2,569 Topics

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Member Avatar for DmytriE

Good morning, Firstly, let me say that I have zero experience with database, servers, etc. Now that I have prefaced this long question with that tidbit let me ask the most basic questions. What is the difference between MySQL and MS SQL? I think they do the same thing but …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for blaaam

Hi! I'm start learn php and i have few problems what i can't fix it. Before i say what is my problem, YES i have search for my problem in google and other. So my question is how to make 1)table with few data column and after few column i …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pepyrs

Hello, I'm using MySQL for a database containing 1 table with 10 columns. The point is to get a view of a few columns and use it in a web application So, I need 2 columns from this table - Pad(varchar) and Sequence(integer), then I create 8 views like this: …

Member Avatar for pepyrs
Member Avatar for iefilec

hi. i'm doing a search option in my system where if your searching for a entry even if you didnt typed the whole word, all of the entry that contains the letters that you have typed will appear, well i really cant explain it but it goes like this if …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for mshdpotato

Basically, I make a query based on the first query that I made. It returns the right number of rows but it only displays the first record based on the number of rows. For example, if my second query returns Result1 and Result2, the table will look like Result1 Result1 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

Hi i just want to know that how to connect php with sql server..because i have database in my sql server.... regards.. Farhad

Member Avatar for arajapandi
Member Avatar for daneuchar

i have a query is to lookup CREDIT_CARD table using CREDIT_CARD_ID and get the MIN_REPAY_AMT. if SUM(AMOUNT_DEPOSITED) < MIN_REPAY_AMT for that month Then populate 1000 else 0 i have attempted the query below kindly help me out and i am getting the following error. Error: [CODE]ERROR at line 2: ORA-00923: …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for duffy12

Hi am really new with php mysql, i need help pls. I have created a email software in my server, there is a field for inserting email data info. Right now i am inserting these data one by one, but this is annoying and taking hard time. Pls help me …

Member Avatar for duffy12
Member Avatar for phpangel

hi guys, i'm having an SQL Error in my CMS, somebody please have a look i get this error: "Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Program Files (x86)\VertrigoServ\www\portal\estrutura\publicidades\exibe.php on line 73" my code: <? $variables=(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])== 'GET') ? $_GET : $_POST; foreach ($variables as $k=> …

Member Avatar for phpangel
Member Avatar for suley04

Hi everyone, First of all let me just tell you that I have never done database programming myself, and this is the first time I'm setting up a MySQL database via phpMyAdmin, so I could be missing something small but I'm sure someone will know the answer, anyways... I have …

Member Avatar for suley04
Member Avatar for sammry

I am having a bit of difficulty in getting the right value. What I want to query is, the users who expire in 7 days, for example on 4th Oct 2011, the query should display the result of that particular day only. Right now I am querying as below: select …

Member Avatar for sammry
Member Avatar for eatatj0s

I'm sorry if this should have been posted in the c# forums..... I have created a database for my website and am using MS SQL. This database will need to be accessed by users on the site itself, and from a .NET application. I am comfortable using MS SQL through …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for kaosjon

Hi, i am just adding the last component to my registration page, but i am having a little trouble with it. Basically my website includes a referal based system, wherebye when the user signs up they can add a referal that benefits the referal later on. The code i am …

Member Avatar for kaosjon
Member Avatar for gotboots

Hi all, I have this code that seems to work fine for the order but cant get it to pass the invoice side of things. the trouble im having is when i do the order its fine, but when i do an invoice it sends me back to the order …

Member Avatar for gotboots
Member Avatar for megansims07

I'm attempting to create a program where the login and password will be verified on an SQL database of user information. I keep getting the error "SQL Execution was unhandled" I marked the code that was causing the error in red. I'm using Visual Studio 8. Keep in mind I …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for dwayned

Hi Guys, I have imported an excel document into MySQL to tidy up and make better use of the data but I am having problems running an update. All tables used as examples below; [U]Tables[/U] asset_register phone sim team The asset_register contains the following cols; [CODE] id INT, serialNo VARCHAR, …

Member Avatar for dwayned
Member Avatar for tapandesai007

I have one Access Database and in one of the column I need to store image file, how can I do that? Can anyone help me. I know how to do this is MS SQL Server Database but not about Access Database.

