39,326 Topics
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value is not showing in the combo box <? $cn=mysql_connect("localhost","root"); mysql_select_db("test",$cn); // Make a MySQL Connection // Construct our join query $query = "SELECT one.name,two.address FROM one,two where one.name=two.name"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " name "."address"; echo "<br />"; while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo $row['name']. " - ".$row['address']; echo "<br … | |
I have a fairly simple PHP page which is giving me some bother, and I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction to correct it. In the HEAD section there is a bit of CSS... [CODE].messText { position: absolute; width: 600px; top: 250px; margin: 0 auto; font-family: … | |
Hello. Can some one offer me a check file permissions function for PHP to work in both Linux and Windows based systems? I am able to make a such check for linux but for windows I got wrong values (it doesn't show the true permissions). It must work on both … | |
Hello, Help please! I am using XAMPP for my website. My website is almost ready now. It is working fine in localhost. Now I would like to make it online (public). And, this is my main OBSTACLE. I have already bought a domain. I also configured the Port Forwarding in … | |
Id Product Quantity Amount Date 1 Shoe 4 200 2011-08-27 2 Shoe 2 100 2011-08-28 3 Cap 2 50 2011-08-28 4 Shirt 1 300 2011-08-28 5 Cap 1 25 2011-08-29 6 Shoe 1 50 2011-08-29 7 Shirt 2 600 2011-08-29 This my database structure. what I want to know is … | |
Hi, This was am using in my code: [CODE]echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Please, confirm or reject: </b></td><td><a href='thanks.php'>Confirm</a></td>"; echo "<td><a href='reject.php?name=$name&officerid=$pofficerid&officername=$pofficername&txt1=$ss'>Reject</a></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; [/CODE] On clicking [B]Reject[/B] link, my all values(name,offiderid,officername,txt1) that am passing through hyperlink tag getting visible in the URL. I don't need the user, to see my passing … | |
I am talking about Social engine 4(SE4) ([url]http://www.socialengine.net/[/url]) which is written in Zend. I can go up to the IndexAction of IndexConroller in Core Module. But then I am at a loss. Which models are used there to build the homepage? I think when I can learn about the models … | |
Hi, I am working with normal curl login function but it doesn't work for this particular site, please see this login page and suggest any solution for me. [url]http://nbk2.autodata.no/default.aspx?11=4&10=0006117171746465004012&14=12&12=1003[/url] | |
i have this code to create a contact directory and my instructor wants me to create a function for database connect to minimize the coding and if an instance to change the server it is easy to change. <?php if(isset ($_POST ["add"])){ $name = $_POST['name']; $address = $_POST['address']; $email = … | |
i am building a simple online portal and i have done all the login ,registration pages and all the fields successfully get uploaded in the database but now all i got is a product display page and an shopping cart 1. i want help is how do i pass the … | |
After updating mysql from 4 to 5, I'm now getting this error: [CODE]Invalid SQL: SELECT HRS.Hrs AS Val, HRS.Job_ID, TS.Staff_ID, Staff.First_name, Staff.Last_name FROM Timesheets AS TS, Timesheet_hrs AS HRS LEFT OUTER JOIN Staff ON (TS.Staff_ID=Staff.ID) WHERE TS.ID=HRS.Timesheet_ID ORDER BY Staff.First_name, Staff.Last_name, HRS.Job_ID DESC: 1054 (Unknown column 'TS.Staff_ID' in 'on clause')[/CODE] … | |
Hi guys Hoping you can help me I have designed a form when you click on Attach it opens a pop up window with the upload script, uploading is not a problem but returning the value from the pop up text field to the main form is not working. Main … | |
Have 2 tables - one for new titles and the other for authors. I want to tag the "new titles" table with the "author" value if the author's name appears in list of new titles. As you can see from my code, I don't have a clue what is wrong … | |
I've been trying to test out my first website on the following free hosting service for the moment: [url]http://members.000webhost.com/cpanel.php?accountID=6800891&login_hash=xakt1MTI3NQX1Q1z[/url] and it seems that the mysql connection isnt working. I get the following errors... [CODE] Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'Myname'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/a3793016/public_html/reviews.php on line 35 … | |
