822 Topics

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Member Avatar for Aeonix

I get exactly this same error as [this Sir over here](http://askubuntu.com/questions/111959/what-is-a-bad-quality-package). There is solution given: cd ~/Downloads sudo dpkg -i *.deb sudo apt-get install -f What worries me more is that Brackets (by Adobe), Opera (by Opera), Chrome (by Google) are also considered bad quality. I could understand that sometimes …

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Member Avatar for Aeonix

On certain websites you can order laptops, and sometimes even they allow you to change certain parts of it. Let's take the example of HDD, the website offered quite an amount of types of HDD's. The largest HDD they can deliver to the laptop is 2TB, could I instead ask …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Chem_1

I want to buy a new lenovo laptop could you please suggest best laptop for dual booting.I am looking for Windows10+Ubuntu.What is your suggestion.I want learn linux.

Member Avatar for Chem_1
Member Avatar for Chem_1

At present which Linux OS is mostly used in the world ? If you any infograph on Linux Usage please forward me.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Fast story: After I restarted my laptop. I met critical error, I tried to LiveCD-boot from Ubuntu (to repair GRUB with it), but when I try to try it without installing, try to check memory, try to check disk. It prompts me these errors: http://oi59.tinypic.com/2hg8mrt.jpg http://oi58.tinypic.com/2ecmdsz.jpg Please, help.

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for cereal

Hi all! I don't know if this occurs only to me but in the forum list view the **read** text icon wraps to a new line, like this: ![read_gif.jpg](/attachments/small/0/9fe408e01220f3a9086241a5f936c486.jpg) Here's a larger screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/k9w09hn.jpg I noticed this few days ago. I don't have extensions on. I tested the zoom, but …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for MBRaja

# PC spec # I have dual core processor 1gb RAM 240bg HDD... I'm using dual boot with ubuntu # My OS # I installed Windows 8 after that 8.1... # My Problems # I have the same problem from both of them... ## Problem 1 ## After I boot …

Member Avatar for Josiah_2
Member Avatar for Chinnaiah_1
Member Avatar for Chinnaiah_1
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hi Guys, I'm currently stuck at the moment. Just a bit of background. I have installed elementary os freya, I have an nvidia GTX 750 graphics cards, which is quite new, I believe it is a haswell chip. I have following the instructions successfully here: http://www.elementarynow.com/graphic-drivers-for-elementary-os/ But the error message …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi How can I install volatility 2.4 on ubuntu? [Click Here](http://www.volatilityfoundation.org/#!24/c12wa) Is there any debian packages?

Member Avatar for tony75
Member Avatar for RikTelner

me@MYFIRSTNAME-Ubuntu:~$ cd ~/tux* me@MYFIRSTNAME-Ubuntu:~/tuxlol-0.1-dd62ba8-bin$ mono tuxlol.exe patch --dir "~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot\ Games/League\ of\ Legends/" The specified directory is invalid. me@MYFIRSTNAME-Ubuntu:~/tuxlol-0.1-dd62ba8-bin$ ll total 384 drwxrwxr-x 2 me audio 4096 sep 29 2013 ./ drwx------ 27 me me 4096 apr 5 16:03 ../ -rw-rw-r-- 1 me me 84480 sep 15 2013 CommandLine.dll -rw-rw-r-- 1 …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for RikTelner

I installed Qt, again, on new installation of Ubuntu. It asked me for `sudo` password, which is not strange since it wants to write it's data in kind of restricted environment. But what if some cracker, has embedded a virus and went of distributing working software from trustworthy company, but …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for zalax

Have a Toshiba Satellite Pro, that had a dual boot (WIN 7, and WIN 10 Tech preview). Setup a separate partition called Unbuntu, and installed Unbuntu 14, on that partition. Now Unbuntu boots first to a Grub menu (I’m a newb Linux user), and it gives me choices, see below …

Member Avatar for Little Relhok1
Member Avatar for it@61@sec

Does anyone know if there is an e-mail client which has the following properties: 1) Running on Android and Linux (Ubuntu/Linux Mint) 2) Supporting POP3 and MAPI 3) Supporting the possibility to have a message store on a cloud service (i.e. Dropbox). I wish to be able to retrieve locally …

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Member Avatar for Manoj_14

Hi, I wanted to open files of php on my ubuntu. I installed xampp, then configured /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf file. The cahnges I maded were to change directory root. But now when I open localhost, it tells me access denied.

