39,388 Topics
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**the below code suggested in some site to send mail with attachment. In the below code i have two attachment(TRYTEK.zip,TRYTEK.rar) in the server and with those attachment i want to send mail. But the below code is not sending mail with those attachment. Its sending only a Blank mail. Friends … | |
I would like to include a new answer type in WP-PRO Quiz with visual analog scale. I would also like to change the title of the answer type. Please help ![]() | |
I have a form that is a chat apps am building for project. Now everything seems to be working fine to best of my ability. Now i want to submit the data from the form into my php script without any form of reload. That means i don't want redirection … | |
Good morning all I'm having a problem with injecting a class into the constructor of another class. I am creating an MVC framework, for learning purposes. In bootstrap.php, it loads the various classes needed, and also instantiates a few classes Code snippet for bootstrap.php below. <?php /** * file: /system/core/Bootstrap.php … | |
Hello Guys, I have a codes for Ratings Question Using Radio Button, then i want to do is , if the user missed of the one question to be rated, then its should say, "One Question not Rated!" Can You Check if my Codes is Correct? or is there other … | |
I have problem with my if else statement. I want to show popup box which is a list of late submission. All i going alright, but there are problem when there are no late submission. The popup block still appear when it supposed not appear when there are no late … | |
or if anyone have a bsetec marketplace nulled script ? | |
How can I convert amount in words for multiple currencies? I am using some class & functions but they have bugs & not fully functional. Does anyone have full functional and tested code/example? Thanks in advance. | |
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http://www.infracom.co.id/infracom/InfRaAdmIn337/index.php index.php <div class="login-header"> <div class="logo clear"> <img src="http://img.cr7.web.id/assets/wds-logo-circle.png" alt="" class="picture" /> <span class="textlogo"> <span class="title"><?php echo strtoupper($config['sitename']); ?></span> <span class="text"><?php echo strtoupper(ADMIN_TPL); ?></span> </span> </div> </div> Line 89: <span class="title"><?php echo strtoupper($config['sitename']); ?></span> How to fix the error? I cannot find what $config['sitename'] associated with. | |
A while ago I explained how you could tag articles (see [this thread](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/387961/php-code-to-show-related-posts-on-a-blog)). Now you get a full working example. This code and the SQL script is also available on GitHub. The attached MySQL dump needs to be imported into your database, and you must update the credentials in the … | |
Hi, I've run into absolute brickwall and am really desprate for your help please. I have a MYSQL Database with two Tables called user_comment and the second user_table. When a user register with the site, their details are kept in the user_table. the second table user_comment is so that users … | |
Please help me :) how to do this? Student post an assignment to the supervisor. Supervisor will receive that assignment and approve it whether click button YES or NO. The question here is, how to show YES or NO statement at the student page after supervisor has approved their assignment? … | |
I want to modify a table columns and rows the way I want them, but i have a problem on doing that please help me. | |
Hello I am trying to update the quantity value but I am not able to do it. As soon as the user clicks on Add To Basket, if the items exists I want it to update the value. At the moment, the quantity is one. //so this bit checks if … | |
I have the Ajax call listed bellow inside a jquery function, and the ajax call is not working. I've used "alert" to debug and its like the jquery function didn't even had the ajax call. Nothing inside it is processed, with no sucess and no errors. Isn't it possible to … | |
hi im a beginner on php and i just want to know if my codes is correct because when i try to update it it only saves the last value i hope some one can understand me. $id = ($_REQUEST['StudentNumber']); $result= mysql_query("SELECT NameofSiblings, Age, HEA, CivilStatus, Occupation FROM $tblname where … | |
Hello, I wonder about one thing: I am trying to create a uniform background for this all navigation links in this site: [Infracom](http://www.infracom.co.id/infracom/) I do not really create the site - since we no longer hire the one who create it and I have to maintain it. index.php <?php require('wds.php'); … | |
Hi all master is posible srcape a web java applet using curl php? please help | |
My resume is already present in resume folder with following formate eg: 3chaitanya.doc = > [session_id+session_firstname] i need to attach it to email without browsing it <?php session_start(); include('db.php'); $to = "company@gmail.com"; $fromEmail = $_SESSION['user_email']; $fromName = "Job tile"; $subject = "Applying for job"; $message = "some text"; //path of … | |
<html> <body> <table border=3> <form action=checkpass.php method=post> <tr> <td>userid</td> <td><input type=text name=n1></td> </tr><br> <tr> <td>password</td> <td><input type=password name=n2></td> </tr><br> <tr> <td><input type=submit value=login></td><br> <td><a href=registration.html>Create new account</a></td> </tr> </form> </table> </body> </html> //checkpass.php <?php session_start(); include "connect.php"; ?> <?php $userid=$_POST['username']; $password=$_POST['password']; $q="select * from cust_details where userid='".$userid."' and password='".$password."'"; $s=mysql_query($q); … | |
when i try to submit my file i get error > Fatal error: Call to undefined function finfo_open() in C:\xampp\htdocs\Test\file_insert.php on line 49 My Code for Insert.php is: <html> <head><title>File Insert</title></head> <body> <h3>Please Choose a File and click Submit</h3> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action= "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" … | |
I have posted image in database, and i got that image also, but i want to replace the image using php code can any one help me this is my code <?php require("../db.php"); $id =$_REQUEST['id']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM doctors WHERE id = '$id'"); $test = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!$result) … | |
<?php $variable=$_POST['module']; $xmldoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmldoc->load('info.xml'); $xpathvar = new Domxpath($xmldoc); $queryResult = $xpathvar->query("testcase[substring-after( substring-after(script, '/'), '/' ) = '$variable' or substring-before( substring-after( substring-after(script, '/'), '/' ), '/' ) = '$variable']"); foreach($queryResult as $var) { echo $var->textContent; echo "\n"; } ?> I have written this code to fetch those content … | |
Hi, I need to make a registration page to my Private Silkroad server on my website, and it works with SQL Server 2012. I'm not really into PHP neither SQL, just figuring it out with poor online guides on the web about it, and I didnt find any help with … | |
I am going through an XML file and trying to get the name of a child (or children) node(s) but I'm missing something. Even though there are child nodes, my foreach loop acts as if there is not. $pos = $node->sense->pos; foreach ($pos->children() as $child) { echo "I never get … | |
Hello Guys, I need your help. How to convert decimal into precent using php codes example like this. Example: 0.2 = 20% Thanks in Advance Please help me, Thanks | |
input_gallery.php <?php include('../includes/koneksi.php'); $post_id = isset($_POST['post_id']) ? $_POST['post_id'] : ''; $confirmation = isset($_POST['confirmation']) ? $_POST['confirmation'] : ''; $kategori = isset($_POST['kategori']) ? $_POST['kategori'] : ''; $post_image = isset($_POST['post_image']) ? $_POST['post_image'] : ''; $page = isset($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : ''; //Load image if (!empty($_GET['post_id'])){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM static_page WHERE post_id … | |
Hello, I was assigned to create webinars and have been looking for the opensource one and I found openmeetings: https://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/ Yet, I cannot install it. http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/InstallationOpenMeetings On the third instruction I suppose to run web installer: localhost/openmeetings/install --> yet, there is no such a thing. I have extract the openmeetings … | |
<?php if (isset($_POST['Login'])){ $Username = $_POST[ 'UserName' ]; $password = $_POST[ 'Password' ]; $user = 'localhost'; $pass = ''; $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ovs', $user, $pass ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM Voters WHERE UserName=:UserName"; $query = $db->prepare( $sql ); $query->execute( array( ':Username'=>$UserName ) ); $results = $query->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); foreach( … |
The End.