20,284 Topics
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Hi Viewers! I'm a Quite new to Visual Basic 2008. I have to build a database application for one of my assignments and one of the problems I'm having is to build a form that will be used to search a customer from a Customers table. The database is from … | |
Right I have [URL="http://pastebin.com/HeN4zveM"]this [/URL]so far. I'm trying to implement a search function for example so when you enter information into txtprename.text and press button 4 it will search for that name and return the values of its location etc. So far for this funciton I have: [CODE] Private Sub … | |
if one text contain unformated number of text is der, how to correct the well format through c# code | |
Hi there i'm Faiz firstly i know nothing in this area. i hope u all can help me i want to create an atomated excel files actually this software exceLINX ( my research software) build in excel files.then this exceLINX software is the main software to trigger my data acquisition … | |
Good day guys! How to connect mysql to visual basic 2008? thanks... | |
hi, Below is my code to delete the transaction. It suppose to delete the data once the transaction but the data remain there....I don't find there is a problem with the code but some how it doesn't work. It capture the data in the table but it returns = 0 … | |
Hi All, I'm a fairly new programmer so you'll have to bear with me on this. Basically, I have a database with 3 tables, Engineers, Equipment and Signouts. I want to create a VB application that allows engineers to sign out equipment. I have all of the forms setup the … | |
Hey people! I have this code: [CODE] Public Class Form1 Private HowManytoGenerate As Integer Private HowManyDone As Integer Private List As ArrayList Private CDKeyFile As String = "C:\My Cool CD Keys.txt" Public Function GenerateUniqueString() As String Dim rnd As New Random Dim Chars As String Dim Result As String = … | |
Hi my problem is that When trying to insert a statement into an MSAccess file I get this message: [COLOR="Red"]Data type mismatch in criteria expression[/COLOR] Below are my codes. Im using vb.net 2.0 [code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim sql As String … | |
I got the textbox and a listbox and a button, I can add names threw the textbox hit the button to add and it adds to the listbox, now I need to take the names from there and randomize them into 4 groups and make it into an array also, … | |
Hi All, I'm trying to create a GUI which looks like an installer, whereby you click next and rather than opening a new form, it keeps the same form but displays different information (kind of like different panels). I'm making a college project where I'm using a MySQL database to … | |
Newbie: so am trying to figure out how to prompt the user for a # that represents a radius of some circle and place that # into a variable and use to calculate the area of the circle with the given radius. need to use a user=defined constant for the … | |
Hey guys, ive bin following someones tutorials on how to connect and view data in a sql databse table. Does anyone know how to send data from say two textboxes to the table, say Name and Gender Heres the working code I have at the moment. [CODE]Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Module SQL … | |
Hey people! I was just surfing around the threads here, and found one asking for how to make a Installer-like GUI ([url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1492819.html[/url]). I've replied there, but I think that is nice to have this on our code database. To start, let’s make na empty Project. Add a TabControl to it. … | |
how to create Context Menu and Event Handling in Visual Basic .NET | |
I am a programming student and active volunteer for a foundation, if anyone out there is kind enough to share some help please read below. I will need your help guys for a Simple Inventory System for a foundations' furniture and jewelry store. The software of course should follow the … | |
hello all, so i am taking a 1 hour vb class, and i am having trouble printing formated output to a list box. Basically I have two string variables that i use to format the output, but it is not working. Any clues? thanks [CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub compute_Click(ByVal … | |
Can anyone help me how to display records in my crystal report control? I followed the steps I found in the Internet but when I run my application the crystal report does not display anything. What might have been causing this? Anyone, please? Our defense is getting closer... | |
hi guys i have one dout, now i take two list box ,one list box contain some of items , if we seletct the first list box item it will go to second list box ok, again i selete the same item in first list list box ... i want … | |
how to use the listview into the other listview using the button | |
Hello! Can someone help me? I have to add item "Final Grade" to my cboQuarter. The thing is, my cboQuarter already has a datasource and I can't add the item "Final Grade" during drop-down. The error says, "cannot modify or insert (can't remember word by word) when it already has … | |
at - arrival time bt - burst time I - idle for example the user input 3 process process 1 - at = 5 bt - 5 process 2 - at - 2 bt - 2 process 3 - at - 12 bt - 3 I P2 P1 P3 0 … | |
If p1at.Text = 0 Then p1ts = p1at.Text p1tc = p1bt.Text t1.Text = p1ts t2.Text = p1tc If p1tc > p2at.Text Then p2tc = Val(p1tc) + Val(p2bt.Text) t3.Text = p2tc Else p2tc = Val(p1tc - p2bt.Text) + Val(p2bt.Text) t3.Text = p2tc If p2tc > p2at.Text Then p3tc = Val(p2tc) + … | |
Hey guys! There is some way to open a file and fill it with randon information until it reach a determined value? Like a dumb file (; Thanks! | |
Hey I need some help to program a little begginner project. So I want to create a program that displays an image when you press the start button. When you press the "Next button" it will display a new image. My problem is, I want the image to change EVERY … | |
first i create 1 form, 1 picture box and 1 button.. i name button like upload...when i click upload button, i can browse picture..so after i click a picture,automaticly picture will set in picture box and 1 folder like mypicture will be create on C:// and that picture will be … | |
can i chnge all button font color on every form that i hve create. .i just want to click 1 button and it show menu choose color.. | |
Guys is it possible to create new tables in my database at runtime. What components will I have to use? And how will the code look like? | |
I have been working on this for a while not finding anything. I have a form that needs to send a ketstroke, but I used: [CODE] SendKeys.Send("{Ctrl}" + "{SHIFT}" + "{]}") [/CODE] But that Did not work. Y? IDK. can someone please help | |
hi anyone here knows how to validate user inputs.. when the user logs in and his/her password is in Uppercase(saved in database) but forgets to type in uppercase. and it would display warning message saying invalid password... any help would be highly appreciated :) |
The End.