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This bot has some common functions, along with some not so common. I've been using this code to text my wife from work when my phone dies. Requirements: [LIST] [*]Gmail account (for texting) [*]xgoogle (for lang translation) [/LIST] I know it is messy, and the variables are named poorly; sorry. …

Member Avatar for thekilon

Are they any tool that can help build nice looking , easy to use installer, that will be strictly GUI based, no command line magic, for my end user for a programm I am building. If it is possible I would like to bundle inside my installation python and pygame, …

Member Avatar for thekilon
Member Avatar for lewashby

[CODE]from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox import pygame.mixer # create GUI window app = Tk() app.title("Head Frist Mix") sound_file = "50459_M_RED_Nephlimizer.wav" # start the sounds system mixer = pygame.mixer mixer.init() # create function def track_toggle(): if track_playing.get() == 1: track.play(loops = -1) else: track.stop() # create function volume def change_volume(v): …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for gunbuster363

I want to crawl my gf's xanga's post into my computer for better reading but it require me to login before viewing the post I am wondering ,can python crawl this password protected webpage? I already have the id and password, because that is my id. the login webpage, for …

Member Avatar for gunbuster363
Member Avatar for parijat24

hey, thanks to all of them who helps me in learning this language, again there is one text file file 1.txt >[B]sp|P81928[/B][/B]|140U_DROME 67 198 Tim17 8.9e-19 No_clan >[B][/B]sp|P20905|5HT1R_DROME 179 507 7tm_1 1.1e-97 CL0192 >sp|P28285|5HT2A_DROME 243 805 7tm_1 3.2e-73 CL0192 >sp[B][/B]|P28286|5HT2B_DROME 107 588 7tm_1 7.2e-82 CL0192 * here the number represents …

Member Avatar for jcao219
Member Avatar for linuxoidoz

Hi, I have a window and open another window with a button. Then, when the other window is closed I need to update some fields in the first one. Here's what I currently do: MainWindow: [code=python] ... self.connect(self.actionCustomFactors, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.OnCustomFactorsTriggered) ... def OnCustomFactorsTriggered(self): self.customWin = CustomWindow(self.factorsFile) self.customWin.show() self.connect(self.customWin, SIGNAL("destroyed()"), self.OnCustomWinClosed) …

Member Avatar for linuxoidoz
Member Avatar for ultimatebuster

something like this: open red box with key or open red box to be broken down to open as .group("verb"), red box as .group("object"), with as .group("preposition"), and key as .group("indirectobj") my current pattern is [icode]"^(?P<verb>open)\W*(?P<object>\w*\W{1})\W*(?P<preposition>with|\Z)\W*(?P<indirectobj>\w*)"[/icode] it's not working, and i'm kinda out of ideas.

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Member Avatar for job2

So, I have this code snippet where I read a text from a TXT-file: [code] file = open('test.txt', 'r') content = file.readlines() file.close() print(content) [/code] The printout: [code] ['My name is x.\n', 'I am 45 years old.\n', '\n', 'My girlfriends name is y.\n', 'She is way too old for me.\n', …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Check this out: [URL="http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/"]Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages[/URL]

Member Avatar for Anteater7171

I put in a partially transparent PNG image in Tkinter and all I get is what is in the attached image. How do I make the dark triangle on the right clear? (like it's supposed to be) This is python 2.6 on Windows 7, btw.

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Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Hi, I've just finished writing a Pong game with Python and pygame and thought it would be cool to make it multiplayer over the net with a friend. So, I changed my old asynchat-based instant messaging server into a server for this multiplayer Pong game. The only bad thing about …

Member Avatar for ultimatebuster
Member Avatar for ultimatebuster

I'm kind of confused over the iterator object/concept and the yield statement and its usage. According to my understanding, all the python sequence are iterators, as they don't need the classic [icode=java]for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++)[/icode] to iterate through lists/arrays. Am I correct over this? Am I missing anything? Also …

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Member Avatar for wolfeater017

Im having troubles learning how to make an executable so can someone show me what Im doing wrong [import time from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable setup( name = "hello", version = "0.1", description = "the typical 'Hello, world!' script", executables = [Executable("hello.py")]) [GO AHEAD AND IGNORE THE REST OF THE …

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Member Avatar for prashanth s j

