7,179 Topics
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Almost exactly a year ago I was writing about [the development of Google Glass](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/pc-hardware/monitors-displays-and-video-cards/news/426788/no-google-glass-for-most-developers-until-2014) here at DaniWeb. In the meantime, the project has turned into a reality and [actual product has got into the hands of reviewers](http://www.pcpro.co.uk/features/380401/before-iwatch-and-google-glass-wearable-computing-milestones-and-failures/2) and some lucky users with $1,500 to spare. This would all be much … ![]() | |
SEO PLRs Hi, Does anyone know where I can buy SEO PLR reports that explain why people need SEO? I googled around and found a ton of PLR reports about SEO, Links Strategies, etc but I am looking for something that explains / convinces people why they need SEO. ![]() | |
Hello; My website have good ranking position against its required keywords. Now I want to move all data to a newly purchased domain. My question is whether implementing redirect to new domain can effect my business current search engine ranking and cause the loss in existing business or not? | |
Hi friends, While describing about the website in directory submission; Is the describing content should be similar to the content present in Webpage of website? | |
I want to restore my lost backlinks. How can i get it back? | |
How many meta keywords How I can apply? There are so many that are related to my business, but do not know how many are too. Any advice would be appreciated. | |
how to improve response time and throughput of search engine with web caching? Give me practicle example of this.? Thanks in advance.. | |
hi, i add [standart](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/methods/gaJSApiEcommerce) google ecommerce code to my page. Everything works fine, just source value always is my plain domain. How to get the normal sources, or set it? In short, how to get a reference to my purchase of the script, from where people came to shop. Thanks | |
What are the effective Strategies to rank a site in Search Engine. | |
If you will create blogs in wordpress yoour blogs will get crawl more quickly then other blogs site like blogger and also you don't need to do linkbuilding for your blogs. ![]() | |
Hello everyone, Maybe someone out there can help me. I have this code that I am using and for the life of me it keeps throwing an error: If Len(ComboBox1.Text) < 1 Then MsgBox("You need to specify a target for this to operate properly.", vbExclamation, "Error") Exit Sub End If … | |
hello everybody i have made 1 blog and content is unique i have done ping submission/ bookmarking/directory then so my blog is not cache now what should i do | |
hi!guys today i want to share with you some techniques how you guys get free backlinks .. so here we go................. first of all search on goole freebacklinks you get much of sites that allow you to create freebacklinks anothere way is write some comments on the othere sites,blogs and … | |
hi, I am working on an asp application using c# and i can import excel file to sql table i have two columns in excel and as well as in sql of same name "id" and "status" when i import data both columns are imported to sql table in the … | |
Recently read somewhere that some sites are starting to see Lycos.com (yes, the one that fell off the face of the earth a decade ago) pop up as a main referer for them according to G Analytics. I'm not seeing ANY traffic at all from them, but was wondering if … | |
I need to have some email accounts rather than Gmail or Ymail as m bored with this gmail and ymail email providers, are there some other email providers which can provide me free email accounts ? | |
Hi ALL Have Any SEO experts got find any new technique of Search Engine Optimization for 2012? If Yes Please Share here!! Thanks in Advance | |
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Hello everybody can anybody tell me how to start search engine optimization for a site with zero rank step by step. Thanks and regards ashi | |
Dear All, How many tags we can use on single Page? Also please how we can analytize to which tag for content? Regards, David Kroj | |
how does someone make their website search results appear like this | |
Hello Guy's please tell me what is rss feed and how does it effect our website.. | |
Can you tell me if you think Link Exchanges have any marketing or SEO benefit? Or does free Link Exchange risk being swatted by Google for Link manipulation? I've received a few invitations to exchange links with websites with higher rank than me, but have turned them down because it … | |
Most of Internet Marketing Company India are running hard to design the best offer to get morr client ensutring them safety from google updates. it seems that they are taking undue advantage of innocense of webowners. Actually, if a wenbsite is promoted genuineely, there is no risk of any uipdate. | |
How can i increase my sites visibilty or ranking in Yahoo,Bing search engine. Give me some inportant tips to increase my ranking. | |
Let me know Software Development Methods and Testing methodology for designing software for multimedia tablet. | |
I have lost my projects ranking in Google Penguin update. So finally what steps should I follow to get back ranking. |
The End.