834 Topics
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Hiii, I need very urgent help.i have developed one wordpress site,now i want to move that site to server.please any body help me, how to move wordpress site **from localhost(using xampp) to server(using Godaddy)**. | |
How do you create web server? I wan't install linux server run web wordpress? | |
Hello Everyone, I am looking for a good, perfectly workable web 2.0 submission software with one time payment option. I heard about SE Nuke, Magic submitter, Sick submitter, Zenno poster and some similar software but most of them want recurring monthly payment. Before buying I'd love to check the trial … | |
I want to make a website for sms posts using the same software script which the below mentioned websites are using : http://bestsmsmaza.com http://jokesmasti.com Though I have idea about Wordpress and Blogger but not getting idea which scripts these websites are using. I tried to explore source code but to … | |
Sorry there's no wordpress section. So I posted here. Need to build archive page for custom taxonomy as below: **Archive** July 2015 June 2015 Thanks in advance. | |
I wasnt sure exactly what forum to put this in so i choose PHP since WordPress is made with PHP. I'm looking to have a video player on my website. Playlist so to speak but I also want "speed control" of the videos like youtube has. When the "speed" of … | |
Hello, I am used Wordpress-seo plugin by Yoast. When i share [article](http://gititsolution.com/angularjs-development) on facebook not allow me to share feature image. also check in [facebook degub](https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/) but not given solution. also ![attach](/attachments/large/4/19c2d2575845be8c218402bed55c6612.png "align-center") screenshot Suggest me solution. Thanks. | |
I have created a music related blog with wordpress on my localhost. But I have the hosting from google and now I am looking to change wordpress theme to blogger template. Searched a lot on the web but couldn't find the suitable or appropriate solution for this. If there is … | |
I've been trying to get this done for hours now and it's just not working. I have a custom wordpress plugin that has a search box on the front-end that one can use to search for data from my custom tables. (Please note that it doesn't have anything to do … | |
Hello, I have already **Backup** of my website 'wp_content' and database. So I want to setup new worpdress in local **Replance 'New wp_content'** to **'Backup wp_content'** But its given Database path rename with new path. error: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /wordpress/wp-admin/install.php on this server. suggest me if … | |
Hi, I'm building a custom wordpress plugin that involves submitting data using a form. The form works quite well but it is susceptible to double submission. How can I prevent double form submission? I used this. It disables the submit button but it prevents inserting of the values into the … | |
Hello, my Wordpress is using now LayerSlider. However, for the image layer content (not image background slider), how I can apply the hover effect? ![layerslider.jpg](/attachments/large/4/845f4982662fae44826df3d378fa05c0.jpg "align-center") And, these are the code using now by LayerSlider: <a alt="" data-ls="offsetxin:0;delayin:3500;easingin:linear;fadein:false;offsetxout:0;easingout:linear;fadeout:false;" style="top: 400px; left: 141.5px; display: block; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; transform-origin: 50% … | |
Hello, my Wordpress is using now LayerSlider. However, for the image layer content (not image background slider), how I can apply the hover effect? ![layerslider.jpg](/attachments/large/4/c53bc9f8d746fd5eed5f8a334e27ce09.jpg "align-center") And, these are the code using now by LayerSlider: <a alt="" data-ls="offsetxin:0;delayin:3500;easingin:linear;fadein:false;offsetxout:0;easingout:linear;fadeout:false;" style="top: 400px; left: 141.5px; display: block; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; transform-origin: 50% … | |
i wanna know how to make this kind of section in wordpress . Eg http://www.quicksprout.com/university/ Niel patel blog has uiversity section where all video are arranged ...can anyone show me the way to make this kind of stuff on my blog | |
I’ve been looking and researching ASP.NET hosting provider for the past few weeks. Please kindly help me to choose the best hosting provider for me. I will be more details about my requirement below. I’m leaning towards Microsoft Azure Web but a bit concerned about the price. I will talk … | |
I'm beginner to wordpress I'm writing Business Directory Plugin for test from scratch. I have category page with database. how to add image support for categories? I got error while uploading images. *"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled … | |
How to create simple photo Album in wordpress **Photo Albums Requirements** `albums.php` to listout Albums `gallery.php` to listout images inside selected album 1. Set Album cover 2. hover effects for album (http://tympanus.net/Development/HoverEffectIdeas/) 3. fields to create Albums 4. fields to upload images | |
I'm Wordpress beginner. Trying to create plugin "Business Directory Plugin". Need Help to complete code. How to get information about business listing? How to get following information, 1. Business Name 2. Business Category 3. Business Description 4. Business Phone Number 5. Business Address 6. Business Email 7. Business Website, if … | |
Hi I have a wordpress site. We want a video in the background. I have done this like so: <?php if(is_page('homepage')){ ?> <div id="video_background_video_0" style="z-index: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden;"> <iframe id="video_background_video_0_yt" style="position: absolute; top: -179px; left: 0px;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1" title="YouTube video … | |
I downloaded Simple Directory https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-directory/ & Recommended Plugins to run the Simple Directory plugin INSTALLING SIMPLE DIRECTORY http://lautman.ca/simple-directory/ But it is not working well. After Installing plugin, when you add Listings, it gives problem with `archive-listing.php` while displaying listings. How to set up pages to create directory??? | |
I have a plug-in for a payment gateway for a WordPress installation with a WooCommerce shopping plug-in. The payment gateway plug-in fails at the checkout. The error message may be a distraction at this point as I only want some more general advice. The error is suggesting some problem with … | |
Iam doing a website in wordpress and i want to send registration data of frontend users to my database. Please assit. | |
Hi i would like to fetch images from name of the image by which i have stored the image from the upload folder. how can i do it in wordpress. | |
Hello, I am use this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/new-user-approve/ But in that there is no email notification given to admin when user approved. Is any solution for that. Thanks | |
Many of you guys might be looking for a good hosting that is not very expensive - here's a great one that is free for one year. So here it is, a way to get a free Windows/Linux VPS for 1 year, here are the specs : - 30Gb Hdd … | |
Actually, I am having problem with the wordpress lightbox plugin: Fancybox where it don't work. Therefore, I tried to change to jquery pirobox instead. But I having problem of add the custom rel and class to the link image. I refered [URL="http://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-relxyz-to-gallery-link"]http://wordpress.org/support/topic/add-relxyz-to-gallery-link[/URL] and tried without success moreover I want to … | |
hi All, I am new to wordpress and buddy press.I have to customize buddy press.I visited wordpress and buddypress websites and couple of blogs but there is lengthy info and quite advanced level.If some one could let me know in nutshell the anatomy of buddy press and wordpress and how … | |
Hi: I've been banging my head over this all day... I'm attempting to create my first WordPress theme and have hit a wall trying to work with the "the_post_thumbnail()" function. In my theme, I'm using panels to navigate the site (rather than a top menu) and have them setup so … | |
Hello. i'm creating a simple CMS for myself. There is a register form, i can register as the admin of the cms and then with login form, i can enter into admin area to write a new post or edit or delete posts. But there is a problem. I typed … | |
Hi, I have a website and quite a few members have suggested that adding a chat room would be a great idea. I'm searching for something I might be able to integrate well into my site. Has anyone tried RumbleTalk? It is an live chat for Wordpress or Joomla and … |
The End.