Hi all, I wanted to write the following line to the file. [code] sys.stdout.write("123: The metro polis\n") [/code] But the line that was written is: [code] sys.stdout.write("100: The metro polis ") [/code] How do I get the \n to be written in the text form to the? file(ie it should …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Tommymac501

When I read a record, no mater what switch I use in the Open, large numbers are converted to scientific notation. These numbers are for mailing, so it's a combination of a zip, plus4, delivery point, etc. I need to keep the number intact Is there some way to read …

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Member Avatar for jazzvibes

Hi Daniwebers I'm trying install pygame into my Python 2.6 installation. I'm running Windows 7 64bit. I had everything working before, but I was trying to install pygame into a into a Python 3.1 installation and i kept getting an error, so I thought i'd uninstall everything and try again. …

Member Avatar for jazzvibes
Member Avatar for Dragazarth

Okay I was just mucking around on python. I have no programming experience at all, and I havent yet finished school anyhow, but I was interested in python and many say that it is great and everything... So I was trying to make a code that would solve this problem …

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Member Avatar for AlanWilhelm

Hello, I put together a small tutorial that I wanted to share. I found only scattered information on this and put a more complete tutorial together with code and comments. [URL="http://blog.ajwilhelm.net/archives/7"]Parsing Excel files with Python[/URL]

Member Avatar for wolfeater017

[This is a really long code so im just going to put the traceback part in and where I think the problem is] [def directions(): enter=0 nwscreen() Font1 = pygame.font.SysFont('ActionIsShaded', 25) d1 = basicFont.render('Directions',False,WHITE,BLACK) d2 = Font1.render('Directions',False,WHITE,BLACK) d3 = Font1.render('ALL ANSWERS MUST BE LOWERCASE',False,RED,BLACK) d4 = Font1.render ('Press enter to …

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Member Avatar for matto.g1456

I was hoping some one could help me out, I need to search a column in .csv and.las files, return the maximum and the corresponding value in another row. Thank you

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Member Avatar for kumarantechie

Hi, I want to decompile an python application which consits of pyc files. Since i am working in a conversion project .. from python to java i need to decompile pyc files to py files. The application contains number of pyc files. Any decompiler or free decompiling source available in …

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Member Avatar for GrahamAddy

Hi I'm having a problem with PyQt QProcess taking over. I want it to run several process one after the other and return each time so that I can refresh the display with the information that the process has finished. Here is the code:- [CODE] def _writeCDtoDatabase(self): Dic = {} …

Member Avatar for GrahamAddy

The solution to my problem is probably very simple, but I am having great problems solving it. I have a [B]MainWindow[/B] Class calling a [B]Dialog[/B]. I send the contents of a list from a loop to the Dialog lineEdit for a user to accept or change as required and return …

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Member Avatar for gunbuster363

I am crawling a website I found out that the source code of the website is different to the content of the website. obviously the content were generated through some script, does anyone know how to simulate the action and get the content of it? For example, there is a …

Member Avatar for gunbuster363
Member Avatar for wolfeater017

I've heard of the working file in python before and was just wondering what it was and where I can find it in python

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ganeshredcobra

hai, i want to create a code to searcha big document in text format and sort one word say "error" and need to print that whole line ....how can i implement this simply in python openfile = open('/home/space/Desktop/test.txt', 'r') data=openfile.read() words=data.split() #print words if "error" in data:

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Khalid_B

I am learning to use python for gis application. I want to create an application based on wxpython and matplotlib which is able to select shapefile layers from the directory and render them, calculate the distance between points and extract the x y value of the points. In the past …

Member Avatar for jcao219

This is not my code! Taken from [URL="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3230978/code-golf-four-is-magic/3231355#3231355"]this SO post[/URL]. You can use this to get the number of letters in the English representation of an integer, from 0 to 99. So for example 5 (five) is [icode]len("five")[/icode] which is 4.

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for NewbieXcellence

Hello, thanks for reading my post. My troubles have to do with using a python script to gather information from a web page. I'm using the 'IEC' (Internet Explorer Controller) module to handle the 'COM' stuff for me. The script looks like this: [code=python] import IEC from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup …

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Member Avatar for wolfeater017

Im trying to use a different font in pygame but every time I run it I get this syntax error message [Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python31\pytest.py", line 22, in <module> font1 = pygame.font.Font('C:\ActionIsShaded.ttf', 12) IOError: unable to read font filename] I tried getting rid of the qoutes around …

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The End.