2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for dashawk

guys, can anyone help me on this problem? i have two tables then what I want is that, when an identical item is found in table2, it will not be displayed. Example: [CODE] Table1 Table2 item1 other1 item2 other2 item3 item2 item4 item3 [/CODE] Condition: if we use this query: …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ryujin

Embarrassed to say how many hours I've burned on this--am hoping someone can point me down the right path. This is more a conceptual question than a straight coding one. Building a web app to enable people to reserve stuff where I work. One of the pages uses a [URL="http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#date-range"]date …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for michaelzip

Hi, I am having trouble with retrieving records on my database. My layout was this.. [CODE]UsersList Username Firstname LastName Role Records TheUser ApprovedBy DateApproved [/CODE] The first text are the table names while the indented once are the field names. I have a table named Records. TheUser and ApprovedBy was …

Member Avatar for michaelzip
Member Avatar for dwayned

Hi Guys, I have imported a CSV file into the database and i want to write some functions to ensure that when data is loaded in that all spaces are removed from certain columns. For Example: In the Phone No column the numbers can appear as follows 07712345678 077 1234 …

Member Avatar for dwayned
Member Avatar for chasadjee

I am writing an application which calculates profit from 3 column values. The SQL is as follows in vb dataset designer; [CODE]SELECT ID, Sale - (Weight * 20) * (Rate -5) AS Profit From AgencyRegister WHERE (DatePart('yyyy', ArrivalDate) = ?) ORDER BY ArrivalDate[/CODE] I want to add another column of …

Member Avatar for chasadjee
Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hi, I seem to be getting the error "Syntax error in UPDATE statement." when attempting to update my database through visual studio 2008, using forms. Here is the code for the connection: [CODE]Private Sub btnLoadDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoadDB.Click Provider = "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" Source = "Data …

Member Avatar for collin_ola
Member Avatar for abathurst

I have a form where a user can search for properties from a database. Everything is working except for the suburb search. I would like the user to be able to search for more then one suburb. At the moment I have the information from the textbox being separated into …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jbutardo

I have this error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near and I don't know how does this happen because whenever I check the SQL that I have made including the inserted …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for abathurst

I’m having some trouble and can’t seem to find the solution. Hopefully someone here can help me out. I have two tables in a SQL Database and I’m trying to select some information from both tables where the column‘UniqueID’ has the same value. Here is the information I require from …

Member Avatar for abathurst
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I have an issue with some new code that I am trying to thread, I am using the code below to start my thred [CODE] Dim t As Thread t = New Thread(AddressOf Me.Main) t.Start() Panel2.Visible = False [/CODE] in my me.main I have a counter using a var, if …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I have the following code that works fine, it opens and excel file and uploads it into SQL. these excel files can have over 120 thousand records. I would like to put a progress bar on the upload so the end user knows how long the upload will take. The …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop
Member Avatar for clflyer

I have a program that I wrote that creates a database in SQL Server called States_02 as a sysadmin user. Later on I want to grant SELECT permissions to that database to another user, web I always get an error that it cannot find States_02 or I don't have permissions …

Member Avatar for bluehangook629
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Ok i have a lot of tables that are created when a user inputs information. Some info gets stored in a "Main" table while the majority is saved in its own self created table. I do not know the number of "topics" in Main table. so in way i'm trying …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for geoamins2

i have four computers connected to broadband ADSL router MS SQL Server is installed in all computers while i have done steps given here [url]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/914277[/url] it had worked on local networking some time ago but now its not accessing remotely. i m confused its just because of broadband ADSL. if …

Member Avatar for geoamins2
Member Avatar for bflack

Hello guys, [CODE] <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; echo 'under profile.php'; $username=$_SESSION['username']; //I think i have to put a query here like "SELECT username FROM accntinfos WHERE username='$username'". But confused since if I do there would be two queries $query="SELECT userprofile.profpic FROM userprofile INNER JOIN accntinfos ON accntinfos.accntnum=userprofile.accntnum"; $result=mysql_query($query, $DBconnect); $numrows=mysql_num_rows($result); ?> …

