2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for N.Raghavendran

I've developed an application in vb 2010 and my back-end is sql server 2008. What are all the softwares i need to install in the client machine ?

Member Avatar for oussama_1
Member Avatar for Nollyvenon

Please can i get a help on joining these 3 queries SELECT customer.id,customer.custid,customer.compname, customer.balance AS balance,customer.phone,acctofficer.acctfullname AS acctoff, STR_TO_DATE(mastorders.lastpaydate,'%d-%m-%Y') AS debtage,customer.depot, STR_TO_DATE(mastorders.lastsuppdate,'%d-%m-%Y') AS purchdate FROM customer,mastorders,acctofficer WHERE customer.custid=mastorders.custid and acctofficer.acctoffid=customer.acctoff GROUP by customer.id ASC SELECT customer.id,customer.custid,customer.compname, customer.balance AS balance,customer.phone,acctofficer.acctfullname AS acctoff, customer.depot FROM customer,acctofficer WHERE acctofficer.acctoffid=customer.acctoff GROUP by customer.id ASC …

Member Avatar for Nollyvenon
Member Avatar for Gerlan

Hi, I have created a parameter table, added 1 column to it and populated that column with 1 value as shown here: CREATE TABLE tbl_param( maxcount NUMBER); INSERT INTO tbl_param VALUES (5); My problem is I want to create a loop from 1 to 5, but instead of just using …

Member Avatar for Pobunjenik

Hi everybody, I'm back and I bring problems. :D I've done a fair bit of research - I know Android can't run JRE 1.7, and I know JRE 1.7 is needed to get Java to read SQL. I've got this project that says I need to make a way for …

Member Avatar for Pobunjenik
Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends , I have a database in sql server named "Deposit" with a table "Receipts" .I want to display the data in a list box.My code is given below Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim cnn As New SqlConnection("Data Source …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for LaurenE

Good Day Daniwebbers! Wonder if I can have some help. I am trying to build an 'admin panel' of sorts where the user can add content to their website, edit and delete it, all from one spot (Not unlike a CMS system I guess but purely for the purpose of …

Member Avatar for LaurenE
Member Avatar for netisland
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lord0o

Hi, I need to make a registration page to my Private Silkroad server on my website, and it works with SQL Server 2012. I'm not really into PHP neither SQL, just figuring it out with poor online guides on the web about it, and I didnt find any help with …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for a.wamzo

i am creating a form in vb.net, the aim is to be able to insert data to the sql server from the form interface. the form's textboxes fields include Name, DateofBirth, Address, Telephone, PostalCode, Nationality, DateofRegistration Sex (ComboBox), plus two buttons names, Submit and Cancel. kindly assist with a code …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for C

Hi, If I could please get some help? I have missed the lectures on creating tables due to my daughter being sick. I am trying to follow the lecture notes but I am having issues. I get the following error Error at Command Line : 4 Column : 21 Error …

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Member Avatar for ignnniter

Hello Im trying to display a label when my program starts, to check the server status.. For example if the user is successfully connected to the server it should say on the label "Connected" and if not the label should say "Not Connected" , my Database is located on a …

Member Avatar for ryanjayson
Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

I want to pull the image name from the database and insert it to the folder directory path using php. I am wondering is this possible and if so how? Ive attempted it a few different ways but i can't figure it out? while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>"; This …

Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754
Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

This is what I have: create table Employee_T (EmployeeID varchar2(10) NOT NULL, EmployeeFirstName varchar2(10) NOT NULL, EmployeeLastName varchar2(15) NOT NULL, EmployeeAddress varchar2(20), EmployeeCity varchar2(10), EmployeeState char(2), EmployeeZip number(5), EmployeeDateHired date default sysdate, EmployeeBirthDate date, EmployeeSupervisorID varchar2(10), Constraint employee_PK primary key (EmployeeID), Constraint employee_FK foreign key (EmployeeSupervisorID)REFERENCES Employee_T(EmployeeID) ); create table …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for patidar.pawan.3

i want to fetch data from date and time with limit for latest data in database ..how to fetch..?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for islam.gx.9

hi all i have made c# project that use sql database and i want publish this project and make a setup file and include sql server program to the setup .. i meen when the project is setup sql server setup too ..

