20,284 Topics
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hi everyone i am try to write a code for a checkbox that work like a radioButton dynamicaly in vb.net. i.e. if i have 5 check box and i try to check the first one other will become unchecked. Second with same code if i increase the number of check … | |
Good evening! I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve and display data from MS Access to my project's DataGridView. So far I have the codes to make the options for the CheckedListBox appear. SAMPLE: (Codes for other categories are not included since they're all basically the same) 'view client … | |
I have a database of customers (MS Access database) and I am trying to check out the demographics. I would like to list the top 5 cities and their count (how many times this city is found in my database), as well as the top 5 postal codes and their … | |
any solution or codes? | |
Hi, I've a form which allow a user to select the year and category. Year and category will pass the value to the query : "SELECT * FROM Shares WHERE Year = '"&yearr.txt&"' AND Category = '"&category.text&"'" After that I want the report print the report to excel base on … | |
Not sure if the title accuratly reflects the question, but here it goes. I have a dropdown (a ComboBox) with some text. Simple enough, when the dropdown is opened and text selected, it puts the text in a text box below. If cbCallNotesPrefills.Text = "Sample Text" Then txtCallNotes.Text = "Sample … | |
Hi Vb.net geniuses! I am a complete beginner in programming and would like to seek assistance regarding this very small issue of mine :( It is perfectly working if the CardID is only numbers, but if I mix letters with it this error is showing "*Conversion from 'string' to 'boolean' … | |
Hey guys , so i just started to learn arrays today and I'm at an excercise where i have to use a tablelayoutpanel and have to give a spot of my array a name like tblstudents(0) = "evaluation" but i don't know how to put it in code and can't … | |
What are all the differences between c# and vb ? | |
Hi! I'm searching for a way to delete an Item from a collection in a list box... Listbox1.Items.Add(Textbox1.Text) Listbox2.Items.Add(Textbox2.Text) Listbox3.Items.Add(Textbox3.Text) Adding an item in a listbox is easy, but deleting it, the way I want it to.. T_T nah! dunno.. or maybe i'm just plain stupid. I want the user … | |
compare data of two DATAGRIDView in vb.net | |
here's the problem: iam able to make my panel transprent on my main mdi container but when i move my panel to the place where my mdi child form is being shown in my mdi container the panel isnt transparent or i cannot see through the panel. any solution you … | |
Hi... I wrote code using vb.net [B]picturebox1.image=image.Fromfile("C:\a.jpg")[/B] picturebox1 display image a.jpg. if picturebox1 display, file a.jpg can't delete it because "being used by another person". how to close picturebox1 so file a.jpg can delete? i have tried to use picturebox1.dispose() and picturebox1.image=nothing but still can delete and display error message … | |
Hello Every One, When i run my project i get Error "There is no row at position 0", please help. Here is my code: Private Sub PopulateDepartmentHead() 'Fill data in comboBox Dim SqlDataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter Dim DSet As New DataSet Dim strSelect As String SQLConn.Close() SQLConn.ConnectionString = oFunc.GetConnectionString(sINIFile) 'myConn = … | |
here's my problem im trying to make an interface for my current project im trying to make the panels moveble and im trying to achive an icon like behavior to this panel when you move them around its like when you move an icon from your desktop it will automaticaly … | |
i am doing an application at school and i always have this error message: Cannot open database "users" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'SERVER\Student'. what is the possible solution for this? thanks :) | |
Hi DW peps. I've used the following codes to crypt and save files now I want to decrypt it when I'm reading it so that let say I want to check if the saved password matchs the entered password which the saved password is saved on pc drive e.g. Drive … | |
I have an usercontrol that contains a toolstrip. The toolstrip is exposed through the usercontrol by a readonly property 'HostStrip' with DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content attribute. In this way we can handle the toolstrip and its contents from the usercontrol. While using the usercontrol in an application, after adding the elements of the … | |
hi, i want a get msgbox(" Time Out") , when click some button then after 10 days ago, it may be close my application and it can not affect to time ( 10 days), i dont know how it code, please help me. tks, | |
Hello guys, can someone help me how to view data from database into listview.. example in my database i have a user table, it has firstname, lastname, emailaddress and contactnumber, i want to view all user records into my listview. what is the query code for that.. can u please … | |
I have two tables Employer Employee Employer Table: I have one field EmployerID (pk Key assigned to it) Employee Table: EmployerID(pk Key assigned to it) IDEmployer(fk key assigned to it,and Allow Nulls:Checked) Now my question is how to relate two tables ,that I will now that who works for who? … | |
how to add two number in sql query function SUM() is not working??? | |
guys can i ask something, what kind of server or database is good for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, or VB.net thanks.. | |
| i want to filter contents in a table which is showing only all the informations filter only by month and years only. i need the solution ASAP because my task aint gonna complete just because of this problem. this is my HTML table form : <asp:HyperLinkColumn Text="Link" Target="_parent" DataNavigateUrlField="CompanyName" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="../DefaultBilling.aspx?id={0}" … |
Ok, so I am working on the hangman game for a school assignment. I have everything doing what I want except for one issue: No matter how many letters are in my word, the number of dashes is always one more than I need. For example: say the word is … | |
Greetings everyone i really need some help about this error. If (maleRbtn.Checked = True) Then gender = 0 ElseIf (femaleRbtn.Checked = True) Then gender = 1 End If If (dietRbtn.Checked = True) Then purpose = 0 ElseIf (BDrbtn.Checked = True) Then purpose = 1 End If Try sqlCmd = New … | |
i need help on how to program atm with console application | |
hey guys i need help!! i am having problem with add cart...when i puchase and item it comes out this error "Response.Redirect("~/Payment.aspx?total=" + total_price)" bellow are my code. Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Linq Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data Partial Public Class Cart Inherits System.Web.UI.Page … | |
when I try to insert values I got this error: I Used this code myConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionstring) myConnection.Open() Try Dim insert1 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [VBP].[dbo].[Return_Total] ([RGN0],[Date] ,[Totalamount],[User_Id],[C_NIC],[Comments],[Bill_No]) values ('" & Val(TextBox2.Text) & "','" & DateTimePicker1.Value.Date & "','" & TextBox4.Text & "','" & TextBox6.Text & "','" & … | |
I have found the following post re this issue does any body have any idea which is correct 1. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Comdlg32] "NoFileMru"=dword:00000001 2.HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Value Name: NoRecentDocsMenu Value Type: REG_DWORD Value Data: 0 or 1 0 = Yes, allow recent docs 1 = No, do not allow recent docs Value Name: ClearRecentDocsOnExit … |
The End.