2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for bradyramone

Hi, I am new to mysql and have got a problem. I have managed to INSERT into the database and and check from it (a simple login system) but now after i login i want to copy all the data from that row and throw it into an arraylist. I …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for samuelhenry

hi!!! i have got a small problem wid an sql query that i m writting in jsp the query is real simple... but i dont know y m not gettin it... [CODE] q="select '" +col+ "' from '" +ta+ "'"; Class.forName(sq.getName()); cn=DriverManager.getConnection(sq.getConnstr(),sq.getUser(),sq.getPwd()); st=cn.prepareStatement(q); out.println("before query1"); rst=st.executeQuery(); [/CODE] [CODE] q="select ? …

Member Avatar for rockersmith
Member Avatar for tamsoft

Hi, am SQL beginner, now i trying to code student marks management so i came across to db i was confused. Please give idea to create such thing, i have students, mark tables as per the semester. then how i place the information according to register number. so that how …

Member Avatar for geoamins2
Member Avatar for oree

My question is, if I want to upload 4 files at a time do I néed to store at my database all 4 filesize type and path or can I get away with only storing the file name and upload them. Thanks

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for stefh

Hi there, my name is Stéphane, i'm french and a beginner with Python... I've registered on a french forum about Python to ask a question regarding an issue i have with a code, but it seems the members of this forum are not active. I paste the message i posted …

Member Avatar for stefh
Member Avatar for special life

I made an windows application using c# express edition 2010 and i use the SQL database as mdf file inside my soultion and the connection string mad automaticaly in the app.config as the following: [CODE]<add name="MainForm.Properties.Settings.FamilyHistoryConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\FamilyHistory.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />[/CODE] then when i am trying to publish the …

Member Avatar for special life
Member Avatar for forensic

Hi all, I'm currently make my final year project program at university, and have been puzzled by this problem for sometime now. The issues I am having is that when I try to update a value in a specific column of a specif row. The program has a paddy and …

Member Avatar for Munnazz
Member Avatar for liam0014

Hello, I am quite stuck. I have my database running on a seperate machine from where I am writing my application. The connection between Visual Studio and the database seems to be fine as I can display data in various controls on the GUI. My problem arises when I try …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for joshyxux

<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>age.php</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once( 'output_functions.php' ); function connect_to_database( $host, $user, $password, $dbname ) { // Try to connect to database $dbconnection = mysql_connect('......', '...', '.....'); if ( ! $dbconnection ) …

Member Avatar for Agarsia
Member Avatar for Arcrammer

I'm looking for cool code editors for Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit. If you have any please tell me! I am using... [LIST] [*]Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 [*]Intype [*]Notepad++ [*]ConTEXT [*]Notepad 2 [/LIST] I don't really give a frogs fat aśś when it comes to how heavy the program is. Whether it …

Member Avatar for Joshua Kidd
Member Avatar for Setu1205

HI All.. I want to develop a dynamic time table for a school. But the subjects and periods are not fixed ...so there can be any number of rows and columns in this which will be decided by user at runtime. when user enters number of row and columns according …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for blackberrycrazy

in a database for a company,what technology is best for enabling for examples certain staff memebers to make bookings/access the database from any location using a **Browser**? how do i implement this and how can i make it work? please HELP! p.s i have been researching and thinking creating a …

Member Avatar for blackberrycrazy
Member Avatar for Jay Johengen

My hosting provider assigns the server name, database name, user name and password after I import/upload my SQL server database to them. When I run locally for testing it will be different. How can I effectively test and publish my site without having to change this all the time?

