39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Php_1

hi everyone..! i am working on a web site which is in two languages.. so i need a help i am inserting values in database and i need to retrive it and showing in another language which i use thanks in advance

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for luis.andrei.cobo

I have a site hosted on NetworkSolutions using Joomla with mod_rewrite on. When I use that with php files, the pages load and stop, randomly, somewhere a part of the way into the file and fail to download completely. If I turn mod_rewrite off, and access the php page directly, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for BadManSam

Hi, how would you delete a folder on the click of a button including its contents, including the file that has the script to delete it. After it has been deleted it should redirect to the homepage of the site. And how you show that if a folder exists then …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for LameApe

Howdy. Perhaps I've being going about this all wrong, fair enough but essentially what I'm trying to do is place all my db connection info on another page `connect.php`. The idea is to then setup a function (below) which can then be called in *once* on my class files for …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for dshivprasad

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'futurejunction'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/content/90/11628090/html/phpmysqlcon.php on line 6 Unable to connect database. is showing in my website. whats the wrong happened.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

I have a screip to resize an image, save it to a dir and store the path in mysql. This works ok. The images are gotten from a suppliers website where the filename of each is the product code. The variable $remote_file in my code looks like this ../images/products/wsx339.jpg. How …

Member Avatar for GlenRogers
Member Avatar for maggoteer

I'm currently trying to modify 2 scripts to work together. I've gotten everything working except the script isn't passing any, or the incorrect information when it's trying to create a checkbox. Here's the code I have so far: if (strlen($q)>0) { $hint=""; for($i=0; $i<($x->length); $i++) { $f=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('id'); $g=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('item'); $h=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('price'); $y=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('keyword'); …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I have a database that contains multiple comments. Each comment has their own ID. I want to select 5 comments from the database, store the last comments ID into a variable and then select 5 more comments at a later time. When I collect 5 more comments at a later …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dangeroz

Public Class Adminpage Dim result As MsgBoxResult Public Sub shw() End Sub Private Sub Adminpage_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load clr() End Sub Public Sub clr() patientno.Text = "" lasttxt.Text = "" Firsttxt.Text = "" Middletxt.Text = "" ComboBox1.Text = "" gencbad.Text = "Select..." MaskedTextBox1.Text = …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for thuku

Hi Gurus, If I have an existing code, How do I make it a plug in on wordpress, and add it to the dsahboard ?

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Member Avatar for strongpot

Hello, Self taught guy here. Thanks for reading my post. I've made a app to track the sales of floating rubber ducks for a duck race. I have a database which contains data similar to this: id soldby package ------------------------ 1 John 6 2 John 25 3 John 1 4 …

Member Avatar for strongpot
Member Avatar for Raju_3

I had uploaded the image(blob field used) in DB.i want to show that image in pdf.how to write the code, please help me

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for papa10

how to create mail code when user is register then send random user name and password in CodeIgniter

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for srilakshmi7

Hi.. I'm new to php.. I'm creating one website.In that I planned to keep default profile picture for each member of mysite and they can also upload their profile picture,edit and delete.. Please can anyone help me with this php and mysql coding?

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, this is php in codeigniter. I have posted the same topic in codeigniter discussion forum, but I get a really long time to get a reply and some times do not get a reply at all. So may be if there are some codeigniter experts in this forum might …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for lewashby

In the following code I'm trying to figure out what InitDB is? I need to reconfigure these files for a particular website and to use SQLite. http://www.html-form-guide.com/php-form/php-registration-form.html <?PHP require_once("./include/fg_membersite.php"); $fgmembersite = new FGMembersite(); //Provide your site name here $fgmembersite->SetWebsiteName('user11.com'); //Provide the email address where you want to get notifications $fgmembersite->SetAdminEmail('user11@user11.com'); …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Phaelax

I have a simple contact form for a restaurant that's then emailed when submitted. What are some things I can do to ensure the form isn't abused? Such as a user sending multiple emails over and over, or it being hijacked to send spam elsewhere. Here's the php script: <? …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for hemanshurpatel

Hi I have a mysql table in which 3 columns are of main interest. I want to final output like, if two columns matches(of different rows) then third columns should be sum of two columns. Example column1 column2 column3 abc hiren 5 bcd host 10 cde ketan 13 abc hiren …

Member Avatar for hemanshurpatel
Member Avatar for Priti_P

I have an application (Developed in DRUPAL -> php) Here my problem is , I want to terminate the session of application as you close the browser. How to do this? because PHP sessions work exactly like ordinary cookies! The server doesn't know which instance is being using. So I …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I would like to get Type, Id and Height values in database table. It is not working. There is no error message. Objective is to get RESPECTIVE "Type" from Catalaog which has same Reference from Installed. Well, I have 850 Mb XML file and i just would like to present …

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Member Avatar for atiqur_29

im very newbie in both php and ajax & i was trying to create a form where if i insert the contact id then the rest of the form field will automatically filled by retriving data from database. to get help from a tuitorial, this what i already done but …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for devianleong

Hi, how can I group sessions value? Example I have session 1,2,2,3,3,3,4 .Now I want to get sessions 1,2,3,4 only

Member Avatar for devianleong
Member Avatar for thuku

Hi, I have a wordpress site, which has 2 back ends for the admin to administer content. -The wordpress admin login -a php content management software. My question is, how can I add this php cms to a wordpress dashboard? What options are available and how can I do it.

Member Avatar for thuku
Member Avatar for dean.ong.14

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\registration\r­egistration.php on line 66 i already tried mysqli_error() and does not fix this problem <html> <head> <title>Registration Form</title> </head> <body> <form method='post' action='registration.php'> <table width='400' border='5' align='center'> <tr> <td><h1>Registration Form</h1></td> </tr> <tr> <td>User Name:</td> <td><input type='text' name='name'/></td> </tr> <tr> …

Member Avatar for dean.ong.14
Member Avatar for Sanjay_6

Hi guys... I want to install xdebug for profiling and debugging php application. But something i miss so that phpinfo file not shows xdebug.some basic info about my php confihuration PHP Version 5.4.7 Apache 2.4 what steps i have followed: i have download latest version of `xdebug.dll` and move this …

Member Avatar for Sanjay_6
Member Avatar for aVar++

I have two files this is the file included: <?php if (@mysql_connect("localhost","****", "**************") || @mysql_select_db("a_database")) { echo "Connected"; } else { die("Not connected."); } ?> Then this is the main file: <?php require "connect.inc.php"; $query = "SELECT `food`, `calories` FROM `food` ORDER BY `id`"; if ($query_run = mysql_query($query)) { echo …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for satbir4

Hi all, I have more than 50 pages in a site. suppose, in every page i want to write "ABC" and edit every some days. Please anybody tell me the code how i can call ajax file in php. And complete code for both files.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for best4earn

1 . How to make a captcha code unhack able ? I have make a captcha with numeric & alphabits in 4 digits , if i use captcha in signup & login form than how much chances to hack web ? I already used md5 hash and salt in my …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for best4earn

i want to add some restriction to my form . i want to generate a code my self , with out putting that code form can't be submited successful . Give me some ideas to take step , how to build a script such like that

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Member Avatar for VNexus

Hi everyone, I really haven’t found much that would be fitting in a half decent or secure way on this issue, but... Let’s say I have a website called mysupportsystem.com and I've incorporated a third party cloud based ticketing system which is fed into the index page via iframe at …

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The End.