15,192 Topics

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[I]<<mod edit: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread244248.html"]split from here[/URL]>>[/I] Probably a long shot, since this thread is long since dead, but was hoping I could get a hand. I'm trying to do pretty much the same thing here, but I'm getting an error at this line: [code]self.storeli[self.counter].append(a)[/code] Throwing a KeyError: 0 at me, referring …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

As I was student, the bracketed plurals were absolute 'NO, NO'. With this simple function you can cleanly avoid putting bracket plural(s) after your numbers. If the number deciding singular/plural should not be automatically included, you can make version with [icode]str(n)+' '+[/icode] eliminated. If you want to put automatically space …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for cleve23

i saw from this forum on how to make line number in python but where should i paste the code into???i pasted the code in my gui code and no numbers appear out??Can anyone help me???i am a beginner in this. Thanks. [CODE]import wx,os,re ID_OPEN=102 ID_SAVE=103 ID_SaveAS=104 class MainWindow(wx.Frame): def …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Dan08

Is there a way to delete every n bytes from one point to the first byte? This s quite confusing. What I've done: [CODE]a = open("file.txt","r") b = a.read() a.close() findit = "WIN - PLACE" texto = b.find(findit)[/CODE] And now I need to delete everything before "WIN - PLACE", its …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for leahk

how do i make a while loop start again after it reaches the else statement?

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for doomas10

Hello all, Quick question-i am trying to write a programs whcih calculates the average of the numeric values of words that appear multiple times (if a word appears more than once then i want the average of its values). I do not get an error but instead only the sum …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Carolus89

I want to disable using 'import' with names of files from some folders. In my application I have folders named 'plugins' and 'drivers'. I want to user which will using my applicantion have no acces to files in folder 'drivers' from level of code (to no notify this fils after …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for Carolus89

Why this Error may happend? I have to readjust huge application and I need the most supposed possibilities which make this kind of error.

Member Avatar for Carolus89
Member Avatar for vlady

Hello, pls can anybody help me to break following string? example: output is 000 (type str) an I need to get [0,0,0] here is a script: [CODE]def test(n_input): bin_n=2 r=bin_n**n_input ## print r for x in range(r): ## print bin(x) f=str(bin(x))[2:].zfill(n_input) # x is type int, f is type str …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pooya083

Dear All, Hello, I am very new at python. I have an existing example project that have some scripts YYY,in path XXX/YYY and an script A.py that call these one by one. i.e, YYY is colection of py files { y1.py, y2.py,....}, that are imported to A.py. I mean that …

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Member Avatar for monstercameron

just an idea ...im not a programmer yet starting college aug. c++ and java both have complex syntax and i cant learn on my own, python is good but not supported aswell and basic is really basic any more thanks to object oriented stuff English the programming and scripting language …

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Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

I need a function which can take in a variety of time formats like "05/26/1999" and "02/14/2010 12:44" and convert them into this format: May-26 or Feb-14. I've tried to do this, but without success. Here's the code I tried (with some prints included for debugging purposes): [CODE] #Function for …

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Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

I need to do CSV parsing and I was wondering if this is possible with python and where I should go to learn how to code this script or get help. Let's say I have a CSV file with 20 rows and 4 columns. I need to: -Strip out the …

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Member Avatar for leahk

i want this loop to keep on checking the number of files that are in the current working directory and every time one is added... print it out with cat. it stops running after a few seconds. right now it works for a bit but when i try to add …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for appunu

I new to python . I created the one console application in python for that i used two data bases IBM_DBI and POSTGRESQL8.4. I converted the console application into windows exe for that i used py2exe. It is created, while running the exe it coudn't connect with DB2 data base …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pyprog

I have the following class. I have tried many basic examples but I always get the same error. [CODE]class Factorial(object): def calculate(self, n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return n * calculate(self, n - 1) if __name__ == "__main__": fact = Factorial() …

Member Avatar for jcao219
Member Avatar for pyguy25

I have another string dilemma. I am asked to write a program that counts the number of words in a sentence entered by the user. This is what I have right now, although I don't think that it is anywhere near being correct: [code] import string def main(): print "This …

Member Avatar for j6m8
Member Avatar for doomas10

Hello all, I have a question. You see i have a file which contains data in this format: index 388.315813 index 311.214286 syndrome 289.708333 factor 184.246753 loss 168.578313 index 451.123455 factor 321.676544 What i want to do is to read every line and print it. However if i encounter the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mastermoo420

[url]http://paste.pocoo.org/show/234632/[/url] The error's in there and I explain what my thoughts are. Extra information: There is definitely enough RAM. I watched the RAM go down as the program ran (lol), but there was still 2.3GB of RAM before the program crashed, giving the MemoryError. Here is an example of what …

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Member Avatar for vlady

Hello, I try to generate output (all posibilities) for logical AND. Nb inputs is 10 and that means there are 1024 combination. example: n i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 output 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for ctayn

#I have to revise this code below to allow the teacher to perform these calculations for any number of students. The teacher will be asked if she wants to calculate the average of another student. If she does, the program will allow her to input his / her test grades …

Member Avatar for nounlu
Member Avatar for Zemeus

[code] #reg.py #Choose username and password def regis(): userpass = open("userpass.txt","w") userpass1 = userpass.write(raw_input("Please select a username: ") + "\n") password1 = userpass.write(raw_input("Select a password: ")) userpass.close() #end of reg.py #login.py # Should i import reg before this function or is it ok to do it in the function? # …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for mtliendo

I'll start off by saying that not only am I new to Python but programming in general. But the problem is that whenever I have the user put in a number, then have the user put in another number, I can't get the two x,y variables to add up. the …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for echellwig

Hi, I am trying to interface between Java and Python in a program called Eclipse. Specifically, I need to call a program I wrote in python while in java. Any insight on how to do this would be helpful. Thanks! Elise

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Dan08

Hey everyone again, so I am having a lot of problems with function in wxPython, this time, I need to know how, or if it is possible, to add new widgets to the main frame from a function, so here is my code: [CODE]import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,'Example', …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for vello

[CODE]import time import subprocess from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore[/CODE] ............. This function is not working! [CODE]@button.clicked.connect def connectClicked(): button.setEnabled(False) process = subprocess.Popen("command", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(5) # 5 sek (?) button.setEnabled(True) [/CODE] ................

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Member Avatar for Sagar14

Hi, I'm using Google Base API for python to insert data in Google Merchant centre. The code is working fine till I asked for inserting the data (the last 3 lines of the code). Can anybody help me to figure out where the error can be. [CODE]import gdata.base.service import gdata.service …

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Member Avatar for Tommymac501

We get files from a unix system that are delimited with linefeed only, this is not a problem. The problem is that within some of the fields themselves, there are carraige controls ("\r\n"). Reading the file using OS will see a row like this and stop reading at the crlf. …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for lewashby

[CODE]# create options menu options = read_depots("depots.txt") OptionMenu(app, depot, *options).pack()[/CODE] In the above code I'M getting the error that __inti__ takes 4 arguments and that it's only given 3. I'M writing the code just how the book gives it to me.

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The End.