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for angelmichael4

Hi there, Does anybody know how to refresh a windows form after inserting into a database using a dataTableAdapter or any other method for that matter without having to close the form or use the fill method to reload the form? The problem with this is that you are taken …

Member Avatar for angelmichael4
Member Avatar for IT_Student_604

hi.. i'm having problem w/ my [COLOR="Red"]UPDATE SYNTAX [/COLOR] .. I CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY SYNTAX.. PLEASE HELP ME.. I REALLY NEED TO FINISH THIS FOR MY DTR SYSTEM THESIS.. i can't move on to my other codes.. please... --the error that i get is.. UPDATE SYNTAX …

Member Avatar for IT_Student_604
Member Avatar for emaduddeen

Hi Everyone, I have a table that has a 2 column primary key. I set up the key where the 2nd column is an identity column. When I ran my VB application I discovered the ID (2nd column) did not increment the correct way. I was hoping it would increment …

Member Avatar for emaduddeen
Member Avatar for aaron385

Hello Friends, I am new to .NET and to this forum too. I need to move approx 2K rows from an oracle to SQL server table every week. I am planning to develop a C# console application to achieve this. Any ideas how to start and what is the best …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

i have this code and it kinda works but not properly. i need it to look at the coloum in a datagrid and make the back colour red if over 1.6(in sql this field is saved as Varchar(10)) but at the min, i have a value of 1.5 and it …

Member Avatar for msrd
Member Avatar for Timmo987

Hi! I need to be able to change the location of the database at runtime through a menu in my program. My question is how to best achieve this. If for example the ip to the server change, the user need to be able to update the database path; i.e. …

Member Avatar for Timmo987
Member Avatar for jm1

I have the following set of tables but I don't care for the design. It seems like there should be a better way of doing this. Let me explain what's going on: -A visitor comes to our website and has the option of inputting a promotional code when buying our …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Mahesha999

Hi, I tried installing MS SQL server 2008 on win 7 Ultimate x86. It was slipstreamed installation with SQL SP1. I got 7 errors during installation. All of them are showing almost similar messages (but different event ids)except the 2nd error (which was about failure to open some registry). The …

Member Avatar for Mahesha999
Member Avatar for jpknoob

Hi I am having some issues with sage pay php form integration. I have built a shopping cart that selects product information from a database and am having issues integrating it with the kit. When I test against the sage servers, everything passes except the cart contents. Is there anyone …

Member Avatar for jpknoob
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there i have a database called employee and in that there is a table called EmpDetails and in that there is column namely firstname awhat i want to do is to return all the first names in the database. i am using the 3 tier architecture. from the dbcommection …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for carebear23

Hi I am having trouble trying to normalise my tables, I would really appreciate some help! So far I have: [B][U]Customer Table[/U][/B] CustId(pk) Cust Name Cust Address Cust Postcode Cust Email [B][U]Order Table [/U][/B] OrderID (pk) Order Date_Time CustID(fk) [B][U]OrderDetails[/U][/B] DetailsID(pk) Quantity OrderNo(fk) DeliveryID(fk) [B][U]Product[/U][/B] ProductID(pk) ProductType ProductDescription DetailsID(fk) PartID(fk) …

Member Avatar for Web Dev Rob
Member Avatar for doomfrawen

Hello my friends. I've been dealing with a problem in an asp.net page that im developing. Generally I don't develop in ASP.NET i prefer desktop applications. But here is my problem, I have to create a kind of image wall (4 Faces in a 2x2 row), i'm almost done with …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for danholding

Hi all i have been dancing around this problem for a couple of weeks now and have not got any closer. Description: i have created a crystal report in SQL5 and exported it fine but now i have gone to open it in visual studio 2008 and it does not …

Member Avatar for danholding
Member Avatar for bimaljr

Hi I want to convert Sql Server Database to Access Database , I have one database and it has different tables and view also. please help me how to do this ?

Member Avatar for hostingguru
Member Avatar for Arsench

Hello all, I’m getting one strange error on my web. The web was developed with spring and has a tomcat pool connection configured for Oracle DB. After upload the web content into the server, when restarting the server and trying to open the web page, first time display error: [ICODE] …

Member Avatar for pushkar honey
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, how can i create an executable so that anybody can install in their own computer? I want to create from visual studio C#. please give me a tutorial or something, i did some but it didn't work properly please help guide in this thanx

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for lordmwesh

SQL 2008 database disappeared after canceling copy Hi All, We have an SQL 2008 database of around 12GB. I was trying to create a copy of the database through the Microsoft SQL Management Server Studio. The server is in production mode, and it was taking too long to copy, and …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

The End.