i'm also having a unexspected T-string error, my web hosting service uses php 5 and i don't know what is wrong with my code. attached are all the pages that have this error | |
Hi i want to generate barcode for each bill. any one can help me. barcode will be alphanumeric(dynamic). | |
hi everyone i have this code(dont think its a code spam ..its a trick) which display the date(only): [CODE] <a href="index.php" STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION: NONE">«Back•</a> <br> <br> <hr width="200" align="left"> <br> <?php $conn=odbc_connect('datasourcegaby','',''); $search=mysql_escape_string($_POST['SEARCH']); if (!$conn) {exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);} if($search==null){ header("location:index.php"); }else{ $sql="SELECT * from generators WHERE convert(datetime,convert(char(10),TIMESTOMPX,101))= '$search'"; }; … | |
hi guys i need help, i don't know what's the cause of this but somehow the page only loads 2 jwplayer videos and a white screen on mac google chrome. please help :( [url]http://masterbeing.com/nb/yoga-kurs-film-lp[/url] | |
[code] <?php $file_handle = fopen("info.csv", "r"); while (!feof($file_handle) ) { $data = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024); echo"$data[0] . $data[1]"; } fclose($file_handle); ?> [/code] I want to get the specific cell value (2,2) from csv in php, how can i do that ? Thank you very much! | |
I've just created my first website (congratulate me). And I want to upload it but although I don't have access to many different computers, I've opened my webpages up on google chrome, internet explorer and firefox and the style looks slightly different. So apparently what I need to do is … | |
Hi all, i need some help with php. I am writing i web site and i have an upload form . I upload files in folder and in database where i have the filename the path and some other fields which i will use for my sql to set my … | |
If I have an external website how can I pull data from it. I have the following code snippet that I need to pull data from: [CODE] <div class="headlinesBox"> <div class="headline currentHeadline"> <div class="headlinesClipping"> <img src="/common/images/thumbnails/source/1320614405d.jpg" style="float: left; width: 262px; height: 236px;"/> </div> <div class="headlinesText"> <h3><a href="/details/news/1325223/Template-Assisted_Fabrication_for_Polymer_Solar_Cells.html" title="Template-Assisted Fabrication for … | |
Hi, Please look at this: [CODE]<?php print ' <form> <td><input type="text" name="txt" maxlength="7" style="text-transform:uppercase"></td> </form> </html>'; if(isset($_POST['submit']) { $val=$_POST['txt']; #header(); } ?>[/CODE] my text box values gets erased after submit button. If i use header function: error is [B]Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started … | |
I'm creating a website and I have implemented a commenting/review system on there but I want to stop spammers so I've been trying to find a way to stop people from typing in url's. I tried the following method but it only works for the last thing mentioned (.in) and … | |
hello , i want to ask on how to create graph using php , and can u give me a sample code on it ? thanks much more power | |
Hi! Im currently trying to make a social website of a kind. I got the login, registration, userpage, profile TINYMCE editor working. But there is one thing im really struggling with, and that is; How do i let other users visit other users? When the user log's in, they're redirected … | |
in DB i have two tables named my one and two.in table one there is a colum named by name and in table two there is colum named by address. when i run the query it show the result but the problem with this is that it show same result … | |
Hey guys, I was wondering if there is possibly an "onBlurr" or "onChange" way I can check using JavaScript if a Birth date is correct I've seen a couple but I have a pretty simplistic way about how I want to get it done. Basically what I would like to … | |
Hi! I have a form made in php4 that worked great until I updated to php5. When I did this I got a lot of undefined indexes. I have been placing isset() around in the form, and now the undefined indexes does no longer show. But something is still not … | |
hi !! i want to ask f how to add two values in php ? can u give me a sample code ? tnx and Godbless |
The End.