Member Avatar for tapandesai007
Member Avatar for iamthesgt

This is homework. Here is the problem: Produce a list of employee last name, first name and department name. Use appropriate, user friendly column aliases. This is from the tables [ICODE]DEMO.EMPLOYEE[/ICODE] and [ICODE]DEMO.DEPARTMENT[/ICODE]. The relevant column names are [ICODE]LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, DEPARTMENT_ID[/ICODE] (from [ICODE]DEMO.EMPLOYEE[/ICODE]) and [ICODE]DEPARTMENT_ID, NAME[/ICODE] from [ICODE]DEMO.DEPARTMENT[/ICODE]. As you …

Member Avatar for iamthesgt
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi, i am using sm sql express 2008 and this does not have the backup feature. so i have to create a application to back up the database everyday automatically, does anybody know a way to do it,please reply thank you.

Member Avatar for omar isaid
Member Avatar for andreas.cyp

I want to build a web app that student be able to enter his/her student id and shows his/her assigned advisor. I think that I 've to build a table in SQL with two attributes 'studendID' and 'advisorName'

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for revjim44

This is probably obvious to someone who is familiar with Oracle, however, I'm writing a script file for a class, and it throws an error on the line [CODE]ALTER TABLE FACULTY ADD CONSTRAINT FACULTY_Locid_fk REFERENCES LOCATION;[/CODE] where the table is FACULTY, the column is Locid, and I'm trying to create …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for katyanni_27

The following code is a part of my project and the output of this code is that i get all the title of the posts in the database and a delete hyperlink in front of all enteries now when i click delete for a respective title it should be deleted …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for TannerT

Hello all. I am in the process of piecing together a software project that I plan to use in the day-to-day operation of my service business. I'm sure this will be a simple question for someone here. I will be tracking employees, service tickets, clients, & client IT Assets. I …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for papershop

Dear All i need help how to insert data into sql database form a datagrid... this is the example.... i have view data from tabel sales in a data grid product name sales jan sales feb sales mar MILK 10 15 20 Biscuit 7 6 9 Tea 5 15 30 …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for davidXY

Hey, I am very new to php. I have a PHP script (modified from [url]http://woogley.net/misc/Highscore/)that[/url] I call from a my Java code to access a database in order to read/write records. The SELECT part of it was perfect. However, i can't write to the database when I try to UPDATE. …

Member Avatar for davidXY
Member Avatar for montjoile

hi. I'm working with php-oracle and I need to do a query that I know will return a unique string, but when I execute the query all that I recieve is a number. Why? this is my code: [CODE] $nombre=oci_parse($conexion, "select nombre_cliente from cliente where cod_cliente=$codigo_de_cliente"); $nombre_de_cliente=oci_execute($nombre); [/CODE] nombre_cliente is …

Member Avatar for Zexsz

I have a webpage that builds an html table if there is any data in a mySQL table. That works fine, the html table is populated with data from the mySQL table. My problem is when there is data it populates the html table but lists the first mySQL table …

Member Avatar for Zexsz
Member Avatar for gispe

Hi all, Im starting to program in java with sql. The problem im having is that when im trying to complete a combo box with data from a table in sql i get this error: [U]"null error in cargarComboProvincias()"[/U] when i run the program, and i cant find the error …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for SnackDude

Having problems with the TypeError below: [code]order_list = ['25459 ', '12381 ', '25375 '] cursor.execute("SELECT WVGID6 , WVWHID, WVITNO, WVLOCA FROM WMRSV WHERE OHORNO IN (%s)"% tuple(order_list)) TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting[/code] The correct SQL should look like: [CODE]SELECT WVGID6 , WVWHID, WVITNO, WVLOCA FROM WMRSV WHERE …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ppetree

OK, I have a table that has: id (int), name (varchar), parent (int) If parent contains NULL it IS the "parent" otherwise it is the child of a parent So: id=1 name=Meals parent=0 Means the above record is a "parent" (there are 100's of parents). So far, so good? Next …

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The End.