7,179 Topics
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Provide the customer with the unique discount code that was generated or when you created the discount coupon code. | |
Chaps I have an interesting and odd problem. Today I had the brilliant(??) idea of using google chart https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart#Loading for a site I am building. It is all nice and dandy till I placed the graph inside a hidden container, planning to add some jquery and slide the graph down … | |
Hi boards, I managed to read text file into MSHFlexgrid. Now i want to search a word in textbox and higlight it in flexgrid. Anyone know how to do this? Thank you | |
hi! can any one help me how i get lot of visitor towards my sites which are real and quality full visitor any one | |
Hi friends can anyone tell me friends "What is the google Latest updates.... | |
hi to all.. i am using mshflexgrid to display records in vb6.0.. i used **like** query to find the text in database.. i finished everything.. my problem is whatever i give in search textbox that should get highlighed in mshflex grid. example: to search telephone ill type phone in flexgrid … | |
hello i would like to say that social networking site provide a good backlinks, visitor,and help to increase our backlinks but social networking site like Facebook it is good and bad sometime i feel that it is harm full to student student abdicate to his frnds........ r u agree ya … | |
In case you've missed the news, Google finished rolling out Penguin 2.0 yesterday. They're expecting the algorithm change to have a noticeable affect on 2.3% of US English queries. Further info on Google's Webmaster Central Blog: [Another step to reward high-quality sites](http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.hk/2012/04/another-step-to-reward-high-quality.html) Do we have any winners and losers here? | |
Nowadays guest blogging issue is very popular after last year penguine update. So I want full details about guest blogging and how much beneficial for websites. | |
As the title suggests, what do you think about noindexing forum threads with no replies?? We do it here once we got hit by Panda the first time around, but then we recovered, and now we're hit again, and I'm wondering if it's a good idea to remove it. We … ![]() | |
i dont know how to increase back links for my site www.allgeektips.com its alexa backlink is 1 and not increasing can any body help me | |
Targeted page (forum thread, blog post) PR & Targeted page (forum thread OR blog post) cached? ![]() | |
I want to put search box in my website that put a keyword in search box and give us feedback according to the keyword. does it connect with the database? please give me a suitable example. | |
Hello friends, I have just joined this online community. I also started a new website about choosing the best car loan service provider. If you have some suggestion to promot my website then give me your suggestion. | |
What is link trends ? Explain briefly. I don't know about link trends. This is new to me. | |
I was just going through few SEO websites and came across a website [url]http://www.submitedge.com[/url] which charges $49 for submissions in the DMOZ directory ([url]http://www.submitedge.com/dmoz_listing.html)[/url]. I was surprised when i found out that the website which charges $49 for submission in DMOZ doesnt exists in the DMOZ listings. When a website … | |
Hai everyone. I am new to this discussion. Can anyone tell me about xml site map creation. | |
Hello there, Does anyone know about following google calender issue: I had code for google calender invitation. But due to some reson I add patch over there which fetches some extra information and merge in the body of that mail. But what I found is : when I add patch … | |
What is alexa rank? And how to improve alexa rank of a site? | |
Larry’s appearance, especially after sharing his vocal-cord ailment a day earlier on Google+, made I/O Day 1 dominate digital tabloids.. Read Interesting Story with link that pointing Better Lesson For Marketer http://www.fatbit.com/fab/larry-pages-io-conference-gig-hidden-lessons-for-web-marketers-to-pick/ ![]() | |
to day in market many powerfull search enging lunching better than google . but this is new search engins . no use people more than google . | |
Hello guys , how are you doing ? I want to create a unified search for many services I have, they are on multiple servers, and each one with its own database and contents. I've tried to connect to those database by using IP address but it refuse to connect … | |
Hi Friends What is Google Panda And What is Google Penguin. | |
i am looking for a free way to promote my new forum and attract new members. I dont know anything about seo so my website usually doesnt come up on google or msn and if it does it is not first for example type in billspctips.tk and daniweb.com will come … | |
I have uploaded my sitemap in google webmaster tools.It only indexed very less pages.Then how i believe that sitemap can work well.Is there any site to submit my sitemaps.? Can any Expert have answer On this Question? | |
can't download file from database, got error, help me please.. <?php require("conn2.php"); $sql="select image from images where id='$_GET[id]';"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) $name = $row['image']; // the name of the file that is downloaded $FilePath = "upload"; // the folder of the file that is downloaded , you … | |
In 2013 after all the google major ranking updates(panda and penguin), what is the best way to build link? ![]() | |
New Update From Google Seems to Comes Under Effect in coming weeks . A News Describes About the Story Here is Tweet > @mrjamiedodd we do expect to roll out Penguin 2.0 (next generation of Penguin) sometime in the next few weeks though. In the seven minute video in which … | |
Hello guys, i have been suffering since a few days on forum posting. My problem is that i am not being able to add any link on the forum site. Mostly it is going to be banned or removed. But on some site they are accepting. Mostly not accepting. Please … | |
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { //$(".box:contains(latin)").wrap("<div></div>"); // $("div:contains('roots')").css("text-decoration", "underline"); //$("div:contains('John')").css("text-decoration", "underline"); $("div:contains('John')").addClass('test'); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> .test{color:red;} .list{float:left; width:80px;} .list li{list-style-type:none;} input{text-transform:uppercase;} </style> </head> <body> <div> Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in John a piece of classical … |
The End.