2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for maxpaine69

I all as anybody tried, passing a pdf tha is in memory stream and so it directly on a div, without the creatio od a file?? Best Regards

Member Avatar for LaxLoafer
Member Avatar for jaejoong

Hi, Hi I only want to select 5 rows. Can you please tell me how to do it in sql? Thank you. example: ratee rater apple banana apple orange apple peach apple sunkist apple mango apple grapes grapes orange I want to see random selected of 5 ratee orange with …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for showman13

Good afternoon, I'm trying to formulate what should be a simple query that will create a result set of ALL records from a table that have a date that is in the previous month... Basically something like this one that I use that gets any records prior to the current …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for elie.karkafy

how i can import data from access database to my database in sql server , with a check for ducplicate each time i move data i need the code in vb.net any help ?

Member Avatar for elie.karkafy
Member Avatar for kritiohri

[code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click connetionString = ("server=;database=eKalyan;user id=invite;password=invite") MessageBox.Show("connection established") sql = ("select newuniqueid,newteh_code,newpcate_cd,newplano, pen_nm,rel_cd,pen_fnm,ccate_cd,pan_code,pvillage,ppo_cd,spo_cd,start_qtr,last_qtr,bundle_typ,bundle_no,mo_srno,pen_amt,pen_comm,status,operatorcode from ekalyan.welpen") cnn = New SqlConnection(connetionString) Try cnn.Open() cmdd = New SqlCommand(sql, cnn) cmdd.ExecuteNonQuery() cnn.Close() MsgBox(" ExecuteNonQuery in SqlCommand executed !!") Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("cannot …

Member Avatar for elie.karkafy
Member Avatar for mimizuki12

Hi everyone, I'm new here and is in need of some help. I'm trying to complete my project, however I'm stuck at writing the data from the sql into the vb.net/asp.net gridview. Was never good at database to start with and I had never learnt how to query from VB.NET. …

Member Avatar for Danuja
Member Avatar for Mike_16

Hey all, I am trying to update submissions from my SQL database from an edit page via an edit link in line with the submission which captures the ID of the database entry. When I click the edit link a new page opens and it has a form to update …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, How to use in select statement with where condition comparing a Null value and with value? I have this Statement `Select Col1, Col2, Col3 From Table where DateDeleted` 'Here comes the problem The condition is something like if DateDeleted (which is actually a date) is Null then get records …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for showman13

Good Morning All, I'm about to write a script that will actually be run in a CRON job weekly. I created an overview of the process so you would understand what I'm doing but I have questions with 2 of the MySql queries that will be required, and wondered if …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

I m getting the following error when trying to add a .mdf file and .log file to my account on somee.com ERROR--> "You don't have the permission to open this file, contact the file owner or a administrator to obtain permission". I need to get my database on the server …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

1. For all the accounts that have authority="admin", set permision to modify all of the files (attribute changes is datatype YES/NO),,, so basically a user can set yes or no depends on his will. 3. For each directory, print out his name, in which directory it is located, and how …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for stokie-rich

Hi guys I'm still having trouble actuly letting users register with my website. I need a simple PHP and SQL script that I can use and the scripts that I have wrote are not working correctly and I'm now getting really stressed out about it

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shivap1711

hi Team, i am facing 1067 error while starting My SQl service in windows. share your suggestions for this request. OS: windows 7 pro 64bit AV: Symantec 12.14013 Thanks Shiva

Member Avatar for Jefferson_1
Member Avatar for chris.immanuel

Hi folks, I have a question regarding auto-generate row oracle using sequence. So the deal is, I need to make a list of inventory based on its quantity. So I have a table with 3 columns, 1. Component ID 2. Quantity 3. Sub_component. So when user input a component id …

Member Avatar for chris.immanuel
Member Avatar for nileshbhanu

<?php $host = "localhost"; $user = "root"; $pass = ""; $databaseName = "foresight"; $tableName = "userinfo"; $con = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass); $dbs = mysql_select_db($databaseName, $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tableName where flag != 1"); //query $email = mysql_fetch_row($result); //fetch result mysql_close( $con ); ?> <?php $connection = mysql_connect("","root","causealmedus-1608"); if (!$connection) { …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for jaga.dish.39

Hi all , can you pls say how i able to send the email notification alert with the datas getting from Sql server 2008 using windows service . - Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for stokie-rich