Member Avatar for Heanre
Member Avatar for zzmrzz

Hello fellow coders, I am in this situration right now, where i'm soon going to buy my 3'rd dedicated server, and i wondered what Linux OS would be best? Right now i have a 64 GB and a 32 GB server with Linux CentOS 6.5 Minimal, and i'm using the …

Member Avatar for amalfatima
Member Avatar for deboy4y2k

I am running Ubuntu running Apache 2.4.7. My problem is that when I try to view my site from the web I get the "Forbidden / You don't have permission to access / on this server." error. I have tried everything under the sun from setting permission, to creating virtual …

Member Avatar for matrixdevuk
Member Avatar for RikTelner

I had 2 Linux's on my laptop. But I really needed to start something that required DirectX in it, also, it had to be on Windows. I tried to use VMware and VirtualBox but to no avail, so it had to be real machine, not virtual one. I installed Windows …

Member Avatar for Bala_2
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

hello guys, good morning one of our servers recently upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 so for this PHP upgraded to 5.5.9 all scripts on this server stopped working because they use a functions not supported by newer version of PHP, I need to downgrade PHP to 5.3 so I can make …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ankit,joy

Hello, Please tell me how to implement multi threading in C++ on Ubuntu 10.10. The compiler I use is GNU 4.5.2. I have some knowledge of multi-threading in Java. Explain with some codes if possible. Or please give the URL of any useful stuff

Member Avatar for sumitlubal_1
Member Avatar for muhammad_74

Hi, I have ubuntu installed on my pc with openjdk 8 but as i want to lern java ho can i create programs by openjdk or which is the place to write the coding. Plz suggest me with easy words Thanks,uxama

Member Avatar for muhammad_74
Member Avatar for muhammad_74

On my Xubuntu desktop the mouse cursor gets sometimes stuck in drag mode (hand symbol) and although the mouse cursor moves but the pointer does not. Does anybody has the same problem ? Is there a simple way out of it ? I am wondering if this is a bug …

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Member Avatar for sneekula

I have a Toshiba Satellite notebook with Windows7 OS. How would I go about it to replace Windows7 with Kubuntu?

Member Avatar for RobertHDD
Member Avatar for agungpuma

Currently I've been working to set up an IPv6 LAN network with ubuntu hosts and routers. but whenever i tried to ping from router to host or the other way around, its not working. i guess there are few steps that i missed out but still couldn't find it out …

Member Avatar for RobertHDD
Member Avatar for khess

I used to refer to [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Windows[/URL] as "The Infinitely Rebooting OS" and it has improved some over earlier versions but today was a different story and reminded me of those thrilling days of yesteryear. My question is why, Windows, why? Why must I reboot when I install a desktop application? …

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Member Avatar for tom.magaro

I am trying to get a friend set up to record and edit music using Audacity. The machine is running Ubuntu Zorn. However, when we try to run the software, we get the message that no audio devices were found. I installed both the operating system and the editing software …

Member Avatar for tom.magaro
Member Avatar for ali.fayyazi

Hi I am a new user of Linux Ubuntu and download software via the Internet, but I do not know how to help me install it.``

Member Avatar for hardmode
Member Avatar for Neelima_1

i am using vi editor but when i open file through vi and press i(insert mode),i am unable to type #,$,@...and it is displaying E348 no string under cursor.what do i do,please help me.

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Octet

Hello Daniweb, I've recently become interested in networking, especially the administrative side of it (monitoring them, managing and resolving faults etc.) and therefore I thought one of the best ways I could learn was to see what was actually happening on them. I installed Wireshark for Ubuntu, and everything seems …

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Member Avatar for Slavi

The End.