638 Topics

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Member Avatar for ray100

This is the project I need to finish. I am fairly new to php and this project has got me confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated The project ask for to validate ISBN 10 Number. There would be 10 digits with 1-9 being Numbers, but Number 10 is an …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm having an error when I run this code any ideas? When I run it and enter the code it works if I enter the same numbers I had entered before his turn, but if i enter different numbers I get Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for ray100

HI, I am a beginner at programing and I have to do this project where it is asking me to validate any ISBN 13 number. I know how to set up the input page, but I am having or you could say no Idea how to validate a number if …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Asus93

![57584e18da6337a653024b88f1c61707](/attachments/large/4/57584e18da6337a653024b88f1c61707.JPG "57584e18da6337a653024b88f1c61707") May I know that what is the ACL as shown above doing? Why do we need deny any when we are permitting the specific ip address? Isn't that ACL list has a hidden "deny all" statement? Thank you.

Member Avatar for PulsarScript

//please can someone explain the output 4 8 12,why is it so? Thanks int count = 0; do { for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) count++; cout << count << ‘ ‘; } while ( count < 10 );

Member Avatar for PulsarScript
Member Avatar for CoolAtt

Hi All, i have been struggling with getting the "Description" text as an additional search engine meta.Am refering to the "Description" which is displayed below the title of the Blog. The "Meta tag Description" is showing up. please see attachment to better understand what am refering to. ![299d4673a5ffe0915db1fc20bc3016ed](/attachments/large/1/299d4673a5ffe0915db1fc20bc3016ed.jpg "299d4673a5ffe0915db1fc20bc3016ed") ![2c0874385efed66354747986000484d2](/attachments/large/1/2c0874385efed66354747986000484d2.jpg …

Member Avatar for Helalbd
Member Avatar for junglefury

Hello daniweb, I would like to us if it possible to search using two boxes from listview in vb6… First text box is for company name then the second box is for Number…the idea is that search first in the first textbox(companyname) then the second textbox (number)will search based on …

Member Avatar for VertexF3

Hello guys :) I hope you are well. I have a problem, I am trying to build a 2D platformer and I am stuck when it comes to building the levels. I found a tutorial on how to build a tiling engine and I just got completely confussed. I am …

Member Avatar for syahirah_1

*hi.. i just want to ask those who know to filtering multiple search using SP. My SP is working and the problem came when i want to call the parameter from my sp.can u check what error with my code* public partial class WebForm3 : System.Web.UI.Page { private string GetConnectionString() …

Member Avatar for syahirah_1
Member Avatar for Tina_5

I want to send an email only if the field name 'Active' has changed in my database table bus_status.. It is a boolean field (TRUE or FALSE) so if it is False and changes to TRUE upon update I want it to send the email or if is TRUE and …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Pyler
Member Avatar for Bader100

Hi all, Hi i have got a problem with the system i am creating on VB using Microsft Access. I have this error that keeps coming up when I debug my system. I am trying to add data in the database. I cant seem to find the solution to this …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for zahra97

see first elif statement for syntax error, where have i gone wrong?? this is only a section of code, help very much appreciated. if dice == dice2 : print ("The scores on both dice remain constant, no changes are made.") elif dice > dice2 : print ("The scores of the …

Member Avatar for Daemon_CC
Member Avatar for zahra97

here is *part* of my code: newvalue1 = difference + c newvalue2 = difference + d newvalue3 = difference2 + cc newvalue4 = difference2 + dd if dice == dice2 print ("The scores on both dice remain constant, no changes are made.") elif dice > dice2 print("The scores of the …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for mpike

Alright I apologize for the completely uninformative title but i had no idea what to call it. Basically I have an array with multiple values and I only want information to be sent from certain forms if a certain value is met in the array. <?php if(isset($_POST['cb1'])) { $cb1 = …

Member Avatar for world_weapon
Member Avatar for Ndey yassin

Create a class called PrintStars. In the main method, use nested-for loops to print 2 diagonal lines of stars accross a 9x9 grid.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for 404notfound

I'll be completely honest, I haven't googled this very much as I have no idea of how to put it. So a nudge in the right direction will be most appriciated. I have two forms and two tables. The first form has a series of text boxes that collect information …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for net4earning

i using this code to display radio buttons for selection. somehow the its not working correctly, plz guide on this issue. thanks in advance. <div class="register-section" id="user-role-section"> <label for="wp_rar_user_role"><?php echo $this->wp_rar_role_label; ?></label> <?php foreach($this->wp_selected_rar_roles as $role) { ?> <input type="radio" name="wp_rar_user_role" id="wp_rar_user_role" class="input select" value="<?php echo $role; ?>" /> <label> …

Member Avatar for net4earning
Member Avatar for mooseless05

Hi, I have been working on some code in Tkinter - this is my first ever coding in python and have basically copied chunks of code over to see what is possible but I am stuck on one section - I am trying to create a GUI in Tkinter but …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for brittney_2

I need to create a 2D array that holds the number of family members by the highest numbe of titles of one of the family members, and they input on one line. However, I am having trouble when I call the class in my other code in the main method. …

Member Avatar for brittney_2
Member Avatar for Afroula

Hi everyone, I'm trying to extract text from between tags but only in certain conditions. <title> and <pos> are both children of <page>, but neither one is nested inside the other (i.e., they're siblings). Each <page> always has one <title> and zero to 5 <pos> sections. What I need to …

Member Avatar for Afroula
Member Avatar for Pyler

I'm implementing a generi method that's supposed to traverse a binary tree in PostOrder but when I attempt to use it, the Iterator doesn't work as It should when I attempt to use ot on a Binary Tree, can anyone spot my mistake in the code? Thanks. The method makes …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for ashim24810

What is link building? For search engines that crawl the web, links are the streets between pages. Using sophisticated link analysis, the engines can discover how pages are related to each other and in what ways. All Links are Not Created Equal: 10 Illustrations on Search Engines' Valuation of Links …

Member Avatar for KristinaRoy
Member Avatar for ray100

This is the project I need to finish. I am fairly new to php and this project has got me confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated I am trying to do a Web form that is taking an online order form! This is What I have so far: This …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Nebil

I was going to check if a temp table exists and delete the it,since "the temptable already exists" arises if you want to perform another operation. Here's the code i used five statements but it says syntax error in drop table or drop index statement. Any help would be appreciated. …

Member Avatar for Nebil
Member Avatar for Reapt

So I'm teaching myself Java. I'm creating a text based game. I have an if statement that i want to check users input so its like this: if(sc.next() = "help"){ System.out.println("info"); } else if(sc.next() = "item"){ System.out.println("info"); } Etc. But it wont work. What would be the proper way to …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for cvandal

Hello, I'm trying to calculate the maximum and minimum distance between 10 points. My method to calculate the maximum distance is working fine however my method to calculate the minimum is returning 0.0 and I'm not sure why. Could someone please take a look at my code and tell me …

Member Avatar for cvandal
Member Avatar for admiri92
Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Jade_2

Hi guys I need to make a diamond like this for my lecturer,using nested for statements. I am having troubles. Can you guys give me any tips? ty.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for adam.wolnikowski.9

I'm writing a program where the settings of a spreadsheet-like field of textboxes are changed using two for loops, and I can't for the life of me figure out why it's not working.I have tried declaring the txt variable and name variable in different orders using different methods, but nothing …

Member Avatar for adam.wolnikowski.9

The End.