Hey guys I'm in the middle of connecting my website to my SQL database at the moment i have the following and I need some help if you guys dont mind config.php //Mysql Connect | mysql_connect("host","username","password"); //Below example to connect in localhost $a=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); //select your database $b=mysql_select_db("database_name",$a); submit_form.php $firstname=$_POST['firstname']; $lastname=$_POST['lastname']; …

Member Avatar for stokie-rich
Member Avatar for RikTelner

I am about to make website, where explain my skills (if any), kind of portfolio. I'd like to make two seperate choices in menu, one for the client-side work (HTML, CSS, JS) and one for the server-side work (PHP, SQL) seperately. I thought of word "Coding" for client-side work. But …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for Nollyvenon

Please can someone help me optmize this query, it is slow and brings the same data for the debtage column SELECT customer.custid,customer.compname,customer.phone,customer.depot,acctofficer.acctfullname AS acctoff, STR_TO_DATE(mastorders.lastsuppdate,'%d-%m-%Y') AS purchdate, STR_TO_DATE(transactions.timestamp,'%Y-%m-%d') AS debtage, format( customer.balance, 2) AS balance, customer.balance AS balance1 FROM customer,mastorders,acctofficer,transactions WHERE customer.custid=mastorders.custid and acctofficer.acctoffid=customer.acctoff AND customer.depot='$depot' GROUP by customer.id ASC. …

Member Avatar for Nollyvenon
Member Avatar for Maideen

Hi I am new, Pls help me the following issue. When click the update button, ID should be to another page to process the update function. Below is my entire code index.php <?php include_once '../../inc/config.inc.php'; $sql="SELECT * FROM demo order by id"; try { $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql); include 'view.html.php'; } …

Member Avatar for Maideen
Member Avatar for mrkm1188

I have a table with the following fields: client, project number, project manager, project manager email I have a form with text fields for each field of the table and I want to have a query run when the user presses a button on the form. How to i make …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for grafic.web

Hi everybody!! I'm starting with asp.net and i would like to try my code online.. can you advise me some free hosting for asp.net with the possibility to use sql server? Thanks

Member Avatar for smith.james.355744
Member Avatar for johnsmith123
Member Avatar for michael321
Member Avatar for xanawa

Hi I have the following code so far. Basically I have a drop down list were the user selects the type of membership he wants. When he clicks the button buy now from the database the membership cost and type are displayed in the pg. The problem is that I …

Member Avatar for Gl753

I'm working on a Database assigment but I'm kind of stuck. It seems to be the Double value that's causing the issue because when I use the Varchar data type I can create my table. Is there any way I can use Double without using Varchar. Any help is much …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for riahc3

I want to store my databases only on RAM. I see that in MySQL server I can choose the "MEMORY" engine and the table with be stored only in the RAM. How about MS SQL Server? How can that be done there? Thank you

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for michiel.vandebroek.3

i need to build a program in web developer with ASP.NET. the purpose of this program is to see what and who sold something to which customer. i need to use a SQL database in it. i'm not so good in programming, i can't find to put a query on …

Member Avatar for geniusvishal
Member Avatar for Fernando_4

Hi all, I've made a query that gathers info from several tables, after it was working, there was the need to integrate yet another table, however I can't seem to put it to work. I've seen some of this "witchcraft" before, but can't seem to find a tutorial, basically because …

Member Avatar for Fernando_4
Member Avatar for Nollyvenon

I have a query which i am trying to get the last date and when i do, the purchdate and LastPayDate is the same for all the data. the query is below: SELECT DISTINCT customer.custid,customer.compname,customer.balance AS balance,customer.phone,acctofficer.acctfullname AS acctoff, preAgg1.LastPayDate,customer.depot, MAX(mastorders.lastsuppdate) AS purchdate, MAX(mastorders.id) FROM customer,mastorders,acctofficer, (SELECT DISTINCT T.custid, Max(T.timestamp) …

Member Avatar for Fernando_4
Member Avatar for stokie-rich

Hi Guys I've now sorted the sql query and the database is now sorted, but now I want to connect the PHP and sql database Config.php file //Mysql Connect | mysql_connect("host","username","password"); //Below example to connect in localhost $a=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); //select your database $b=mysql_select_db("database_name",$a); I take it I need to specify the …

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The End.