2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for sumandy

[CODE] Create table Cameras (CameraID varchar (35), CheckOutDate varchar(10), ReturnDate varchar(10), primary key(CameraID), foreign key(CameraId) references History(CameraID)); Create table Borrowers (PsuID int not null, BorrowerName varchar(30), Email varchar(50), Telephone varchar(12), ReasonUse varchar(200), primary key(PsuID), foreign key(PsuID) references History(PsuID)); Create table History (PsuID int not null, CameraID varchar (35), BorrowedFrequency int, …

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Member Avatar for StephenChristen

I can find a lot of information about the concepts of normalization, but I don't really see documentation for how to actually bring a table, for example, from first normal form to second normal form. I'm using SQLite through Python to automate some data processing, and I have three input …

Member Avatar for StephenChristen
Member Avatar for moone009

[CODE]select PREMISEADDRESS1 from PREMISE PREM inner join STATUS ST on PREM.LOCATIONID = ST.LOCATIONID inner join SUPPLIES SUP on ST.STOPID = SUP.STOPID where SUP.ITEMID [COLOR="Red"]=[/COLOR] (select count(ITEMID)[COLOR="Red"] > [/COLOR]10) from SUPPLIES) [/CODE] Hello, I do not use SQL all that often but I would like to view all of the premisesaddresses …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

Buddy , i have problem in to combine sql with c++ plzzz any one help for this issue hurry friends i have a library project to combine it with database. hellppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............

Member Avatar for sheva249
Member Avatar for freaky_sxyvs

Hi, I am vee and I am trying to create a Natural Language search engine based on LSI. I am stuck up and I would be really glad if I could use some help. I have a two-dimensional array which is full of numbers. I want to transfer the contents …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for ansari.wajid

Hi Experts, I have a windows service running every minute and has many database operations to perform. It runs perfectly for many days, sometimes it suddenly stops and throws this exception. Later when we start to debug it, the exceptions goes off, but if we don't debug, the exception continues …

Member Avatar for ansari.wajid
Member Avatar for agr8lemon

Hello everyone! I'm wondering if there is a way to assign the values of a column in SQL as the key name in a multidimensional array. Here is what I have, my database looks like this: Table Name = SJCFPCB date | totalin | cdulep | icu | ----------------------------------- 2011-01-27 …

Member Avatar for agr8lemon
Member Avatar for toocoded

Hi All, I have a problem and I dont understand what's happening, because my method usually works. I am querying a bunch of records from a database given a foreign key id. See code as follows [CODE] $castQuery = "SELECT * FROM cast WHERE production_id = '$newID' "; $cresult = …

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Member Avatar for mahdi68

in my application i show database table in a datagridview , now i want to modify and change some records and save this changes on database , how can i do this ? thanks

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for stevenfagan

I can't insert values into a table using a stored procedure because the fields are of data type MONEY. First, is the data type CURRENCY the same as data type MONEY? Right now, I am currently using the integer value of adCurrency for the data type parameter of the createparameter …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for vinayak.v

hi.. i'm using ssrs 2008 enterprice edition.. i want to send a report as email.. to my gmail address.. i want to schedule a report so that it can deliver daily to my gmail address.. how to send the report to my gmail address.. i dont know anything about smtp …

Member Avatar for DarknessVB

I have a form set up and on that form is a DataGridView, on that DataGridView I would like to display all of a customer's transactions. I am having a problem where the debugger is throwing me a "Syntax error in JOIN operation." and I can't proceed. [CODE] ' Select …

Member Avatar for DarknessVB
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I have a question in EncryptByPassPhrase. I am trying to encrypt the source column in the database table PForm. When I run the code it sasys, “Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Byte[].” the SourcePath column in the database is varBinary(256) type. What is …

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Member Avatar for weasel7711

I have a small company Database that tracks our repair orders. I have a query that I would like to execute based on criteria that the user inputs. I am new to VBA so most of my code is based on google research. I took a technique of wrapping my …

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Member Avatar for oree

I am trying to have a search bar where user will input a string ($var) which after i will search that sting in the field named: "itemname". i will search all the different tables in the database and create a new temporary database named: searchtable. seachtable should contain all the …

