2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for sourav_kings

Hello experts, My doubt is pretty simple, I suppose. But still I need assistance. I have a registration form as ASP.NET web form. There are 5-6 fields in it (username, password, email id, sex, country etc. ). I want to enter all the data, entered by a new user in …

Member Avatar for Wegginho
Member Avatar for nychick

Not sure if this is the right forum for SQL statement problems. I've searched all over but don't know how to output formatted SQL queries. Like Selecting the first letter of the first name and then last name with proper spacing.

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi, I'm having a problem on how to query from the following tables. Here are the tables. PATIENT: PK - PatientNo - FirstName - LastName - MiddleName - Address - Age FK - PageNo PAGE PK - PageNo BOOK PK - BookNo BOOKPAGE 'Junction Table PK - BookNo PK - …

Member Avatar for pratik_garg
Member Avatar for begueradj

Hi people, I get an error when performing the following request: [CODE] $query=" SELECT * FROM vessel,cargo,customer ORDER BY ladate DESC WHERE vessel.id=cargo.id AND vessel.id=customer.id LIMIT $eu, $limit";[/CODE] it is about the ORDER BY ladate DESC Can you you show me where I should write ORDER BY in the correct …

Member Avatar for begueradj
Member Avatar for ukfreak

Hi i have been trying to get the results for the code below and i can't seem toget myself around it. I need to get the results according to the myKad and Student Name on How many times the student has answered Excellent, Satisfaction and Poor for each question, each …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Nat_xo

Okay, so I was originally having problems even saving the data, but I can now get it to stay in the dataset, and when I switch to another page it stays there when I go back to it. Although when I close the form and reopen it, the changed data …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bmason

This is my first foray into the world of programming. I'm doing a practice project for the consulting firm I work for, and my current objective is to make my submission page textboxes insert the user input into specific tables in my database. Later I'll need to retrieve the data, …

Member Avatar for ArtistScope
Member Avatar for Arsench

Hello world, I need your help/advice, I have a table last_acces where inserting a few data. The table columns are: Id Name Date I want to export this data into excel clicking on the link or button from the page. Anyone could help me on this please? The action will …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for waqar100

in a table having the fields of starttime & endtime ,I want to fetch only the records having starttime & endtime of same days.

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for CGober

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this code? It throws this exception: A call to PInvoke function 'Web!Web.SQLiteBase::sqlite3_open' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for mmlmitchell

I have two tables: CDDemographics and CBTechProviderData. Both have 200,000+ rows. A common column between these tables is CensusBlockID, of which the first 5 integers are the fips code - in this case I am defining that code as 55001. I am trying to sum the population of CensusBlockIDs where …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for adam2009

I'm trying to run the following code but get a casting error. How can I rewrite my code to achive the same ? [CODE] boolResult= (bool?)dataReader["BOOL_FLAG"] ?? true; intResult= (int?)dataReader["INT_VALUE"] ?? 0;[/CODE] Thanks

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Fentontech

I have 2 tables, MPW1400 LeaseRecNo PropNo BldgNo UnitNo LeaseStartDate MPW1482 LeaseRecNo EffectiveDate AnnualAmount CertNo My Objective is to get the total of 'AnnualAmount' Where MPW1400.LeaseRecNo = MPW1482.LeaseRecNo and CertNo = '1' Example: MPW1400 ------------------------------------------------------- LeaseRecNo | PropNo | BldgNo | UnitNo | LeaseStartDate ------------------------------------------------------- 12345 | RG52 | 24 …

Member Avatar for Fentontech
Member Avatar for KirstyHunter

Hi, I have replication configured on a SQL 2008 Database. The tables involved are something like this; [INDENT]tbl.Product ProductID Int ProductName NVarchar(max) ImageID Int FK_Product_Image FOREIGN KEY(ImageID) REFERENCES tbl.Image (ImageID) tbl.Image ImageID Int Image Image[/INDENT] tbl.Product is part of a Transactional publication with updatable subscriptions. tbl.Image is part of a …

