2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hello dear community, I have a problem which I have no idea how to walk around, see I have a really large database, with france zip codes, I imported this data from excel. the thing is that when it imported all the zip codes starting by 0 are not starting …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for aishapot

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click strsql = "delete from student_info where Student_No = " & ctrl & "" Dim sqlcmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlcmd.CommandText = strsql sqlcmd.Connection = sqlconn sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQuery() MsgBox("Student Deleted") Me.fillclasslist() When I try to delete a student in the list …

Member Avatar for aishapot
Member Avatar for nomorelogic

hi there, im a beginner really and have just tried to finish a new computer based booking system for my work, im using sql and a database to store the customers and then store bookings too, but im having problems with the customer form, when i run it it kind …

Member Avatar for nomorelogic
Member Avatar for code 117

Hi guys, hope you can help. I'm creating a mixture of an employee scheduling system with elements of a Human Resource Management System for small to medium businesses. I ideally want to create a java application with a database backend, which I'm trying to see if I can apply sql …

Member Avatar for Slimmy
Member Avatar for Lindsie

[B]I am a newbie so please be kind.[/B] I have put together a form using multiple queries which pulls information from MySQL tables that are joined by ID number. It displays the info in a form so updates can be made. I cannot get it to update more than one …

Member Avatar for compulove

I know this question has been asked dozens of times, but the code I have been looking at has not helped me. So far I have been able to connect to the string and the database from where I need to check the username, but in my page it is …

Member Avatar for compulove
Member Avatar for great_learner

Hi guys, I am trying to create a table in SQL Server 2005 through simple query which is as follows: [CODE]create table Appointment { Doc_ID numeric(4,0) references Patient(Pat_ID), Pat_ID numeric(4,0) references Doctor(Doc_ID), _Day day, Date datetime, Consultant_Name varchar(40), primary key(Doc_ID,Pat_ID) };[/CODE] but i am getting the error: Msg 102, Level …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for urbangeek

hi everyone. i want to list and show the table names in a database in a php page. how to do that? in phpmyadmin 'show tables' works in query window. bt showing it through a php script i think i would have to SELECT?

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for dan555

Dear all programmers I’ve search all over Google and have not found an answer. [B]My question is.........[/B] I have two DBF tables called product and ullage. The user enters data from products table into ullage, by searching for product id and adds their count into the ullage table. This part …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for sasom88

Hi! I need some help. Let's say I have 3 tables (t1(id,ds), t2(id,ds) and t3(id,ds)) where the tables don't necessarily have the same id fields. For example: t1 id ds 1 1 2 0 5 7 t2 id ds 8 5 1 2 t3 id ds 9 3 8 5 …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for compulove

I am trying to connect to a sql database and read from a table to determine if a username is valid upon a user entering in theirs. To just give you a background of the program: 1. The user needs to enter in their username and ID number. I already …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I have DAL class and I have done Query Parametrization to avoid SQL injection. As you can see the weakpoing for Dynamic Query is table_name and column name. I have made small function to (hopefully) validate table variable before I can add to SQL command string. Now I was …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, it now seems that I might be able to use SQL/MS Query to do what I tried to find a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/visual-basic-4-5-6/threads/388319"]workaround[/URL]. (Even if this works that does not invalidate the problem posed in that thread, though its urgency would be reduced.) So: is there a way to perform in …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for crodriguez08

Hi, I'm having trouble finding out whether I am doing my diagram the correct way or not. These are some of the properties of the diagram. Make an ER diagram and tables of the diagram: -Classroom contains the name of the building, the building number, and the space. -Reservation contains …

Member Avatar for aru211285

Hi all, I queried results form MySQL database using php and stored the results in a text file. Now i want to store the text file contents in a single string variable. I would be thankful if anyone could help me with this. Thanking you. Have a nice day. cheers, …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi guys i hm havig problem....My Code is [CODE] <?php $conn = mssql_connect("FARHAD-PC\SQLEXPRESS","",""); mssql_select_db("Testing",$conn); $query = "select * from User1"; echo $query; ?> [/CODE] The error iss Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect() in C:\wamp\www\Testing\SqlConnection.php on line 4 Hope someone will help me.. Regards.. Farhad

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for DSTR3

I'm using Visual Studio 2010, Win 7, MS Access 2010, C++, Direct ODBC, 32 bit. The first SELECT statement executes. The INSERT, SELECT, SELECT and UPDATE statements don't nay help is appreciated. Thanks. [CODE] #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sqlext.h> const char* DAM = "Direct ODBC"; SQLCHAR szDSN[256] = "Driver={Microsoft …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Joemeister

I'm struggling very hard to get this to work and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have a register page that I want to take the data inserted into the form and INSERT it to the database with jQuery and AJAX. I'm not very experienced with AJAX AND …

Member Avatar for stanley87
Member Avatar for Joemeister

Hi fellow programmers! What I want to do is this... * I have a list of registered users * next to each user is a link "Add as friend" * user_1 clicks the link to add user_2 * user_2 now needs to confirm or deny the request WILL THIS TABLE …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Eagletalon

Hey guys, Alright I have a tricky assignment to do in a view that will enable my next program to run MUCH faster and more reliable... Now I need to list all Items (1 table) and their locations where they are stored (2nd table) in a way that enables 1 …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for ajbest

Can anyone tell me if the following query can be done? [CODE]mysql_query("SELECT a, b, (a+b) AS c FROM table WHERE c=1");[/CODE] When I try this I get an unknown column error for c. In order to get the query to work I have had to do this [CODE]mysql_query("SELECT a, b, …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for Joemeister

Hi everyone! Ok, let me quickly explain what I want to achieve. I have two tables. The first table is Requests and it looks like this [CODE] +------------------------------+ | Requests | +----+-------------+-----------+ | id | user_from | user_to | +----+-------------+-----------+ | | | | | | | | | | …

Member Avatar for stoopkid
Member Avatar for noobies

Can anyone help me to do this : Select previous field based on previous field in sql. I had tried a lot of ways but it seems doesn't works. [CODE]Select alert_value , year_id from company_alert where year_id = "2010" and year_id = year_id - 1 group by year_id[/CODE] could anyone …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Joemeister

I want the post_delete column to generate unique id's so that when I want to delete a comment for e.g. I can refer to the post_delete's value. [B]Here is my users TABLE[/B] [CODE]CREATE TABLE users ( user_id INT(8) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, user_pass VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, user_email …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Joemeister

Hi! So I managed to upload the picture via php to a folder BUT my problem now is that I want to INSERT the location path of the uploaded picture to the user's pic_location in the database and I don't know how the query will look if I want to …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for Simon180

Can sumone please give me a helping hand here am trying to do a simple sql search were it will look all items in SQL database and pull up the names that match but am having a abit of trouble with it it brings all my accounts up regardless of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Joemeister

I'm using sessions to receive my info from my database table... But I'm not quite sure how to get a image because if I just say this: [CODE]echo "<img src='" . $_SESSION['pic_location'] . "' />";[/CODE] I only get like a little black dot thingy. I don't know if one could …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for DellrocK

I'm creating a link sharing website and I want the user that registers to upload an avatar and use that avatar throughout the website. I got so far that the user can register but can't find a way for him/her to have an avatar. Here I have the signup.php (for …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for gotboots

Hi all, just wondering what the best way is to structure time in sql database. For example, at present i use this format ; 19/08/2011 (which is day/month/year). when i call this in a sql statement, it shows all results, but not in a chronological order. Can any body solve …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for wackytechie

From where can I download sql plus 8.0? Please help as I have to submit the project tomorrow..:scared:

Member Avatar for debasisdas

The End.