49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for dsladev

Im new at C++ and am trying to teach myself. I want to ask the user of the program why they are feeling a certain way, but not do anything with the sentece. So its like -how are you feeling?- user -good- -why are you feeling good?- user- blah blah …

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Member Avatar for fghdmhmmd

heloo any body i try to wrote a slr parser with c,but don't correctly work,my code is : [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream.h> #define epsilon '^' char prod[20][20],T[20],NT[20],c[10][10],foll[10][10],fir[10][10]; int tt,tnt,tp,a; int follow[20][20],first[20][20]; void first_of(char); int count(int j); void rhs(int j); void read_tnt(); void read_tnt() { cout<<"For SLR parser: …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Sune

Hello I am doing an C++ exercise and the task is to write a program that prints all INT values between 32 to 255 and the corresponding ASCII characters. I have declared the variables to store the ASCII character and the INT like this: [code] unsigned char unchar; int i; …

Member Avatar for Sune
Member Avatar for goody11

I can't figure out how to write a program that can play multiple sounds at the same time. I tried doing some pretty complex things with the Beep function but I finally gave up. Is there any function or something to that extent out there that will let me play …

Member Avatar for goody11
Member Avatar for Icebone1000

Im kind confuse about how PostQuitMessage works.. Im using like this: [CODE=cplusplus] case WM_CLOSE : DestroyWindow( hWnd ); break; //send WM_DESTROY case WM_DESTROY : CleanUp(); gsp_quit = true; PostQuitMessage( 0 ); //send WM_QUIT break;[/CODE] That is on my WndProc function. My message loop is like that: [CODE=cplusplus] while ( !gsp_quit …

Member Avatar for Icebone1000
Member Avatar for goody11

I'm having trouble using my homemade .h files in my multi-source projects. If I I only include the .h in one of the sources I can't use it in the others. But if I include it other sources it's considered redefining the include and it won't compile. Other .h's besides …

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Member Avatar for djustus1

I hope I am postin gin the right spot.I am new to this site. I need help with sorting the grades, please. Can anyone help?Thanks [code=cplusplus] include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double *grades; //point used to point to an array that holds grad double total = 0.0; …

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Member Avatar for Peter_APIIT

Hello to all, as you all know FFT algorithm has many variation in terms from its pruposes. My requirement of FFT is integer multiplication and polynomial evaluation. I looking for good reference about the topic. If you have any, please post it here. Thanks.

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Alicito

well my friends I tried to solve a problem and it was about allowing the user to enter a paragraph , then the compiler'll count and display the number of typed words . welll I easily solved it like this -------------------------------------------------- [code] #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for Zay

HELLO; see this quastion , i tried to solve it , but there is sometjing wrong , i do not know it because no errors accur ! [COLOR="Green"]A 5 letter word x is hidden in a string y such that the first two letters of x are the first two …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for slawted

hello guys i recieve errors when compiling my code [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> int main() { std::string firstname, lastname, age, emailadress, message; char answer; std::cout << "Hello please imput your first name: "; std::getline(std::cin, firstname); std::cout << "\nNow please enter your last name: "; std::getline(std::cin, lastname); std::cout …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for scrappy

I'm taking CMIS140, and I have a project using complex numbers. I can't figure out how to write the calculations into the program. I have attached the project, and the code I have written at this point. If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this, I would appreciate …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lexusdominus

Id like to edit a file. At first i thought this was going to be easy, but now it appears quite complex. As i understand it there is no standard way to delete part of a file? im storing data on different lines in the file, and want to target …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for timb89

[code] int countDigits(string word) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) { if (word.at(i) < 57 && word.at(i) > 49) { count++; } } } [/code] i want to count the digits in a string "abc123". i know my problem is in the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for aramakri

I have an idl file and it compiles successfully when compiled with jidl.exe.When it is compiled with idlcpp.exe it gives an MIDL2025: syntax error: expecting a type specification near "in". the idl file is interface auditserv { void storeLoginInformation(in string infmn1,in string infmn2); };

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for ruchisharma

hey , do u know any tool that convert IDL(Interactive data language) to C++. plz, if u know do tell me!! thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for zoner7

This program is frustrating me. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing this error message. It's the sort of thing where I fix one issue only to cause 10 more. The compiler is giving me like 8 identical pairs of errors, one for each Ball.itsPosition.getX/Y …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for faisaly

Plz guide me, "How windows APIs can provide different windows services to a developer?”

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for rmlopes

Hello, I am developing a library, which untill a few days ago was working perfectly. With some changes I needed to perform I started having a segmentation fault. The problem is that I cannot understand why the fault is happening since the conclusion from gdb is the following: [code] Program …

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Member Avatar for ultrAslan

[CODE][/CODE][CODE]// /*--------------------------------------------------------*\ // | Main Program: Simple tester for Natural Power // |*--------------------------------------------------------*| // | Date: Summer Quarter 2006 // | Author: Bruce W. Weide (adapted from "anonymous") // | // | Brief User's Manual: // | Allows user either to exercise the Power operation // | in an interactive …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for davebaum1

I am [I]fed up[/I] with my current sales job and am looking at getting into the programming arena. I feel that I have the basic computer and intellectual skills necessary to be successful in the industry. However, I would like some advice on what language I should learn first. I …

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Member Avatar for gretty

Hi I have a function where if the first character of a string is whitespace it then deletes it. My problem is I am getting an error on a certain line & I have no idea why & how to fix it. error: [QUOTE]C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer[/QUOTE] …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for mybluehair

Hello. For the past 6 months I've been creating a c++ game, but all I have ever learned in c++ is how to write c++ consel. (The DOS screen) Its so ugly and I would really love to turn my game into a c++ API with some basic graphics instead …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for killdude69

This problem has been bugging me for two days now. I am trying to make a DLL, it exports many classes containing properties, variables, functions and a constructor. I am using VC++ 2005 on Windows Vista Basic. My project is the WGCL C++ control library. It is a mask for …

Member Avatar for krishnampkkm

Hii I wanna list all the files and folders of a particular drive. Any sample codes available... Give me a link to them... Thanking you

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Member Avatar for timb89

(10 marks) Write a functiom in C++ which when passed 2 different lower case strings s1 and s2 will return true if the strings are anagrams. Note that 2 strings are anagrams if they contain exactly the same letters with the same frequency. im doing a past paper for an …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Vicky21

There is a cgi code written in C++. Currently there is no session management done in the web pages. There is a need to provide sessions in the web pages so that the user can login, maintain session and then logoff. While this is a fairly simple task in java …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hey:) I'm not actually sure what it's called..so just calling it "mouse window locking" - What i mean by this is how do you lock the mouse to a window ie: The mouse can not leave the window unless you alt tab. So when the user drags the mouse to …

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Member Avatar for Zcool31

Hello everyone! I am trying to use polymorphism to have a little physics simulator that draws objects to the screen. Each object has properties like mass, friction, position, velocity, acceleration and such similar things, as well as a pointer to a SHAPE object which describes the shape of the object. …

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Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

[code=cplusplus]#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { cout <<"enter the problemset and number""\n"; //problems represents name and numbers string problems; string problem_name_and_numbers=problems; string numbers; char quote; int total_length=problems.length(); //gather name if(cin.peek()=='"' || cin.peek() == ''') { cin >>quote; getline(cin,problems,quote); int problemslength=(problems.length()+1); int difference=total_length-problemlength; numbers=problem_name_and_numbers.substr(problemlength,difference); } else { …

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The End.