Member Avatar for oussama_1
Member Avatar for Subhashini.V

using vb.net and sql query i need to join multiple tables to view in one datagridview control .In each table i need to take only one field and want to dislpay all in the datagridview control...can anyone provide me the apat code for this

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am using a store procedure to access field in asp.net View, i am putting db columns in HTML table, it's workign except for one field, 'NetSalary'. It can't be accessed, it says that model doesn't contain it. i tried many ways but couldn't get to work. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetMonthlyReport] …

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for vodkasoda

I am am experience Mainframe programmer, but new to SQL-Server & learning vb.net so I realise that this is probably very basic ... I have a DataTable called MailTypes which contains 2 Columns, the ID & the Name. I have a DataTable called Leagues which contains a lot of Columns, …

Member Avatar for vodkasoda
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm stuck on this problem any one know the answer. **Write a query that displays the grade of all employees based on the value of the column JOB, as per the table shown below. Order the result according to the grade! ** JOB GRADE PRESIDENT A MANAGER B ANALYST C …

Member Avatar for theashman88
Member Avatar for ganesh641

i installed PHP version5.4.3 SQL server 2008 IIS7 SQLSRV version3.0 Drupal 7 SQLSTATE[42S02]: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'watchdog'. This error occurs right after the following during Drupal 7.26 installation (shown in the error report). It hangs at the start of Install Profile: Installation tasksChoose profile(done)Choose language(done)Verify …

Member Avatar for Doug_Vann
Member Avatar for vishal anand.s

hi my name is vishal for past 10 days i have been going nuts on how to combine selected datas from 3 or more tables into single sql select query in vb6. i have 4 tables named table1 name: Inward column Name DataType mfr_ref_number text no_of_bundle integer supplier_id integer DC_date …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for Paor

please help for query... i want sum (kns+kng) by name - [example](http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/b5a7e6) the result should be: name|sum ----------- john - 36 bart - 16 steve - 53 jim - 10 tnx

Member Avatar for Paor
Member Avatar for noselbond

I have an old access 2.0 database, i converted it in access 2007 but the old code doesn't work.. i heard that it is about DAO and ADO anyone can help me to convert this DAO code to ADO coding.. thank you so much in advance.. Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Dim …

Member Avatar for noselbond
Member Avatar for matt_8

hello everyone, im pretty new in this language (vb.net) so i have difficulties understanding its function, right now i am able to populate my database to datagridview, i've been looking for some related answers. but found no luck. so i decided to post it in here. so i have this …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for de Source

Hi.. i want to get all columns from tbl_class where course_id of tbl_course is equal to course_id of tbl_class more over course_id of tbl_course should be thw one who has semester = 5 brife structure of tables are: tbl_class >class_id >course_id >class_room tbl_course >course_id >semester i have design this kind …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for sathish_nadu

I'm trying to calculate and list the websites in order of biggest overall reduction in response time from one time period to the next. I don't strictly need to use a single query to do this, I can potentially run multiple queries. | 1 | 1 | 93.26 | 2014-01-28 …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for XongErvin

I am creating a pageant scoring system. I managed to display the field names from different tables : [Click Here](http://oi58.tinypic.com/5c0jz5.jpg) The first column "Participants" is from Participant table and the succeeding columns is looped from the Criteria table. This is the code: Private Sub CreateDataEntry(ByVal CatID As Integer) Me.CriteriaTableAdapter.FillByCategory(Me.PSSdbDataSet.Criteria, CatID) …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for vishal anand.s

hi my name is vishal for past 5 days i have been nuts of how to combine data from multiple tables into single table using sql select query (join query) Given below i have tried solution but i get error message data not found. But in table i have datas …

Member Avatar for riayas

I have 2 tables in sql , one is called stock and the other stock warning the stock table has columns ' Pid, pdescr,current stock, stock warning' this shows up in datagridview 2nd table(stock warning) has columns 'pdescr, current stock' showing in datagridview in the stock table when the 'current …

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for haymen.roth.3

this query was working fine but when added OverTime part then it started throwing error: Msg 8117, Level 16, State 1, Line 52 Operand data type varchar is invalid for sum operator. with times as ( SELECT t1.EmplID , t3.EmplName , min(t1.RecTime) AS InTime , max(t2.RecTime) AS [TimeOut] , t4.ShiftId …

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The End.