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Software Development
Gave Reputation to johnappiah for their Post

how can i develop a new accounting software

Web Development
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Hi, does anyone know why I would have duplicate categories …

Topic by darren2005

As a rule of thumb for anyone developing a WordPress/WooCommerce website, avoid buying a theme and importing the demo directly …

Web Development
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I have been developing this technical E-commerce store for a …

Topic by Eng._2

To ensure your E-commerce store for the roofing sheets factory stands out and leads in the market, especially in a …

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Digital Marketing
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I have only heard about mailchimp any other you will …

Topic by joseph101

Mailchimp is great, but there are plenty of other solid email marketing tools depending on your needs! ConvertKit is fantastic …

5454563563.JPG Digital Marketing
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My website is an ecommerce website and it has more …

Topic by MasoodDidThat

If Google Search Console shows your pages are indexed but SEMrush is only crawling a few, it could be due …

Mobile Development
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Hi all,
My team and I is making an open-source …

Topic by Tzanko

That sounds really interesting. Did you ever launch the SDK?

I am a bit in the same boat as you …

Digital Marketing
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I want to know that FB Pixel can help to …

Topic by davidleepro11

Sorry for the late response to this, but yes, the purpose of the FB pixel is to track the performance …

Cloud-based Apps
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What are the best practices for ensuring data consistency and …

Topic by Miles_0

Good question. We have multiple web servers that are load balanced, and only 2 database servers in a master/slave setup. …

Information Security
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How does Defender function and what are some of its …

Topic by LiLo1001

It's a firewall, right?

Linux and Unix
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Hi All,

I have a dedicated server with a company …

Topic by dot LI

I use namecheap and I have no regrets using it. I strongly recommend it to anyone planning to start their …

Screenshot_(45).png Digital Marketing
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How do i check if my website is hit by …

Topic by MasoodDidThat

You can start with Google Search Console. It proves to be very useful. You can also leverage tools like Ahrefs …

5454563563.JPG Digital Marketing
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My website is an ecommerce website and it has more …

Topic by MasoodDidThat

I have encountered similar issue. SEMrush appears to focus on crawling only the most prestigious pages because it operates on …

Digital Marketing
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Is it true that a java website faces much more …

Topic by MasoodDidThat

Java-based websites are known to be difficult for speed optimization because they contain certain technical stacks. But with caching and …

Digital Marketing
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I have only heard about mailchimp any other you will …

Topic by joseph101

Both Constant Contact and ConvertKit have delivered remarkable success to me. Constant Contact provides its users with an accessible platform …

google_page_index_db.png Search Engine Strategies
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I’m suddenly having issues regarding my Google Search Console -> …

Topic by koneill

Errors in robots.txt file settings and sitemap failures frequently trigger indexing issues. Verify if the robots.txt permits Googlebot to explore …

Web Development
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I created website that teaches users anything they need …

Topic by gamestoenjoy

The site looks nice with many useful tutorials and categories related to online streaming.
Also, I like the floating menu …

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Search Engine Strategies
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I created lots of link for my websites but, …

Topic by grktraining530

There may be delays in the updating of backlinks due to search engine crawling delays, no-follow attributes, low-quality sites, or …

Activity Stream
DM Karun
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Ja sa bong
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Hi everyone, My phone 5c runs so slow recently, and …

Topic by christopher.ava

This usually happens when the RAM of your iPhone is almost exhausted. It is one of the reason why any …

Mobile Development
Ja sa bong
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We examine the steps involved in developing an iPhone app …

Topic by codesparrk

Sadly, I don't have any knowledge of how to program or code which is the reason why I can't develop …

Mobile Development
Ja sa bong
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It has to be said that Apple in recent years …

Topic by indigo_4

Every new phone that is released always comes with a new upgrade and features that are added to the previous …

Digital Marketing
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With AI getting more intelligent and competent every day, will …

Topic by MarkMarketer

I believe that AI will keep getting better because that is what's the developers are doing constantly. They are improving …

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Hardware and Software
Gave Reputation to Reverend Jim for their Post

Inquiring minds want to know. What are you working with?

Topic by Dani

I stick with Windows because of long familiarity at the office. After years of networking/sysadmin and dbadmin I just had …

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UI / UX Design
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Building A cloud cybersecurity service with web 3.0 and integrated …

Topic by Suraj_Yadav

I have no clue what you're trying to say. This seems nonsensical to me?

Software Development
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In your opinion, what are industries use/benefit the most from …

Topic by LiLo1001

Based on evidence here, s..t-posting on forums seems to be the new use-case.

No end of dweebs drive by with …