20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for Merovingian

I have a listbox and a datagrid. When the form is loaded the listbox is filled with a list of tables from a selected database (SQL 2008). [CODE] sqlstr = "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME" [/CODE] Then I have a SelectedIndexChanged that populates …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for jamesrobb

How can I extract repeated paragraphs of data from an html document. Every paragrahp is preceded by the line: <p><i>Summary as passed House:</i> <br> Thanks.

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Merovingian

So I've been coding for a few months now and I have a pretty good grasp of most things but I can't wrap my head around getting info from loops. So here is my problem. I have a text file containing text similar to this: [CODE]<domain name="proxies"> <section name="proxy0"> <setting …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for hemchantra

I have datagridview which display 3 columns. i would like to show icon in each rows with different by if column 3 = "OFFLINE" then the icon offline show else online show. the above is my code but not working. it is creating other column. please help me. Chantra. Public …

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Member Avatar for codeambarish

I m creating an sms based application , so how to connect to GSM MODEM using VB.net , do any one have code snippet of this appl

Member Avatar for CodeDoctor
Member Avatar for haxor98

I need a little help :) My program opens up internet ports in the windows firewall for help with downloading via bit torrent or conenction issues with msn or steam. Now at the moment i have 3 settings , 1 hour, 2 hours or permenant but since this program leaves …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for dorkwad

I compiled a project I made in visual studio 2008, but for some reason it only works on the computer it was created on, on any other computer I just get the "... has encountered and error and needs to be closed..." error message. At first I thought it was …

Member Avatar for dorkwad
Member Avatar for emint

Hi all how can i display data in data grid after reading txt file using vb.net. i got no problem in reading txt file. i just want to know how to display those data into data grid. if any can help that will be gr8. thx

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for helmX

I would like to convert the following code to .NET from VB6 [CODE]While Not rsMem.EOF i = i + 1 lstView.ListItems.Add i, , rsMem.Fields("lname").Value With lstView.ListItems(i) .SubItems(1) = IIf(IsNull(rsMem.Fields("fname").Value), "-", rsMem.Fields("fname").Value) .SubItems(2) = IIf(IsNull(rsMem.Fields("Title").Value), "", rsMem.Fields("Title").Value) .SubItems(3) = IIf(IsNull(rsMem.Fields("telNo").Value), "", rsMem.Fields("telNo").Value) .Tag = rsMem.Fields("per_id").Value End With rsMem.MoveNext Wend[/CODE] lstView is …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for yorro

I don't know how to explain this more clearly than I can. The codes in my form are getting too many/long. How do you split the codes into another? and still having the same classes and events in order to [U]reduce the amount of codes in the form.[/U] Sorta like …

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Member Avatar for jhill1979

Hello, My name is Josh I am in college and I am taking Intermediate VB.Net 2008 and I have been doing ok until now. I have been working on this problem for 2 weeks and still can not get it to do what it is suppose to do and it …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for lovelysri16

[B]Hi Friends[/B], This is Srinivas. I developed an application n it requires a picture box to be moved over another. When i wrote the code n moved it over another,the latter picture box(only the part on which the former one moves) is fading and black color is getting displayed! Plzzzzz …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for sgleason

Hello everyone, I am working on my first week's assignment for Intermediate VB. It has been a couple years since I took my last VB course and I am very lost at this point. I work in Visual Studio everyday, but I mainy do scripting and I don't get to …

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Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi i developed an app in VS 2008 with vb.net which was intended to have reporting features but unfortunately deploying with crystal reports was too hard so i chose to go with .rdlc but i'm completely clueless on how to use it, whether it has a report viewer, how it …

Member Avatar for CodeDoctor
Member Avatar for vasanth.kanna

Hello Friends, When i try to show VB.net interop forms within VB 6.0 i have got the error "object variable or with block variable not set ". I was create interop form library in vb.net and use the created TLB as a referece in VB 6.0 and in button click …

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Member Avatar for Jumbo12

What is the difference between Common Language Interface and Common Language Infrastructure? Please explain.

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Member Avatar for ktkevin1222

I'm fairly new to coding VB 2008 I need help converting a text document with a type of code in it. One line looks like this: 52.000000, 400.000000, 1.3107711, 0 I need to convert that to an xml file that looks like this: - <CuePoint> <Time>11619</Time> <Type>event</Type> <Name>Marker 01</Name> - …

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Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hello again guys, this time I need help with the [B]FormClosing()[/B] Event in the Picture Viewing application I made. I wanted it to prompt the user before closing the form (if he had any unsaved changes) and I did it without help. But, the bad thing is, when someone saves …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for doomfrawen

Hi guys!! I've to make a program that reads an arithmetical sentence from a textbox, e.g 12.3*34+4*5-3 and then on another textbox identify and display what is the content of the first textbox, for example taking the last ex: If I have this input: 12.3*34+4*5-3 The output should look like …

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Member Avatar for Umarmai

Please faithfuls, I ve been vein problems with the properties of the combo box. wat i really want is disallow users to type into my combobox ( I want them to be limited to the items in the combo) 10qs.

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for iwaqasi

Hi, I am working on a Project that has to search some specific folders and inside those folders I want to check if any file resides. I used the following techniques but they are not working if I need to connect to the machine as USER: [CODE] If Directory.Exists("\\" & …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for omotoyosi

Greetings to all Please i have a listview displaying files in a particular directory e.g c:\test so i want the user to be able to sort it based on date modified. 1. The list view have to column The file name and the date modified How can i sort by …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for Merovingian

I have two function that replace certain strings in a text file. The first one works perfectly: [CODE] Dim readAlias As String Dim RxDIR As String = Nothing Try RxDIR = Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\RLtd\R", "MAIN", False) RxDIR = RxDIR + "\Bin\Configuration\alias.config" Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(RxDIR) readAlias = (sr.ReadToEnd()) sr.Close() sr.Dispose() …

Member Avatar for Merovingian
Member Avatar for PalC

Need help with vb 2008 express code to copy value from form1, textbox1, then paste it to all the records in access db ,table1, field 1. I know there must be 50 ways to skin this cat however its kicking my butt. Thanks

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for perumar

Hello all, I could finally save my array to the textfile but how can I format the textfile so that i will have 9 rows and 9 columns [code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click Dim cellValue As String, i As Integer Dim returnValue …

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Member Avatar for avgVBUser

I'm trying to understand the sql connection a little better. I have some code that returns data via a stored procedure on the sql server. Here is the code to execute the procedure and put the data in a data grid: [code]Dim tblSteps As DataTable = New DataTable Dim cnPMSQL …

Member Avatar for avgVBUser
Member Avatar for networkmancer

Just how can I make the Tab Control Box transparent because I tried changing its Back Color to transparent but still the same. Visual Basic 2008.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for vampke

Hi guys, I'm habing a problem with an access database i'm trying to fill programmatically with vb.net. I have a datatimepicker to set a date with a custom format like "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm" If I insert this date in my access database the days and months are switched (mm/dd instead of …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Alphard
Member Avatar for Alphard
Member Avatar for Maulth

Hey all, I've recently begun learning visual basic using visual basic express 2008 with plans to purchase visual studio 2008 (it'll be worth it as I've used C++ for a very long time, I just wanted to learn vb and vb.net). What I'm very interested in right now is creating …

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The End.