15,192 Topics
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[I]<<mod edit: answer to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/threads/32007/1496502#post1496502"]this post[/URL] from the sticky "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/threads/32007"]projects for the beginner[/URL]">>[/I] [CODE] #1 * 8 + 1 = 9 #12 * 8 + 2 = 98 #123 * 8 + 3 = 987 #1234 * 8 + 4 = 9876 #12345 * 8 + 5 = 98765 #123456 … | |
I'm trying to do a project that uses the trigonometric functions, but I'm having some trouble with them. When I type in this code: [CODE]import math print 0.5+math.cos((2*math.pi)/3)[/CODE] I get the answer 2.22044604925e-016. That's obviously not right. cos((2*pi)/3) is -0.5, so I should get the answer 0. Can anybody help … | |
Hi All, I created succesfully an executable version (Py2exe, Pyinstaller) of my application. When I try to run the app from .exe, I get an error as follows in the log file: [B][CODE]Traceback (most recent call last): File "CreateAS.pyw", line 8, in <module> ImportError: cannot import name Publisher[/CODE][/B] I am … | |
I have no idea where to start with this Python code. Any help is greatly appreciated. There is obvious going to be an input function but I'm not sure how to make the list. Here is the problem: Write a program to take in the names of U.S. Presidents into … | |
Hello I'm trying to make a verb conjugator for Spanish. The problem is that I need to get the last two characters in the verb to be able to determine the verb group to which it belongs. In Spanish, conjugation depends on the verb ending, among other factors. Verbs end … | |
For example I have a non-ordered list of values [10, 20, 50, 200, 100, 300, 250, 150] I have this code which returns the next greater value: [CODE] def GetNextHighTemp(self, temp, templist): target = int(temp) list = [] for t in templist: if t != "": list.append(int(t)) return str(min((abs(target - … | |
Hi All Hope everyones doing good. I have two \t files with 3 columns, file1 contains 600050 rows and file2 contains 11221133 rows. I am comparing file2 with file1 to match common entries in first two columns, if file1[0:2] in file2[0:2 ,] write file2[0:2]+column 3 else fil1[0:2] + 5. I … | |
I am trying to read from a txt file and counts the number of times each word appears. The problem is that it counts the EOL characters as well. I tried to use the rstrip, still it didn't do anything. So how can I handle these end-of-line characters? Please help. … | |
Hello, I am looking into the matplotlib module to plot my data. The graph that I am interested is in the following code. Now I want to mention some labels over the each bar plot mentioning some string and values is there any function to do? Also I want to … | |
I have a foreign key linking two models. One is called ZumaDirectors, the other ZumaConsolidated. For some reason I cannot access fields on ZumaConsolidated from ZumaDirectors using foreign key. I can do this without a problem on ZumaDirectors with a foreign key linked to another table. I want to be … | |
Hi guys i have 3 question for the pygame pong game I made: 1. I keep getting an error when i run this that has to do iwth the wx window I made for the user to enter a speed. this is the error code: [ICODE] Traceback (most recent call … | |
Write a Python function that will take a string of the form “4/11/2010” and print the corresponding date in the form “Apr 11, 2010”. Make use of strings, lists, and appropriate operators/methods. In particular, define a list that contains the month abbreviations so that you can convert without needing any … | |
I am working on a project and coding in Python 3.1 where I need to find a string in a file. I have already considered reading the file to a string and then using rfind() on it, but that does not seem to be efficient, seeing as how I expect … | |
Hello all, I've tried to find this problem in past threads, so sorry if this is a repost. I have a large file with regular data. The file is too large for me to open it all at once, so I need to split it into evenly (preferred) spaced output … | |
hello, i must change size image, when i install PIL i return this error [url]http://www.bankfotek.pl/image/918629.jpeg[/url] I use WIN 64-bit and i have ActivePython So, i can resize image whith wxPython? If i can, how? | |
