49,762 Topics
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there is something i want to ask about this [code] LPDIRECT3D9 pdirectX9; [/code] I understand this is a pointer but why do we not use the * like this [code] LPDIRECT3D9 *pdirectX9; [/code] when i look over my code it confuses me with a struct EDIT: doing some reading into … | |
guys i'm asking for some help..i have an asgnment bout c++..our prof ask us to give 2 examples ech of the simple if prog, if else, if else if, switch, while, do while and for loop...tnx i'm just a freshmen student of bsit..tnx =) | |
Hi everyone, Im working on a large scale audio program, and I got a question regarding namespaces: The main() part of the program includes my own headers, each named according to what part it plays in the program, eg: Audio.hpp , Midi.hpp etc. These headers will "load" other headers..? Is … | |
I have this example file that I've been using to get used to the perks of Allegro, but the file is written in an earlier version of Allegro than 4.2.2. There are only a few errors, but I don't know how to fix them! I'll post the code and the … | |
Hey, I've been stuck on this for a long time now and ive tried various things... i need to send multiple packets to a server for an infinite amount of time at an unknown rate, maybe 1 packet every 30 minutes, tor a few every 5 minutes... id like to … | |
Hey, I'm trying to make a save function in API that will append to a txt file instead of writing over it. Can I get some help? Here's what I have so far: [code] #include <new> #include "windows.h" BOOL SaveTextFileFromEdit(HWND hEdit, HWND hEdit2, HWND hEdit3, HWND hEdit4, HWND hEdit5, HWND … | |
![]() | I am working on an example for a class and the build succeeds, but when it runs, it just hangs and won't complete. Not sure what I'm doing wrong? [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { istream *fin = &cin; if(argc > 1) … ![]() |
Hello, im having this annoying problem with trying to create a global class to hold all the global variables to be used in the form. This is my main function: [code=CPP] // car rental.cpp : main project file. #include "stdafx.h" #include "Form1.h" #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <vcclr.h> #include "Globals.h" … | |
Hi all, I am studying c++ and there is an expression that i did not understand can someone please explain it to me ? It is declaration of a public class method. The expression is [B]bool less_than(const Date &d) const [/B]. name of the class is Date. Thank you, | |
Hi, in the next example code: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream>; using namespace std; #include <iomanip>; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { for(int i = 1; i <= 28; i++) { cout << setw(3)<< i; if(i%7 == 0) { cout << endl; } } system("PAUSE"); return 0; }[/code] i compiled and i … | |
Hello, I am attempting to convert a Windows BMP byte stream/array into a PNG format. I am unable to modify how this byte stream comes in. My attempts: I've tried using lodepng ([url]http://members.gamedev.net/lode/projects/LodePNG/)[/url], but it only supports RGBA format for bitmaps (mine is only BGR, I believe). I've also tried … | |
Hi I'm thinking of writing a mmorpg game and what I would like to do is create a server I would like to send text messages over the internet to trigger events at the client or server. A. How can I do this. B. Is there a better way of … | |
I am totally stuck. I created a program to read in the file and one that will sort from a string array. The problem is that it sorts from the beginning of each line. I need it to sort after the -. I need it to sort by the town … | |
I've finally finished my program, but there is one bug I need to fix. Basically, the user tells me their username, and then that's sent off to a ASP file to verify. However, if their username contains special characters such as a space, * or $ for example, the ASP … | |
i am making a banking application in wxwidget using gcc complier code-blocks. i made a administrator login form now i am having a problem in event handling using buttom i don't no how create a open new window/form through buttons. it would be great if anyone can provide me the … | |
I have two recommendations for those already familiar with command line C++: [LIST] [*]Here's a trick: put your cursor on a blank place in your code and hit Ctrl-Space. That will call up IntelliSense for all commands that work for the type of program you selected when you ran the … | |
I'm working on a program that lets the user watch random videos and view random images. I have it to work, but I want to be able to check to see if the image is there and if so view it and if not then pick another image. Here is … | |
Hello, everyone! It's been a long time using C++ and I have a link problem. This is the code... [CODE] #include <iostream> #include "libc++/pcslib.h" int main() { std::cout << "About to load the server and all the clients." << std::endl; Pcs serverProcess("server"); Pcs clientProcess("client"); serverProcess.Join(); clientProcess.Join(); std::cout << "After joining … | |
Class Fraction You are asked to develop a relatively complete mathematical module on fractions. You are required to use OOP concepts ONLY. Part A Create a class called Fraction Its data members are: numerator, denominator, fraction_value, slash, whole_number. Fraction_value: stores the fraction decimal value. Slash: ("/"): is common to all … | |
can who suggest me for c mini project .... u can also give source code ..... its so imp. for me ..... plZZZZZ..... SNIP | |
Hi guys! I am trying to make an object oriented program for matrix addition, but I am stuck right at the beginning. I would like to have an 2D array as a class variable and another two class variables would define the arrays x and y coordinates. Something like this: … | |
I just added the allegro and allegroGL packages to my DEV C++ compiler. But I have an error with the set_gfx_mode funtion. I have written this : [ICODE]#include <allegro.h> #include <alleggl.h> int main() { if (allegro_init() != 0) { return 1; } if (install_allegro_gl() != 0) { return 1; } … | |
Hi buddies...!!! M an MCA(2nd Yr) Student.....And in a need of Some Project Topics in C++,which can be completed within a span of two months and the topics should be related to the following subjects..... Networking,DBMS,DAA(Design Analysis of Algorithms) or TCS(Theorotical Compiler Construction) Please help me as fast as possible...... | |
this is my codes in banking system please bear with my codes..im just new in doing classes *can you help me with this error..tnx!! [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include <time.h> class Account { public: void Account::existing(void) { cout<<"Account #: "; cin>>user; cout<<"Pin # : "; cin>>pin; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { if(!strcmp("dlsl",user)&&("3645",pin)) { … | |
I am using mfc and I have a *.rc file containing a number of dialogs. I have modified one of the dialogs to include a tab control (dragged from the dialog editor in design mode). When the file is opened in textpad, that dialog now looks like this: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CODE]IDD_ABOUTBOX … | |
after a lot of fussing, my code finally compiles properly. but once again, its not calculating the things i want. PROBLEM: doesnt calculate "scores entered by user" doesnt calculate "highest max score" doesnt calculate "lowest min score" as far as the scores entered by user... i was hoping this.. if … | |
HI , i need help with a c++ code that downloads a single file from a DIRECT link and save it somewhere on the computer i am working under windows and i have searched google but i didnt find anything simple just tons of codes that i cant understand i … | |
ok. im pretty much done with this small program my teacher asked us to write. my problem is: it wont give me how many scores there are above average. it keeps giving me 0. i dont get it. maybe im overlooking something? i think something is wrong in my [color=#33FF33]// … | |
Hello, I am having problems with templates. I wrote a templated version of vector. My vector is working. Here is the header file for it: [code=C++] // m_vector_g.h template<typename T> class m_vector { private: // Some code here... public: // Some code here... }; [/code] I want to make another … | |
Hey, I've been researching ways to code in C++ and manipulate excel files (i.e. read and write data). Right now I've written macros in VBA that output a .csv file that is read by my C++ program. It all works, but I'm still wondering if I can just write all … |
The End.