1,247 Topics

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Hi, i am new to this forum and Email Markting professional from India, New Delhi working with **[iCubes](http://www.icubes.in/index.php)** which is the Best Email Marketing compaies of India and, here to share my email marketing knowledge withyou all and moreover to interact with any professional of email marketing about my queries.

Member Avatar for Amol555
Member Avatar for baig772

Hi Any one ever wrked on live helper chat? [This](http://livehelperchat.com/) This is following template structure may be symfony or smarty and I am looking to change some form labels, but cannot figure out where to chage? Thanks in advance for help

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for Indians

Recently i've rewritten my code to PDO from mysql query. Insert, fetch, update, delete everything working fine. But, pagination not displaying in my page. Before i've used mysql query. In that time pagination worked perfectly. Now, i've changed my codes into prepared statements. pagination not dispalying i don't know what …

Member Avatar for bops
Member Avatar for Emad_3

Hey Experts >>>>> Please help me out .... i want this type of grid to be generated horizontally ... but unfortunately in asp.net gridview is not showing horizontal options ..... another interesting fact is that all the products shown in this page is UNIQUE ... and Pagination is also included …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Amr87

I have function that creates textareas fields on the fly upon a click on a link I want to convert these textareas into tinymce wysiwyg here is the code $("body").delegate("a.add_tab","click",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var uniq = $(this).attr("uniqid"); add_tab_ui($(this),uniq); }); function add_tab_ui(elem,uniq){ var content = "<div class='wrapTab'><label >Tab Title:<input type='text' name='tab-title-"+uniq+"' id='tab-title' value='' …

Member Avatar for Amr87
Member Avatar for rajatchak

# Hello. I am working on bootstrap 3 and here is the problem i am facing below: # 1. *This is the problem i am facing : http://oi44.tinypic.com/14b5ob8.jpg* * When i click on the top navbar, the bottom navbar opens up too and vice versa/ * I assume that i …

Member Avatar for rajatchak

Hi all ...( warning : i am a total newbie to web development ) i am planning to develop a website... i have all the content to put into the website...and i already have a fanbase for the website. I have created the structure of the website in localhost. just …

Member Avatar for rajatchak
Member Avatar for abhijit_2

How to give pagination to database and retrive the data on same form

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I've started using Bitbucket recently for version control and I have to say I like it a lot. I've only been using it for HTML/CSS development. I would really like to use it for when I convert those page from html to a Wordpress template. Is there any way to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for happygeek

The iPad is, as those annoyingly creative TV adverts show us, used for all sorts of things by all sorts of people. However, according to a press release that hit the DaniWeb news desk today, you might be forgiven for thinking that shopping isn't one of them. As usual though, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Iikeloa

Hi can any one give the idea of the pagination system ? I mean thea functions that I should use to get a good pagination system.What I reached so far is this : I should request the number of rows from the database.Then I should make a variable which contains …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Sanjay_6

I had created a child theme. So i want to know some basic question about child theme. 1) i had create a child theme.If i am updating the theme, What should be happened ? I mean all customization which i had does manually is remain there in parent theme after …

Member Avatar for kyleo92

I am attemping to paginate for a public salaries database I am building for my newspaper. I have the code figuring out that it should only display X rows, however, each page displays the same rows. I also have noticed that clicking the links I've created for Previous/Next Page only …

Member Avatar for kyleo92
Member Avatar for patk570

Hello everyone, I have a table that i want to limit to 10 results per page and have a simple pagination script to generate the next 10 results. I have tried many different options, but alas it does not work. here is what I have so far. <tbody> <? //specify …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for Sanjay_6

I have enfold theme installed in my Wordpress site. i have tried following things 1)i have create one folder named - enfold-child 2)i have create two files in that folder 1) style.css 2) functions.php 3)screenshot of parent theme enfold now i have placed code in style.css like this /* Theme …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for abhimanipal

Hi Guys, I am trying to teach myself templates and I keep getting lost in all these compilation errors. Here is the latest // This is the interface for the base class template<class V, class I =int> class Array{ private: vector<V> myStore; public: Array(); Array(I size); Array(I size, V value); …

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Member Avatar for abhimanipal

Hi Guys, I am trying to teach myself templates in C++. My current assignment is to create a matrix class by using vector of vectors. I have got most of it done but my code is crashing when I try to overload the random access operator in my matrix class. …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Nmalik1
Member Avatar for invisiblevision

Hi there please help me , i want to integrate tinyimg with wysiwyg Editor , in Q2A script using tinyimg API thanks

Member Avatar for invisiblevision
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

I have a page with a menu of categories and subcategories of products. Categories have a class 'category' and subcategories have a class 'subcategory'. When either is clicked some AJAX sends the category to some php to compile the html which the AJAX then sends back to the page to …

Member Avatar for GlenRogers
Member Avatar for LD-005

I have one html table on few pages(100 rows per page). Is there a way to load (not the initial first page) a page with specific row on it (if id of that row is defined)?

Member Avatar for KingGold171
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Hello All ! I want to make my gridview pagination look like this First -prev -- 1 -2 -3 -4 -Next -Last How can i do this , by using options of Mode it is not possible. Best Regards

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for ArtphotoasiA
Member Avatar for Moderns

Hi mates, I am looking for a way to cache a PHP page that it's different for each session user. For example if the paginating is used and if I have 10 pages each page contains 25 entries extracted from database, also these entries are editable when clicking on button …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jhonsamuel

hello, i'm using this pagination script and it works smoothly , but i want to display products when i pressed my category menu(php created), this is the code ,i'm trying configure pagination with my category menu, but it's not working. please help me. i'm newbie in php. <?php include('connect.php'); if(isset($_GET['category'])) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cheelo007

I am unable to maintain a GET variable with this pagination script. Was hoping you all could help. I am using a GET function so the user can choose which categories are displayed. I'm using a pagination script I found online and I am now confronted with this issue, when …

Member Avatar for cheelo007
Member Avatar for gbonline

Hi to all, I'm looking for a solution to create a front-end in python for an app. I've some experience with Tk (but it's not fundamental i would like to use wxpython) and standard widget, but now i'm in a project too complicated for me. The app is like a …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for John malt
Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for games1124u

Hello, i want to change te result of showing in the browser, now it shows this when i click 2 3 4 or next. Search+source+code&page=36 Search+source+code&page=72 Search+source+code&page=108 and i want to change it to this, Search+source+code&page=2 Search+source+code&page=3 Search+source+code&page=4 If i change $per_page = 36; to $per_page = 1; than works …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for sayvari

I am an Accounting Professional and would like to design a webpage for myself with the kind of services I can provide and my educational qualifications. Being an absolute novice at web designing I need some tips on how to go about designing my own. All suggestions are welcome, I …

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The End.