Member Avatar for KirstyHunter
Member Avatar for hhaannyy

I have a program that works access 2003 and i convert tables to sql Server 2005, but the problem is that program works only on the server but does not work on client .the internal network is workgroup and system is Windows XP . what can i do to get …

Member Avatar for hhaannyy
Member Avatar for oree

hey there, I am doing testing to my site and i need to make over 60 rows to check paging. Is there any possible way to just copy rows over and over again? Thank you,

Member Avatar for alokp16
Member Avatar for stavros141

Hello there, I am trying to make a sample website just to learn the basics, I already have a log in window and a home page but I want to add a featur in which users can sign up for it. My first option wuld be to use SQL but …

Member Avatar for stavros141
Member Avatar for cinnamonsui

Anyone want to help me with this SQL-code? [url]http://pastebin.com/VWnJmM34[/url] I want to add a column that shows the number of cupcakes the customer bought for that specific order_date. Is this possible? How do I do it?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for pallavibhoite

I want to develop application using PHP. One module in this application displays attendance of students under particular teacher, between given two dates. The structure of tables in database - 1. student_info(Roll_No, Teacher_Id, First_Name, Last_Name) 2. attendance_info(Teacher_Id,Roll_No,Date,Present) Present stores '1' if student is present on that date and '0' if …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for aplee

hi Everyone, My program is doing good when I suddenly bumped into this problem. I dont know how to do the next functionality that I need to accomplish. I am done with inserting values, showing the gridview etc and it works great. Now my problem is the update command. I …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I have a combo box with a list of my customers, when a user selects a customer i have the customer code populate a label called LBcustomer. here is how i populate my combo box [CODE] Dim connString As String = "Data Source=" & ServerV & ";Initial Catalog=" & databaseV …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for Nat_xo

Okay, So I'm currently working on my A2 computing project, and I am having slight difficulties updating and saving the data in my database when it is entered on a form in VB. I cannot find any reason why it wouldn't work, but if someone could suggest a better way …

Member Avatar for Nat_xo
Member Avatar for kevin88

Hello Can someone please help me with getting a better understanding of dependency theory using Armstrong's Axioms? Thank you

Member Avatar for kevin88
Member Avatar for icehiro

I'm a beginner PHP programmer, so sorry if I'm asking some silly question. I've set up a MySQL database with a table carrying a list of boolean values. I want the PHP page count the number of 'true' on a column (from the table) and display it as a single …

Member Avatar for TechySafi
Member Avatar for lgriess

We have migrated our application from an old system (32bit) to this new 64bit server running Sql Server 2008. The code has not changed but however we are getting an error when we are trying to pull data across from our ERP system. We have upgraded the odbc drivers to …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for deolalkar_pooja

hi to all, I created following table create table book(id integer, author varchar(20)) In this, each book may have 1 or more authors. My question is that, how can insert more value to author column like as follows. id author 1 pooja merry james 2 robert stephen Thanks & regerds, …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for deolalkar_pooja

Hi to all, I created following table and its view. [blue]create table employee(id integer, name varchar(20), age integer) create view Vemployee as select id, name from employee.[/blue] now I want to rename a view, so I wrote a query like [blue]rename view Vemployee to Pemployee[/blue] But, it shows error about …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello peeps. I'm trying to update a sql table from mi php Ajax web page, which stores dynamically a table into the page by [icode]table.appendChild(row)[/icode], so that the user can verify the information he is inserting before the actual database update. How do I do this with ajax?

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for KirstyHunter

Hi, I am trying to set up transactional replication on a MS SQL 2008 database that has two Schemas, both schemas have some tables with the same names. Schema A A.Customer A.Product A.Invoice Schema B B.Customer B.Product B.Incoive My first problem is actually configuring Replication on the publisher using the …

Member Avatar for KirstyHunter
Member Avatar for guru_iyer

Problem is based on C#, ADO.NET, using Access Database. I am trying to filter the results from the database and display them in DataGridView on click of 'button1' button. But the datagridview shows empty results when there are actually 3 records with matching conditions. According to what I know, the …

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The End.