20,278 Topics

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to create unique reference i had below code in **vb6** Dim UNKREFBATCH As String UNKREFBATCH = "B" & Format(Date, "MMDD") & Format(Time, "HHMMSS") but the same is not giving correct result in **vb.net** Dim UNKREFBATCH As String UNKREFBATCH = "B" & Format(Date.Now, "MMDD") & Format(DateTime.Now, "HHMMSS") MsgBox(UNKREFBATCH) instead of minutes …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jmay1327

I have a grid that I am trying to move the grid rows either up or down based on button click. Here is what I have so far. Protected Sub imgBtnMoveUp_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Dim imgBtn As ImageButton Dim FirstRow As GridViewRow = gvQuoteSo.Rows(0) Dim btnUp …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for dsimonovski1

Hey. So I have a flowlayoutpanel populated with custom user controls. Now, after each fifth control I want to have a separation label, pushing the following controls in a new row. That works fine, except the distance between the label and the controls in the new row is way longer …

Member Avatar for dsimonovski1
Member Avatar for PM312

i am trying to import data from excel to datagrid view. why instead of actuel data "System.__ComObject" is displayed in datagrid cell. Dim xl As New excel.Application Dim xlsheet As excel.Worksheet Dim xlwbook As excel.Workbook xlwbook = xl.Workbooks.Open("d:\PayableInput\InvoiceUpload.xlsx") xlsheet = xlwbook.Sheets.Item(1) Dim Rowst As Integer = 0 Dim RN As …

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Member Avatar for Ryan Nigel

Hi to all long story short, i have 2 executable files **first.exe second.exe** i want to run both with one button, i know i can run one executable file with this code Private Sub Button1_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Process.Start(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\first.exe") End Sub but how do …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for lopesi2003
Member Avatar for katieJane

Hi all I have, hopefully, a rather small query. I have been creating a system with asp/vb and as I was designing I used msgbox's. Of course when I then uploaded it to the company intranet it didn't like MsgBox. I understand that there are various ways of doing it, …

Member Avatar for diego_5
Member Avatar for xn hunk

how to write to file in program folder in VB.net? ex Program Files\n\n.ini. how to write to n.ini in program folder.

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for xn hunk

how to AutoScroll Listbox in continuous manner in VB.net? ex AutoScroll 1 3 5 then start again from 1 3 5

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for ignnniter

kay so we have an activity, the activity was to make a simple cashier system using filestream. So the layout will be there are 3 radio buttons ( foods,drinks,desserts) so for example i chose foods the comboBox will automatically update it's value like a list of foods. I already had …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for fifie izyani

Hye. i need to build an inventory system. In that system, the production department will scan the barcode in each item. **How should i connect the barcode scanner with the system ? ** and the requirement of the system is to be able to compare the information scanned **with** the …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for devdevil10

Hello all, I am a vb.net newbie and I am trying to write a code that when executed pulls the latest file on an FTP server (based on creation date). So far, I've been able to list all the files in the remote directory. I know this can be done …

Member Avatar for devdevil10
Member Avatar for Spm_1

Please tell me how to get report for a given from and to dates using crystal reports......i am using access database.....thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for ahudson

Hi There. I have the following code for a login system withing VB 2010. I am getting a Warning: "Variable 'reader' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime." Where did I go wrong? Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Sheryl99

I'm trying to create my own Database and Tables in SQL Server 2005 using VB.NET 2005. I get an error when I try ExecuteNonQuery, which says that the connection is not initialized. I'm not sure if I'm doing any of this right. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Sheryl [code=vb] …

Member Avatar for boxes
Member Avatar for hhm_pro992

HI! I CREATING A "POS" APPLICATION FOR MY SHOP I WANT TO KNOW THAT HOW TO PRINT OUT DATAGRIDVIEW DATA Like This: - ![036659558a64e3ca98e61bbafd08be33](/attachments/large/3/036659558a64e3ca98e61bbafd08be33.png "036659558a64e3ca98e61bbafd08be33") to this : ![82140f006783ff6fb594ba8cff295dbf](/attachments/large/3/82140f006783ff6fb594ba8cff295dbf.png "82140f006783ff6fb594ba8cff295dbf")

