279 Topics
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Hi Im trying to create a web based quotation system with php and mysql. I wanted to create something like shopping basket where people store the items and when they click generate quote the system will display the quote of the items and qty selected. Only when the person has … | |
I am not sure if this makes sense, but in an application I've working on, there are two users. One is an admin with an admin role/capabilities and the other is a member with a member role/capabilities. Now, when I log in as the admin, there is no issue. When … | |
Hi, Im using session variables and when passing from one page to another with a target="_top" the session variables are erased. Is there anyway i can go around this problem ? Any idea will be greatly appreciated. Thank you | |
Hi All, I am trying to create a page were users can edit their post. -Select subbmitted data from the database using post id, and display this information so that users can Edit. -And finally i want to update the data and continue to the preview page, where users can … | |
![]() | Dear I would like to set session expire time to 3hrs, Which one is best ? `ini_set("session.cookie_lifetime","10800");` or `session_set_cookie_params(3600 * 3);` Or can I use both? And one more, Is it compulsary to place every page b4 where ever session_start() Thanks. Pls help me. ![]() |
Hi, I am facing a problem in transferring session.I am developing a website and I want to integrate a forum in the website.I need to take the session of the user from my website to the forum. Is there any way of transferring my session values to the forum. Thanks … | |
Hello there i would like someone to have a peek at this code and does it solve the question correctly ?? Are there any mistakes or any improvements i could add ?? Also i struggle in this questions as i do not get it fully(in fact i dont get what … | |
Simple table like this [CODE] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` ( `id` int(255) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=101 ; [/CODE] [CODE]<?php session_start(); function insert(){ if(isset($_POST)&& isset($_SESSION['post_vars'])){ $insert_query="insert into users set username = '".$_SESSION['post_vars']['username']."' , password … | |
I am making a page that uses a login and contact page. Everything is working fine, but I have a small hiccup at one point. The scenario is: When the user isn't logged in, the contact form is to be filled completely and will be sent to a particular email. … | |
Hi All, I am trying to develop a web application in which I have provided a facility for login and logout. The problem I am facing is that I can allow user to log in succesfully, but when user clicks on the logout link and comes to login page and … | |
Hi I'm having problems unsetting session varibles using this code. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Nothing happens. Please help [CODE]<?php session_start(); $id = $_GET['id']; $pro = $_SESSION['products']; $qua = $_SESSION['quantity']; echo $pro[$id].''." Has been removed"; unset($pro[$id]); session_write_close(); unset($qua[$id]); session_write_close(); ?>[/CODE] ![]() | |
Hi all, I have question about sessions in web services (VB). I created a function that allows me to login to my web service. I created a session here and added some values I retrieved from a stored procedure. The code will explain more :) [code=vb] <WebMethod(EnableSession:=True)> _ Public Function … | |
![]() | I have an approve.php inside an /include directory. I have another file inside the /pop_up directory. Approve.php [CODE] if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { header("location:log_in.php"); die(); } [/CODE] When i run the include('include/approve.php') code in files in the main directory, it works. When I run the include('../include/approve.php') in files in the pop_up/ directory … |
Hi all, I came to think of something in my code, which might cause a problem, but I am not sure. After a user of the site has succesfully put a product in the shopping cart - I set a session['cart_succes'] = 'something'; - to display to the customer (after … | |
Hello all, I've been having an issue with php variables recently. I don't have much experience working with sessions, but I know that domain.com and [url]www.domain.com[/url] are viewed differently when working with sessions. The problem I have is with included files. I am calling .../logbook/header.php from ...logbook/Graphs/index.php. When I use … | |
Hi, I want to get information from each session set, EXCEPT when the session name is 'navigation': So basically: Create an exception for the session called 'navigation'.. [CODE] foreach ($_SESSION as $name => $value) // $name = navn pÃ¥ session: f.eks. 1 eller 2 - $value indeholder antallet der er … | |
Hi all, I have a login page in localhost(website link : [url]www.csoftindia.net[/url]) . When I logged in it is showing alternate html "you are logged in as..." but when moving another page like news or other page session is lost either or it is not destroying session. Subrata | |
Hi, I am using Paypal to do my payment processing, however the user authentication JSP session variables I am using are expiring during the transition from my site to paypal's then back to mine again. The result is obviously that access is denied on return and the transaction does not … | |
My PHP Session Log-in and log-out works fine but this is the problem I have a site consists of admin folder and outside the admin folder are the customer page files. both of them has sessions for log-in and log-out purposes but it acts so WEIRD because if I'm running … | |
Hi; I have a mobile script from detectmobilebrowsers.com that will redirect the user to my mobile site however I also wish that when the URL "http://mysite.com/?mobile=no" is entered a session will be created that won't redirect the user on every page of my site... [code=php] $mobile=$_GET['mobile']; if(isset($_SESSION['mobile'])){ if($_SESSION['mobile']==="no"){ complete(); } … | |
Hello, I run a service business where employees go to customer homes. I have a Joomla site where registered users (customers) can maintain details about the services they wish us to perform for them. At any point they can login and change these details. I have functions that use TCPDF … | |
Hey guys, what the best practice for session check without duplicate code. I mean when check the session in some controller I have to duplicate the code to other controller, and that is not a good idea. <?php [CODE]class Ctrl extends Controller { private function _ses_check() {...} } class Second_ctrl … | |
Hi i am new to JSP. I am setting a boolean value for session attribute in the java class. Now i am getting the same in the jsp using session.getAttribute("session attribute") method. Now i want to remove the session value in jsp. How could i achieve this??? Plz Help.. | |
Hi, I am currently taking care of a website that goes back to 1997 and mostly all programmed with Asp 2.0 and vbscript, while i keep the pages in Asp 2.0 when i have to update them, this week i had to implement some new pages, and since we are … | |
Error messages should be displayed within the html if certain fields on my member register form are left empty, if they are invalid types or if the username entered already exists. I've tried adding a record with an already existing username and it does direct to the member registration failed … | |
I am developing a small online shopping website. My question is: Do I still have to use session if I wont allow customers to add items to cart when they are not registered? Meaning, once they want to order, they will have to register and login to their account Thank … | |
On a new site I'm making, sessions are not working. They were working previously, and stopped without a single change of the code. Once a login goes through the verification, it runs: [CODE]$_SESSION['uid'] = getIdFromEmail($email);[/CODE] getIdFromEmail is a function I built to get the user's ID from their email address. … | |
I create the session variable $_SESSION['SESS_MEM_ID'] within my validateLogin.php file shown here: [CODE] <?php include'db_config.inc'; require_once('InitDB.php'); $error_msg = ''; $error_flag = false; function clean($str) { $str = @trim($str); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $str = stripslashes($str); } return mysql_real_escape_string($str); } try { $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=;dbname=$db", $user, $password); } catch (PDOException $e) { … | |
Hello all. The problem: I have started a session. Now I would need to set an expiry time (24 hours) on the cookie it creates (if it creates it). How do I achieve this? Thanks to all, who anwsers. | |
I originally posted this over on the [URL="http://wordpress.org/support/topic/incorrect-page-content-passed-to-plugin-in-firefox"]WordPress forums[/URL], and got no responses. Eventually I figured out what the problem was and fixed it, but thought I'd repost here in case anyone else is experiencing similar issues (I couldn't find any related articles in my initial search on the symptoms.) … |
The End.