20,278 Topics

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I create small database and I want to show all information about the students when a techer enter Students ID I caret my database using visual studio 2008 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim constr as new OleDb.OleDbConnection constr.ConnectionString = "Provider=localhost;data source=C:\USERS\USER\DOCUMENTS\VISUAL STUDIO …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for NYCRAVEN

I have a simple data input form in which when the form is activated if sets focus on a textbox and sets the back color. I later have a datetimepicker control. The tab stops are coreectly set but when ever the users selects a a date from the datetimepicker the …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for vinay7868

hii i am stuck with a problem as i am using VS 2010 and developing an app in vb.net. i require crystal report so i downloaded from SAP the exe and installed but i cannot find the crystal report menu in add new item of right click of application so …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

How can I make parent & child form there in vb.net? I guess to make a parent form I have to activate IsMdiContainer from form`s properties. But how should I make child form? Please help me.

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for AndyPants

I have an array with a couple of webpages that need to be sent some information. I have a thread function that gets the link in the parameter and visits that page. I would dont want my application to wait for the page to load each time. So, would it …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for ImZick

Hi guys i need help i have a table1 and table2 in access table1 structure is something like this Months / Revenue / GP Jan / 10000 / 5000 Feb / 20000 / 2000 and table2 structure is like this Months / Revenue / GP Jan / 2000 / 200 …

Member Avatar for ImZick
Member Avatar for chdboy

I have a DateTimePicker and Masked Textbox ,Masked Textbox almost covering all of DateTimePicker ,just down arrow key to select the date into the Masked Textbox. Question No1. What event should I put the current code?I want the selected date to be inside the Masked textbox after it is being …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for santosh.pandey.1293575

hello, i am trying to enter the form textbox.text in my crystal report, but getting error. code is Dim RptForm As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument Dim T As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.TextObject RptForm = New CRrollnumberba1 T = RptForm.ReportDefinition.Sections(0).ReportObjects("?SUBJECTNAME") T.Text = txtsubject.Text the error showing "Index was outside the bounds of the array." at 4th line. …

Member Avatar for ninjatalon
Member Avatar for Rahul47

Hey hie fellas, here is my problem. I have two DataGridViews in one form. What I wanted to accomplish is transfer one row at a time from Left Grid to Right Grid on selection. I wanted to Select Cell in Left Grid then Press Button Upon Which selected row should …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I need to know why this isn't working... I have tried many different things but still can't get it to work. (And, yes, I have replaced the MYPASSHERE with my password but it always says I have not registered yet...) Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Public Class Form1 …

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Member Avatar for kimi1992
Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for konradwalsh

Hi I have a very large app built on my desktop. I want to continue working on it on my laptop. I tried out Team Server and uploaded the solution. I then download the solution to my laptop. I cannot build it on my laptop. I get 75 errors for …

Member Avatar for konradwalsh
Member Avatar for babateejay

I am working on a keyboard teaching aid similar to mavis beacon. With the following code i am able to detect if the enter key is pressed on the keyboard. If e.KeyChar = Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(keys.enter) Then MsgBox("Enter key is pressed") End If but what i want to do is that i …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

While creating a module within my program, I created a second Dataset (and it's called DesignDataSet2). I would like to delete it from the database altogether. I have already removed the one datatable that was within this dataset. I now want to eliminate this completely. How do I go about …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I am trying to make a program which will login to a website with many different accounts one after another. The problem I have though is, the documentCompleted event either doesn't run at all or it runs more than once before the page is fully loaded. This causes the …

Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14
Member Avatar for adamwilden

Hi, Been having real problems listing members of an AD group. The examples I've found online either don't work either or are a bit beyond my humble skills! I can get members of simple groups easily enough, but teh code I'm using returns nothing at all if a group contains …

Member Avatar for adamwilden
Member Avatar for Matigo

Hello guys Anybody could help me please to make the Windows estimated usage in visual basic 2010 "To show how many MB/GB of internet i have used" I'm running windows 8 and this application will will be used on windows 8 Only Thanks in advance guys and i hope to …

Member Avatar for Matigo
Member Avatar for linezero

I'm currently working on a project on VB.NET and I'm getting this error below. > Error 2 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' is most specific for these arguments: 'Public Sub New(name As String, dataSourceValue As System.Collections.IEnumerable)': Not most specific. 'Public Sub New(name As String, dataSourceValue As System.Data.DataTable)': Not …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for aishapot

Hello, I have a listview wherein when I double click a student another form pops up where i edit the student info. When i click on cancel it goes back to the menu and when i click on the reports i want it to be able to [B]refresh[/B] so that …

Member Avatar for shah unnati
Member Avatar for Matigo

Hello guys, I really need your help on this one, Please help me out with it I'm using a webBrowser in my application "Visual Basic 2010", And what basically it will do, Once you open up the application, It will show you a URL, let's say for example Google.com by …

Member Avatar for Matigo
Member Avatar for animo

i want to edit a form with datagridview show the colomn index but there is an error message show that index is out of range ........... parameter:index. how to solve the problem ??? can you help me please?? thank you.

Member Avatar for RvSon
Member Avatar for mohammad.khasawneh.12
Member Avatar for safian123

Hey guys how you doing, When i try to add a record through my application i get an error message there is no row at position 0 here is the code any help would be appericiated: Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim dbprovider As String Dim dbsource As String Dim …

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Member Avatar for ppstyle

I am making a windows based application in visual studio 2010 using VB. My project starts with a splash screen and a brief welcome splash then opens the main mdi form. The menu in the mdi form has the link to open all the other modules. My question is- How …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Ashenvale

Hi everyone! I'm trying to display the logo for a particular supplier but I always end up with an error picture. here's my code: Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Public Class SupplierDetails Dim objConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Cristy\Desktop\InventorySystem\InventorySystem\inventory.mdb") Dim objDataAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter( _ "SELECT Supplier, ContactPerson, PhoneNumber, FaxNumber, " & …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, So I'm trying to make a program to auto bump my facebook posts. I have made it log in etc but there is no 'post' button on facebook, you have to press enter on the keyboard. How can I make the program press enter in the box and make …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for gs1344

Visual Web Developer 2010 how to save textbox to SQL VB.net I am new to Visual Web Developer Express I connected the SQL Created a webpage and simply added 2 textbox(s) a gridview (works) Submit button When trying the app the Submit button, The page resets, it appears to work …

Member Avatar for geniusvishal
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi friends! I got one puzzle. I wonder if there is a way I can create a table but get a table name from a value of the textbox/combo box control. Does anyone have an idea? I mean something like "CREATE TABLE (TextBox1.Text) (".....)" I wonder if that is really …

Member Avatar for RvSon
Member Avatar for major_lost

Some time ago, Reverend Jim gave me some good advice on dynamically creating controls with VB.net. Following the advice, I created 26 Labels (with text A-Z) and a event handler for the click event of the labels. Now I need to determine WHICH label was clicked and the text of …

Member Avatar for major_lost
Member Avatar for ImZick

Hi this code is to fill up my Combo1 Item which is came from my Table1 .Combo_Main_AM.Items.Clear() Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Table1", con) da.Fill(dt) For Each myRow In dt.Rows .Combo1.Items.Add(myRow.Item(0)) Next so it will add up the combo1 Jessie James Nick now the question is how can …

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The End.