10,991 Topics
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hi, I've developed VB6.0 Application i tried to Packege and deployment.. Package folder is created and if i try to install Setup.exe file installs the application but my Database file is not attatched i've to copy and paste it into the path(C:\Program files\Project1)... Can i do it in automatically... | |
Write a Program to assist a teacher in calculating student grade. Range Grade 90 - above A 80 - 89 B 70 - 79 C 60 - 69 D Below 60 E Help me Please Using Visual Basic 2008. | |
Hello Group, I'm trying to convert some VBA code into VB.net. Here is that VBA code: Open filePath For Input As #1 ' filePath = the text file I need to read Do Until textRowNo = 8 'discard these first 7 rows... Line Input #1, LineFromFile 'this is the row … | |
Good day! Is there a way to identify if a given date is hijri/arabic? Thank you! | |
Good day! I have a combo box which is readonly. It is loaded with data from the database. However, there is a point that I need to set text on it, and those text is equal to one which is in its list aleady. The below code produces runtime error … | |
Is any can give me a sample of a restaurant billing system using visual basic 6.0 ?Email me at garchitorenarommel@ymail.com . Thanks ! :* | |
in vb6, round off value with 0 precision for the numbers 325756.50, 327336.50 & 318646.50 shows as 325756,327336 & 318646. Other languages shows as 325757, 327337 & 318647. any one can explain? why? | |
is there a way to search database viwable in datagrid view by selecting rows through a combo box, values trough a text box and display resoult in label? here is the code that doesnt work: Private Sub Command1_Click() 'populate datagrid trough textboxes DBGrid1.Columns(0).Text = Text1.Text Text1 = "" DBGrid1.Columns(1).Text = … | |
hello guys and happy new year!~ let me be the first to ask a question this 2015.. huehue is it possible to start with the same recordset when going to the next form? i have a textbox for name in form1 when i go to form2 i want to display … | |
in trying to clear all the input boxes on my form.. i have a textbox and combobox.. and i have found the code for clearing all textboxes which is: For Each Control In Me.Controls If TypeName(Control) = "TextBox" Then Control.text = "" End If Next the only thing to do … | |
I have a datagrid on the form bind with recordsets. I need to know if is it possible to assign that datagrid object into a variable? I have created a preliminary code but its not working dim dbgridvar as DataGrid Private Sub Assign_Click() set dbgridvar=Form1.Datagrid1 End Sub Thank you for … | |
I have the following query that list all chemicals(chemical tbl) and its consumption(receipt tbl). However if the chemical codes are not in receipt tbl, it does not show the chemical name. It should display the name and put the consumption as zero. My codes below: SELECT Chemical.ChemicalCode, Chemical.ChemicalName, GroupDetails.GroupName, Chemical.LastRate, … | |
I put my vb6 exe program on flash drives of my students. Some of them say that it does not open. (Others have no problem and can left click). I told them to right click and "Run As Administrator". My program then opens. They are using school computers in a … | |
Hi I have manage to install vb5 and trheed32.ocx Trying to install vb6 okej. when I go to components and mark sheridan then it comes up that threed32.ocx is not a valid ocx. Confused how can vb5 run with threed32 and vb6 **NOT** Any help it will help me lot. … | |
hello guys~ i need your opinion on the following code: Private Sub Form_Load() cmbUser.AddItem "Faculty" cmbUser.AddItem "Applicant" End Sub Private Sub cmbUser_DropDown() cmbUser.Clear cmbUser.AddItem "Faculty" cmbUser.AddItem "Applicant" End Sub i always use the combo box dropdown event when adding list to my combo box then i see some code adding … | |
Hi all My old old vb5 app does everything I want as far as mpg video goes. Random video and play a random segment. Fast forward and reverse. random groupings of large font, video segments and or pictures and audio I need the code to provide me with the file … | |
Good day! I have a listview loaded in a form in a **lvwIcon** view with checkboxes enabled.. I have checked some items from it, let say 5 items. Now when I switch the view to **lvwReport**, the checked items are gone. How to make it selected again? Thank you for … | |
Hello to all! I'm creating a database and I'm using Visual Basic in Excel. I have a problem with showing the data in the text boxes. For example, I have a Text box and a search button. What I want to happen is that when I type an ID in … | |
I'm trying to write code in VBA in Excel that opens a desginated directory, finds all xls and xlsx files and then converts them to csv. I found two sets of code that do one or the other perfectly, but I can't make it work. I'm sure I'm just missing … | |
I have her 2 combobox.. this combobox are coursecombobox & yearcombox.. example courses are IT,BSBA,&HRA IT-2 years BSBA & HRA- 4 years.. if im going to choose IT at coursecombobox the yearcombobox must show only 1st year and 2 year but if going to choose BSBA/HRA the year combox must … | |
please help me with my project titled,"STUDENT GRADING SYSTEM" where by the system should capture data using forms, you should be able to edit, compute total marks, total points, grade and position. The system should also show the top 5 students in each class, and also SHOULD PRODUCE REPORT FORMS … | |
Hello everyone! Is there a way in VBA to find a file name that has an unknown portion to it? Let me explain: Our computer system is UNIX based. It is creating a text file for us that uses the date, the hour, minutes and seconds that the file was … | |
if corrct this code it will come of the list in the datagridview in VB from access this my code: Private Sub ComboBoxadm_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBoxadm.SelectedIndexChanged Dim conn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection() conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\temp\Database1.accdb" If conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then conn.Close() conn.Open() Dim sql … | |
what's wrong in this code in part 2 it should give answer same the solution part 1 --------------------- Private Sub mnuFileCloce_Click() End End Sub ---------- 'para1 Private Sub Text1_Change() Dim K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9 As Double Dim Tc, Pc, T, X, Xx, Xy, Xz, P … | |
write a program in basic which takes marks of 5 subjects as input. calculate the sum,percentage and assign grade on following criteria: A=90+ B=80-90 C=70-90 D=60-70 F=below 60 condition: if student fails in more than one subject his/her admission will be cancelled | |
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtadmno.Text) Or String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtcard.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("Please complete the on the box.", "Authentication Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) Exit Sub End If Using conn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\temp\Database1.accdb") Dim Result As Integer ** Dim sql As String = "INSERT [Date Select] From tbl_studentadm values (@DateSelect) "*****in here shold i key in the admin … | |
Dear forum, i have created an application for speech to text using windows speech recognition. My question is regarding custom grammar and training the words since it is in my native language and are not supported at first place. I came up with a solution to dock windows speech recognition … | |
which version of crystal report will support for vb6 in win 7? will cr Xi r2 applicable with vb6 in win 7 32 bit. | |
Good day! Is there a way to make the data report to show only the fields selected by the user? I have a form where the user can select the fields(from ms access table) in the list box(checkbox enabled) to show in data report. The total fields is almost 50. … | |
Now retiring and would like to resume hobby of writing programmes. Is VB6 Enterprise the one to buy or has it been superceeded? |
The End.