Member Avatar for oree
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, I asked this question before also. i have two date times in a table in the MS SQL server database, when i write the query as below. the Sstart Date and the Due Date is displayed as 12/11/2010 12:00:00 AM it shows correct in the MS SQL business …

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil
Member Avatar for huhubebey

[B]SELECT staff.StaffNo, semester.SemesterID, teach.SubjectID, teach.Sub2, teach.Sub3, teach.Sub4, teach.Sub5, teach.Sub6, teach.TeachLoad, (IIf(IsNull( teach.SubjectID),0,1) + IIf(IsNull(teach.Sub2),0,1) + IIf(IsNull(teach.Sub3),0,1) + IIf(IsNull(teach.Sub4),0,1) + IIf(IsNull(teach.Sub5),0,1) + IIf(IsNull(teach.Sub6),0,1)) * 3 As teach.TeachLoad, FROM (subject INNER JOIN (staff INNER JOIN teach ON staff.StaffNo = teach.StaffNo) ON subject.SubjectID = teach.SubjectID) INNER JOIN semester ON staff.StaffNo = semester.Staff[/B] i …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for maii_18

Hi. so i'm using ms access 2007 as a database, i have here a table of TRANSACT IP which has the following columns of Transact_ID, IP_ID, Date, Time, Average, Min, Max. i have to produce a report in which i have to query from this table with the follwing format: …

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Member Avatar for ayarton

I'm a very new developer (if you could even call me that), and I'm killing myself here. Essentially here's what I'm trying to do. A user scans a series of documents which are sent through a program that places a .tif or .pdf of each document into a folder on …

Member Avatar for ayarton
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, How can I use the “EncryptByPassphrase” for a table in ms sql server 2008 r2??? or if i can get a good tutorial appriciate a lot thanxxxx

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi, I have a question in MS SQ L enter prise edition. I have writtend an application in Visual studio 2008 standard edition and I am connecting to ms sql sever enterprise edition 2008 r2. When I depoy the application I created and install inanother computer some components relating to …

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Member Avatar for cjoyce
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

how can I select one or more columns from a table by column-index and NOT by columnname? I got the columnIndices of table by using this query SELECT name, colid FROM sys.syscolumns WHERE (id = (SELECT id FROM sys.sysobjects WHERE (name = 'table_name')))

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Member Avatar for jnyekha

I need a timer that will change the text of a combobox which is binded to a database. My Application which is based on hospital management wherein a doctor has to visit rooms within 6 hours. If 6 hours elapse the combo should show "need......" and if not something "......" …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, I am creating reports in SQL server business intelligent studio and when I deploy it to the report server the report is shown in only on a half a page. How can I make the report height and the width for the report thanksssss

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for grandfso

Hi, I am a beginner, and would like to do something like: I have a mysql table with date column. I would like to select all the rows from table, and print them out in tables. One table per month. E.g. January: ... ... ... February: ... ... ... etc. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Nemo_NIIT

Hi I want to generate sequence number in C# window application I have got one link on Google, but I it is not helpful. I want that on click to add button an order sequence number should generate and stored in SQL Database i have written this code but it …

Member Avatar for ashishkumar008
Member Avatar for game4tress

Hi I need to migrate an application from MS Access to SQL Server (2005), and i'm using the code bellow, but i'm getting an error when the compiler reaches the AddNew instruction. It gives me "Run-time error '3027': Can't update. Database or object is read-only". [code] Dim DBTesteSQL As Database …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for oree

I am trying to use a search script i found online and i am having a problem with the query. I am trying do a query from multi tables. I have 12 tables, all have the same fields: name, phone etc. each table is a different category of items: appliances, …

Member Avatar for codewall
Member Avatar for lf.gene

Hi all, i wonder is it possible to display my images from database into table with 4 rows and 4 column? How can i do that? [CODE] $dbConn = mysqli_connect(DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPASS, DBNAME) or die(mysqli_connect_error()); $sql = "select * from products"; $result = mysqli_query($dbConn, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($dbConn)); echo "<table border …

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The End.