49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for myboo11009

I am trying to write a math tutoring program for students. A very basic outlay of ceretain components. This program should have the user select addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. user should also have the capeability to exit the program and quit it. I tried writing some code for this, …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for boydale1

I have to write a class for a new "home-made" string class, and I do not know how to attack the operator>> . I will provide my class constructor and what i tried... [code] String::String( const char A[] ) { char X = A[0]; int pos = 0; Length = …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Dragonsfire

I'm trying to write a simple deque program that lets you add/delete numbers and display them at will. The code is as follows. User.cpp: [code] #include <iostream> #include "Doth.h" using namespace std; int main() { char choice='m'; int n; Deque call; while(choice!='q'||choice!='Q') { cout<<"Menu:"<<endl; cout<<"[A] Add to the front"<<endl; cout<<"[B] …

Member Avatar for Dragonsfire
Member Avatar for shea279

does anyone have a function laying around to secure delete a file from the hard disc with X passes of random data? ive been trying to find this code forever on google, and everything I have found has just been skimpy .NET programs

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for jimjohnson123

I am working on a program and need to make a friend, deconstructor, and copy constructor..... I was given this formula for the destructor and completely confused... cout << value1 << value2 I also do not seem to see a whole lot of information on copy constructors and friends so …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for haven_u

0x241f8e0 0x241f8e4 0X241f8e8 0x241f8ec 0x241f8f0 0x241f8f4 0x241f8f8 0x241f8fc 0x241f900 0x241f904 After printing adress of a 2D Array of size 2x5... this is the out-put printed...can someone help mi with explaining the trend.....Is it something like printing consecutive memory blocks??? please help mi out of my confusion..... thanks in advance for …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for power_computer

Let say I have a line for numbers 2 4 5 8 7 9 1 3 and i want to sort them in numerical order how would i do this? I found a similar topic but it was of no help someone said to do bubble sort and then everyone …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for laconstantine

O.k guys the reason for the new thread because no one understood the previous thread even I didn't understand what I wrote lol! Now listen to my problem. I wrote an exe file that loads a dll and than uses a function from inside of the dll! BUT!! my exe …

Member Avatar for WaelTheNoble

Dear All, I want to open another exe file in my C++ program. Let the exe file be A.exe. So I used shell execute inside my C++ program to open the file but as A.exe writes in a file certain data that I will use in the next step of …

Member Avatar for WaelTheNoble
Member Avatar for laconstantine

OK so I got my executable file that should load all the functions from "message.dll" so I can use them. But every time I run my executable file I am getting an error that say my executable is encountered problems and its should be closed than its being closed. Here …

Member Avatar for laconstantine
Member Avatar for lancevo3

Alright, I've started learning array recenetly and have to write a program using them. I am having problems getting started on it, the notes we received seem very unclear. Here is the link to the instructions I have to use. [url]http://www.cs.niu.edu/~abyrnes/csci240/pgms/240pgm7.htm[/url] Basically I just want some pointers to get me …

Member Avatar for SeeTheLite
Member Avatar for bluebird

I am writing a program to record score of a cricket match. One array stores information of batting teams and the other array stores information of bowling team. The program has to read the information of the teams and depending upon the user’s choice, it must displays either the batting …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for jspeakers

Hi there, Can any one help me, I am trying to import a wave audio file apparently I have to remove the header file or something like this can any one advised me please.

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Member Avatar for DemonGal711

Alright, I need to create an N-ary tree that contains a list of words all of the same length so that we can create a word ladder from it. Given a word (like cat), we are suppose to put that as the root and from a dictionary we are given, …

Member Avatar for DevC++
Member Avatar for manjuannthomas

Hi everybody, i am doing my project on Implementation and Development of a Beat Classification Algorithm for Different Arrhythmias in Automated ECG Analysis..As i was searching for the MATLAB code for beat detetcion and classification which i could'nt found it from the net..Inorder to start up with my project i …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for TriniBabe

please help i think d error is in inputtin d values into d linked list! D files are attached

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for computercobra

I am trying to make a simulation of the enigma machine and was wondering if this is the right way to start the problem? Here's the main.cpp file: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> #include "enigma.h" using namespace std; int main () { enigma machine_1; return 0; } [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for computercobra
Member Avatar for cproud21

I understand how to search and sort an array of int type. However I am confused how to sort/ search an array of object's in which I sort/search by a string in the object. (alphabetically) Here is the code I have so far, I want to search and sort the …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for seaders

Ok, I've a DLL that's hooked to pick up all Mouse and Keyboard events in it. What I then want to do is through all those to another window. I understand how to do simulate these events, with PostMessage and SendMessage, to the HWND, but what I'd like to do …

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for TriniBabe

U are given the data(startnode,end node,cost) for each edge on a separate line but u dont no how much nodes u hav b4 hand how u declare it? how do u link the nodes in an adjacency list using linked list and not d <vector>?

Member Avatar for DemonGal711
Member Avatar for cproud21

I have the following program that declares 100 Book objects... The way that I have it now, each item in the array is set to a default value. Is there a way to add only the items that are input by the user to the array? and not start off …

Member Avatar for Danny_501
Member Avatar for Danny_501

Can someone tell me why my print array method won't print strings. It works with an int array, but only prints a few strings. [CODE]template < typename T > void printArray(T * const array, int size) { for (int i=0; i < size; ++i) cout << array[i] << ' '; …

Member Avatar for Danny_501
Member Avatar for denyildani

Hi all, I want to input joystick to my code,which is very simple smile.gif.I searched the net but find out that people use DirectInput , etc... but i want a very simple application, for example like when you pull right, a variable in the code changes from 0 to 10,whne …

Member Avatar for MyRedz
Member Avatar for MyRedz

here's my question > Make a function `void ScreenSaver(Screen& Shape* shps[])` in which you take an array of shape pointers and their masks, and randomly animate all these shapes. You are required to pass only the shapes you made before and animate them, you need not worry about shapes colliding …

Member Avatar for Icebone1000

How I can do it? I want a constructor of a object to have parameters, this object is inside other class..the compiler say the class dont have proper default constructors..(error C2512) [CODE=C++] ... class Game{ private: Player P1; Player P2; public: Game(void);//constructor ... [/CODE] [CODE=C++] class Player{ private: int x;//player …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for Zohar

Hi, new to the forum, I am currently studying the basics of C++ and we have an assignment in which we have to code a Sudoku validator. Basically the validator will ask for a file to be input, it will read the file and the user will be able to …

Member Avatar for Zohar
Member Avatar for brains89

The problem is A voltage source supplies a load through a resistor. The voltage source has a rating of 1000 volts and a power rating of 10000 watts. The resistor is 5 ohms with a power ratings of 118.975 watts. The resistance of the load may vary randomly between 200 …

Member Avatar for DemonGal711
Member Avatar for U_A_G

I have a program to write and im stuck. It runs but not properly. idk i think my "if" "else" statements are the problem. here are some sample runs Enter employee ID ====> 123 Enter payroll status (s/h/c)====> s Enter monthly salary ====> 5280 Employee ID: 123 Payroll Status: Salaried …

Member Avatar for DemonGal711
Member Avatar for power_computer

have to compute a function that calculates a sum in between a range let say user enters value of 10 and end value of 15 and then it is divided by a a divisor entered by the user say 2 I have the following code but its not working quite …

Member Avatar for power_computer
Member Avatar for Zcool31

[code=cpp] template<typename T> //T is a type which supports the dereference operator void foo(T& param){ //the type of expression *param is defined at compile time U = *param; //U is the type which *param returns } [/code] My question is: How can I implicitly determine the return type of performing …

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The End.