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

I want to connect my access database to my project in vb 6. What are the steps i should follow? Once i'm done with that, i want to know how to drag them and place them on a form (like the way we do it in VB.NET). Thank you

Member Avatar for millyn
Member Avatar for horizondesai

i have just installed visual studio 10. Im not familiar with it. I want to connect MDB file to it. I have googled that but could not find appropriate code. So would anyone help me finding the equivalent Visual Studio 10 code to the VB6 code i am pastng below. …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for senthil_aries

My requirement is to select a supplier name from a Dropdown list(DropDownList_Supplier) and use the value to get Supplier id from the table "[SQS].[dbo].[Services]". I am using the below code and i am not able to get the value in the required field. Public SUPTEXT As String = "SELECT [ID] …

Member Avatar for kdejan87

Public Function getSelc() Dim com As New SqlCommand Sqlcon.Close() Sqlcon.Open() Try com = New SqlCommand("EXECUTE regionSelect '" & txtID.EditValue & "','" & txtRegion.EditValue & "','" & _ txtShortN.EditValue & "','" & txtStatus.EditValue & "'", Sqlcon) objDA.SelectCommand = com objDA.Fill(objDSs) '=> could not find stored procedure ( 'but I have it …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for dimitris.dimitri.73

Hello everyone,my question is the following: I have a database with two tables.What i want to ask is ow can i bind one column of the database to a txt file eg: when i press a button in my form it saves the contents of my richtextbox to a file …

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Member Avatar for dennis.acquah1

Hi guys, Im very new to vb.net. I have this project that I'm working on Just to get more insight and appreciate programming. Now the problem I'm getting now is how to save the picture already selected to my picture box into the database (sql-server) this is my datase: memberID …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bgengine

Hi - I've done a bit of VB.net programming but am still learning .. I want to create a .net DLL which I will call from another application (NS Teststand). When I call the Dll - 1. I will need to pass a string to it, 2. It must show …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for manishbhandari

how i do alphabet sequence like aaa to aab on button click then aab to aac on another click,this happen upto zzz and after zzz again start aaa

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for mikeybware

I am trying to insert some values into a database and I have the following SQL: insertString = "INSERT INTO SocialHistory (ExamID, Occupation, SafetyYN, ComputerYN, ComputerHrs) Values('" & CurrentExamID.ToString & "', (SELECT Occupation, SafetyYN, ComputerYN, ComputerHrs FROM SocialHistory WHERE ExamID = '" & LastExamID & "'))" When I execute the …

Member Avatar for mikeybware
Member Avatar for elouch

Hi everyone. I got a situation here. Usually making a T-SQL(using sqlclient) on a server is very simple in vb.net if you have access to a sever. But I got this problem, where in a computer does not have access to that server but need to make a T-SQL on …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for kdejan87

0 down vote favorite I have a problem, what i want is when the user enters data in the textbox, it needs to compare the entered textbox value like ,,name, with value ,,name,, in dataset. If name exists, It should enter the value in textbox. If not, it should pop …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for midnite11

Does anyone know how to get the number of rows that are included in the total SelectedCells of a datagridview? This is where the user actually selects multiple cells in multiple rows - not actually selecting the rows themselves. I don't need to row indexes of the cells. What I …

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Member Avatar for PM312

Is there a way to get all contacts id's from outlook 2013 or 2007 to datagridview or combobox.collection list. Thanks

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Member Avatar for PM312

I have datagridview with one CheckBox column I have CellClick event for this datagrid even if user click **outside** the checkbox but **within column cell**, cellclick event get trigerred but checked value dosen get changed. How to know if user have clicked inside the checkbox to control cellclick event Thanks

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The End.