2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for iceghost

here is the asp code: [Response.Redirect("[URL]http://www.yahoo.com[/URL]")] what i am trying to do is loop through my database and send variables through a querystring to the same target address. but if my code redirects to the target url it will stop at the first record before it gets to the next. …

Member Avatar for Cyber-SEO
Member Avatar for jemather

I am quite new to Perl, and have not had much luck finding a cause for some seemingly-strange behavior of a Perl script I am playing around with. I am running Perl 5.8.6 on OS X 10.4.8. I have done some perusing, but I'm not quite sure how to describe …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for Shon05

Is anyone familiar with lisp programming? If so can you please respond back. I have a program due and it deals with lisp type checking! I would really appreciate it. ;)

Member Avatar for indienick
Member Avatar for aetinti

I've been looking for the anwer for almost 2 days now, odds are I'm looking in the wrong place but I can't find it. Is there a script I can write to get perl to print a command to the command line and then "press enter" to execute it?

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I wrote a code in C# which contains a datagrid which is having a hyperlink and we want when we click on this hyperlink it will redirect to another page and select all the selected messages. How can i do this?

Member Avatar for ses5909
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I'm working on getting threads of replies to work in my forum system. I'm using this function: [code=perl] sub read_fields { my($offset1, $offset2, $offset3, $offset4, $this_offset, $result, $n, $dbase, $data, @field_name, @name_length, $num_fields, $m, $check, $check2, $primary_key, $action, @passed_array); ($offset1, $offset2, $result, $dbase, $num_fields, $m, $action, $primary_key, @passed_array) …

Member Avatar for aetinti

I'm Trying to write a program that will automatically open a .exe file enter a piece of text in a specific textbok and then exectute itself. I'm new to perl and can't seem to find any of the answers in my books or online. I'm running Perl through the windows …

Member Avatar for aetinti
Member Avatar for concept

There are so many spoof programs promoting the 'best marketing strategies' that it has become more of a joke than a real help. Many things we read about make out that one person can reasonably learn what is needed to achieve success and profits on the Internet. How many have …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

:eek: I wrote a script which access my mails from outlook.But it suddenly pop's up a box which asks for allowing the access to the mails. I want to suppress that pop up window.How can I do it? Its very urgent please provide the reply urgently! Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for bhavna_816
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I was just wondering if it is OK to do this: [code=perl] if ($beer == $wine) {# Some code} elsif ($beer == $vodka) {} else {die("Oh dear! Neither condition satisfied!")} [/code] i.e. have an empty block attached to an if, elsif or else. It might sound like an …

Member Avatar for zabina
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I want to parse this expression PFolder=Personal Folders&SFolder=Inbox&Message=3 and want to extract Personal Folders from PFolder,Inbox from SFolder and 3 from Message,so that i can further use this things "Personal Folders,Inbox and 3"in the program. How can I do it?

Member Avatar for bhavna_816
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I always run Perl scripts on a web server with [code] #!/usr/bin/perl -T [/code] at the top (i.e. taint mode on). I try to do the same when testing scripts on my local machine and this often works fine. But somtimes (when running from the command line) I …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for babutche

I am having a problem getting my "break" to work correctly in this program. Can anyone help me see what I am doing wrong? This is my program: [code]import string import math class Student: def __init__(self, name, hours, qpoints): self.name = name self.hours = float(hours) self.qpoints = float(qpoints) def getName(self): …

Member Avatar for babutche
Member Avatar for kararu

Hi all, I had developed an Ip scanner with perl and inline c++. The forum was really useful for me..So thought I will share it with you. [URL="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/computeip"][COLOR=#0000ff]www.sourceforge.net/projects/computeip[/COLOR][/URL] [COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR] thanks, karthika.

Member Avatar for chrisranjana
Member Avatar for Buddha David

Hi guys, This issue is driving me crazy. I have an assembled unit and the CD-ROM just wont load anything. Everytime i load a CD/DVD it says the following error consistently CDStart.Exe - Application Error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006). THe CDdrive is HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8481B and i …

Member Avatar for TheMadMarks
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I m new to perl and i have to develop such webserice which can use the perl script via html so that the source of the perl file cannot be displayed only the output is displayed.

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for dss

Hi, I just took a freelancer script its a cgi script. Can any one let me know is there any posibility to run a cgi script on local computer like we run php on apache/IIS and asp on IIS. Is there any way to run cgi script. Thank You

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for MattEvans

In certain cases, it's correct for my app to die if it encounters a potentially dangerous condition... I'm working on a more detailed error reporting system, and among the things I want to list are; the object class that threw the error, and the method that threw the error. At …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. If you're a regular Perl user you might already know this; the developers of Perl 6 are using a prototype version of the Perl 6 interpreter written in Haskell to do various "proof of principle" testing. It's called Pugs (maybe a pun on the Haskell interpreter Hugs). However, …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for jaguar founder

Hello, I have a question about perl I wanna connect a program for example a login/user creation to a website It a program That once you make an Account it sends that account to the game server which requires login to play And once you make that Account you can …

Member Avatar for jaguar founder
Member Avatar for Compu Nerd

I've recently relpaced a MOBO in an older laptop running Win 98SE. When i put it back together the keyboard doesnt seem to work properly. When i press A i get E. When i press S i get V. Whats going on here. Ive also noticed that the video doesnt …

Member Avatar for Compu Nerd
Member Avatar for sougataroy

I have a Repeater control (myrepeater) and a datagrid both bound to the same datasource: dgMaster.DataSource = GetAuthors() dgMaster.DataBind() myRepeater.DataSource = GetAuthors() myRepeater.DataBind() Here is how it is setup in the repeater: <asp:Repeater id="myRepeater" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <tr> </tr> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td width="30%"></td> <td><%# Container.DataItem("firstdate") %></td> <td width="30%"><asp:HyperLink ID="Hyperlink1" Runat="server" …

Member Avatar for MattEvans

is it possible, to use, or otherwise import and access the class in a .pm file by a suggested name (this would be after compilation)... here's the lowdown, I've been working on a project for a while now, it is an XML processor. One of the parts of a process …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for mahe4us

Dear ALL, Iam a PHP programmer and I have one year experience in php programming. Now I would like to study PERL and its features. can any PERL prorammer let me know the good tutorial or URL for studying PERL. Really its helpful for me..... Thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for Raju5725

HI, I am new to web development as well as ASP.Net....I am trying to design and a develope a web UI....in which I have two frames....in one one of the frames I am placing my menu items (presently a href tags)....when I click on any of the menu item the …

Member Avatar for kathas

Hello every body, Ok here is my problem... I make an HTTP Request to a server and i am being redirected to another page. How can i know to which page am i being redirected? Depending on the Request i am being redirected to another page... I get the HTTP …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for Bhaskar_korthi

How to get the Current processes list using perl in windows. Like "ps -elf" in unix based system.

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for kararu

Hi all, What are the statements in a perl script that need attention/change for making the script run in a different OS. ofcourse the perl interpreter path(hashbang line) Say for eg: perl statements (system, exec and backtick ) involves command line commands.So commands will differ for different OS and so …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for MDGM

hi all, My website host does not support changing perl file permissions online through an ftp program or any other method, and i need to change my .pl file to have different permissions in order for them to work. how do i change my file's permissions to chmod 755 or …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for perlguy

I am trying to modify a parser for delimited files I already wrote so it works on a delimited file that doesn't contain each set of data on the same line. So for example, ||A||B||C||D||E||F ||G||H|||A||B||C|| D||E||F||G||H|||A where each data set is separated by 3 pipes instead of 2. Can …

Member Avatar for KevinADC

The End.