Member Avatar for bflack
Member Avatar for deolalkar_pooja

Hi.... I am trying to connect sql server with vb.net in Visual Studio 2008 with foll. code.... but it is having problem....what is the problem? Please tell me.... 1. I created "publication" databse. In table i took 2 columns...fname and lname and fill the records... 2. I took DataGridView onto …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for xecure

I have a database full of user. This is roughly how the database looks: [CODE]| username | sex | birthdate | zip_code | |----------+-----+------------+----------| | coolUser | M | 02-14-1987 | 90210 | | blueUser | F | 06-16-1982 | 10011 | | . | . | . | . …

Member Avatar for Sogo7
Member Avatar for xecure

I have a database full of user. This is roughly how the database looks: [CODE]| username | sex | birthdate | zip_code | |----------+-----+------------+----------| | coolUser | M | 02-14-1987 | 90210 | | blueUser | F | 06-16-1982 | 10011 | | . | . | . | . …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for arifwahab

Hi all.. I hope someone here can help me to solve my problem...I try to serach and get the solution from google..but it not help much... when I click button on page..the data will inserted twice in my database... i using select and insert statement in same connection... also have …

Member Avatar for sufyan2011
Member Avatar for shnips6

I have created an online form and am trying to post the info into a mysql database and I keep getting back a query error. Below is my PHP code. If anybody can help me, that would be great. Thanks a lot. [CODE] <?php $property_type = $_POST['property_type']; $number_of_bedrooms = $_POST['#_of_bedrooms']; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

hello, I have a situation that i'm wondering if there's a solution. I have specific databases for different cities in texas. I plan on adding more but i do not nkow how many more or what their names will be. Every city is going to have the same tables in …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

Hi! Im new to MySQL RDMBS. I know the basic CRUD if you know what i mean. Create Read Update Delete. I have 2 tables: Category table and Product Table Products should be categorized. Product table has PK as an ID and FK to Category Table How to INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for anthonyjpv
Member Avatar for xiiopao

Good day guys =) ..., i know there are somewhat similar threads of this around here but i still cant find the one to solve my problem ... well i am currently building an online store.. and in this online store there's a table of products with the an image, …

Member Avatar for tashi lhendup
Member Avatar for mirzamujib

Hello everybody, I want to transfer gridview cells values from one page to another. Here I used query string but to shock its working for some fields and for other fields(gridview cell values) its not working. The page which has gridview I used this syntax: Public ReadOnly Property email() As …

Member Avatar for kamilacbe
Member Avatar for narendrajarad
Member Avatar for sidyusuf

hi frnds , i have a combobox containing countries name and their codes like INDIA:CNT001 then i have a textbox that store the code of country i.e CNT001(fetching from database) Now i want to match that code with the combobox code so that the combobox is set to that item …

Member Avatar for NewUserVB.Net
Member Avatar for atikah8890

Hi. I need to retrieve and list out the records from 'expenses' according to the date (eg. January 2011). I used substring to get the month (01 for January, 02 for February, etc.) and year. My date format is DD/MM/YYYY. I've tried echoing out $sql2 and the values obtained are …

Member Avatar for atikah8890
Member Avatar for nomorelogic

so i have a working ish program now, when i add the record it saves and returns the save message box as it should and is viewable in the database where it saves to, but it is not viewable in the text boxes when looking back at the form until …

Member Avatar for nomorelogic
Member Avatar for fabiocrj

Hi all, I'm new to vb.net and Sql server... So it may be a newbie question, but i've searched many places and did't find the answer.. so, here i go: I've just installed sql server, and i want to databind some textboxes in a form... but i dont really know …

Member Avatar for fabiocrj
Member Avatar for moneypro

Hi, I want to create a database like Dmoz(dmoz.org). I have a problem with creating parent child relation. I want to create parent child relation. This parent child relation will be assigned to a 'links' table. In the links table I will insert data whether in root category or subcategory …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham

The End.