An acronyum is a word formed by taking the firs letters of the words in a phrase and making a word for them. I need to write a program tha tallows the user to type in a phrase and then outputs the acronyum in uppercase for that phrase. This is … | |
I'm trying to count the length of each word in a string of text and then count the frequency of times that number of characters shows up throughout the entire text. I can't seem to figure out where to go from what I have here. Any help is greatly appreciated. … | |
Hi! :) As said in the title i try to get (as a string) the parent of a selected item, but i can't manage to do it. Of course i can easily retrieve the string of the selected item with GetItemText... But how do we retrieve its parent? Example: if … | |
[CODE]I have afile which has entries like BIG_CLUSTER106: cluster1150: CUB CUB CUB BIG_CLUSTER106: cluster1627: CUB Zona_pellucida BIG_CLUSTER106: cluster1632: CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB BIG_CLUSTER106: cluster1814: Kringle WSC CUB BIG_CLUSTER106: cluster2768: CUB CUB F5_F8_type_C F5_F8_type_C MAM DUF3481 BIG_CLUSTER106: cluster661: Astacin CUB CUB CUB CUB BIG_CLUSTER106: cluster687: CUB PDGF BIG_CLUSTER106: cluster701: CUB … | |
Hi, Below is the code I am compiling to a .dll & .lib but when I try to import the "Rand" module I get [B]ImportError: No module named Rand[/B], I renamed the .dll to .pyd then this error is removed but when I call the sub module Rand.myRand(10,30) it crashes … | |
[CODE]testingdays = testingData.getMeasurements() for day in testingdays: dayValues = [] dayValues[0].append(day.tempMean) dayValues[1].append(day.tempMax) dayValues[2].append(day.tempMin) dayValues[3].append(day.dewPoint) dayValues[4].append(day.humidMean) dayValues[5].append(day.humidMax) dayValues[6].append(day.humidMin) dayValues[7].append(day.pressure) dayValues[8].append(day.meanWindSpeed) dayValues[9].append(day.maxWindSpeed) dayValues[10].append(day.maxGustSpeed) dayValues[11].append(day.visibility) [/CODE] this is my code and when i try to run it i get the error message: "Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 166, in <module> … | |
I've just bought a reasonably capable quad core desktop and I want to start utilizing some of the advantages that multi core processing can offer. I have two simple counting functions, and I would like them to execute simultaneously. Does anyone know where I can start my research into the … | |
using pysnmp I am querying a variable which gives the IP address. I want to check that address. I do the following [CODE] ........... ............ ............. errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = cmdgen.CommandGenerator().getCmd( cmdgen.CommunityData('xxx', 'yyy', 1), cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((addr,161)), ((1,3,6,1,4,1,18489,1,2,2,2,9,30,0))) print"Error on GET for ccmSDIDULinkUtilEastRemoteIP -%s,%s%(errorIndication,errorStatus) print varBinds print varBinds[0][1] [/CODE] i get … | |
Hi, I was hoping someone could help out a python novice like me. I want to find in my data when there is three or more 1s in a row. This is a sample of what my input data would look like below. With the first number in each column … | |
hi all ...... import os os.system("ps") i want to kill two particular process i.e, log and snmp .....how to kill it , can anyone can plz help me:) thanks in advance | |
Hello! I am trying to create a tabbed program with Pyqt4. The idea is that I want to be able to add python scripts in a folder. Those scritps should be then be accessible from a main framework/program. Finally, when I run the python script I want the window to … | |
Not my code but I think free to share. This is intended as beginning point of learning classes or learning data structures. Read the document [url]http://mcsp.wartburg.edu/zelle/python/python-first.html[/url] As first exercise, this does not work instead of the while loop in test part: [CODE] for i in numbers: print i [/CODE] [QUOTE] … | |
Hi all. This is my first post and i am bit new to python. Pls dont mind if my question is dumb, kindly guide me I am writing a pexpect script (i am using linux Centos 5.5) to access my cisco router and want to record the output of "show … | |
hi all.. I need to issue a 'ping' to an ip address via my script and check whether it is up? can I issue it using os.system? can I capture the output and analyze to see if the host is up?? |
The End.