I my script is getting a POST and that it has some length to it, etc.: $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} But this line here: [code]read (STDIN, $query, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});[/code] Comes back with $query being blank. Surely I am missing something? Wish I knew Perl …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for timvdwest

Hi everyone, I was hoping somebody could help me unravel this - i'm very new in programming in php and i'm teaching myself so bear with me. scenario: I have a website with 4 distinct section (all in seperate tables): 1. A header - where my menu buttons are, 2. …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for wolverine_ramir

1) is it possible that i could create GUI application under Perl (*.pl) files? 2) what are the things that i need to consider and do? 3) i tried copying a perl program from a certain website and when i tried running it on command prompt for Windows, it says …

Member Avatar for wolverine_ramir
Member Avatar for ebabes

I wish that when a user positions the mouse in a hyperlink, a set of sublinks will show up. It flips and flops as the user moves in and out the mouse towards it. How can I do this? Thanks. I really appreciate your reply.

Member Avatar for ebabes
Member Avatar for smyhmsg

I want to call a perl script from inside another perl script, but everytime I run it, a cmd window pops up, even if I close all the I/O handles. Is there any way to avoid the cmd window to popup in perl? I want to avoid annoying windows to …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for gopalsd

Can anyone help me resolving below mentioned problem #!/usr/bin/perl @data=N; $sum=0; print"enter the required No. of numbers to be inputed : f"; $N=<STDIN>; print"enter the number"; for($i=0;$i<$N;$i+=1) {$data[$i]=<STDIN>; # chomp $data[$i]; $sum=$sum + $data[$i];} # for($j=0;$j=$data[$i];$j+=1) print"the entered numbers are",@data,"\n"; print"sum of the number:",$sum,"\n"; print"Average value the numbers:",$sum/$N,"\n"; @sorting=sort(@data); $lengt=@data; …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for jer_stud56

I'm not looking for a direct answer or anything considering I'm doing this for homework, but I'm a little confused on why my batting average and slugging percentage do not work. [code] batAvg = singles + doubles + triples + homeRuns / atBats; slgPer = singles + 2* doubles + …

Member Avatar for jer_stud56
Member Avatar for haveibrokenit?

I had 256MB RAM DDR PC2700 in my PC and I installed a 1GB stick. I had run a memory needs check from Crucial.com and it told me what I needed and I also checked the actual label stuck on the RAM in the PC. The connections on the RAM …

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for ywchong

How can i write a engineering code using Perl? Foe example, Connecting computer RS-232 PORT to collect data purpose Please advice

Member Avatar for ywchong
Member Avatar for rolinski

Hello there! I wrote this code that performs removal of certain sequences, but its execution time exceeds one hour on a supercomputer. Could you help me to simplify it, so it will consume less time? Big thanks! /Robert #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w open (INPUT, "phastCons_200_chr6.txt") and print "phastCons is open\n"; open (OUT, …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for kahaj

I contacted customer support and they directed me to: [url]http://support.ehostpros.com/hd/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=137[/url] Part of what it says to do is set the permissions to 755. How do I do this?

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for ebabes

How can you insert a hyperlink in your site that does not include an underlined text? This is for a basic reason that most of the text of a hyperlink is underlined. How can I get rid of it?

Member Avatar for ebabes
Member Avatar for magikman

Hello, I would first like to thank everyone for their help so far, i really appreciate it. Well, i have been learning perl for my job now for about three weeks. Things have gone pretty well so far. I have written a few scripts here and there. However, i have …

Member Avatar for SergioQ
Member Avatar for prgmkevin

Helo everybody..im new to the forum n these days iv been streesed uip with my project. wanted to know if perl would be a good choice to implement an automatic program to extract text from online biomedical jounals(can b pdf or html format),categorise and summarise the text and keep it …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for vossch

I have two output files that are generated from a perl script. They are very similar but different. Out of the 25 characters or so in each output, there is only 2 that I need to compare against each other. What is the best approach for this? Thanks, Chris

Member Avatar for KevinADC

The End.