49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for power_computer

I am using this if statement to formulate some sort of output however only the last block executes where each if is suppose to execute depending on the gross pay that will determine the tax. It reading input using fstream from a .txt file It reading the right numbers The …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for urbandad70

Here is my first post. I am looking for a little guidance with my class project. I have all the logic pieces worked out, but I don't know how to import a scores.txt file into an array. For the sake of my testing I just statically entered some data into …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for xonxon

[code] what is the difference between newNode arrowlink=q q arrowlink=newNode is it the same? [/code]

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for deerowbear

I am getting these errors when compiling, and I am not sure why. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks daniel /////errors 77 C:\Users\dwilmes\Desktop\project3\main.cpp expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '<' token 77 C:\Users\dwilmes\Desktop\project3\main.cpp expected `;' before '<' token 83 C:\Users\dwilmes\Desktop\project3\main.cpp expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '<' token …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for raineloire11

i'm a newbie, an IT student from Philippines, just want to know if anyone can help me regarding my prob on how to put a date and month with range in case of a switch statement in c++? my project is about creating horoscope reading program and i don't know …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for xonxon

[code] • Constructors of derived class can (directly) initialize only private data members of the derived Data Structures Using C++ 14 class • Execution of derived class’s constructor must trigger execution of one of base class’s constructors • Call to base class’s constructor specified in heading of derived class constructor’s …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for xonxon

[code] what is operator overloading n its function.wat is the core purpose we use it by providing me suitable example.i have read about it in book but very confused. hope someone out there can help me.please n thanks you very much. [/code]

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for psankisa

hi all, [B]can any of you enlighten me as to how to use ACEXML Parser to parse an xml file in c++.[/B] regards, psankisa.

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Member Avatar for joshmo

I didnt know where to post this but i hope this is the right place. I was wondering how a code in c++ can be used in or with java. i.e if I decided to write a code in C++ that performs processing and i want to write another code …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for johnray31

Hi guys, when i am compile this program it gives error. i am wondering why it is so.. plz help me. thankx [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; class ConfigPath { public: ConfigPath() { m_name = "VIPIN DAHIYA"; } ~ConfigPath(){} private: string m_name; }; int main() …

Member Avatar for johnray31
Member Avatar for Georges5

Hello All, I have a Borland C++ generated DLL, which Iam using with VC++, I managed to generate the .Lib file compatible with VC++. Now my programs compiles and run, after that I get run-time error as follows: [QUOTE]Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly …

Member Avatar for cevion

Hello I am trying to write a program that removes spaces before and after and reduce to one between words and capitalize the first letter of each world and the other letters lowercase but I'm getting errors which I can't make heads and tail of. |12|error: expected primary-expression before ')' …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for ephums

I'm trying to create a program that will sum all of the numbers from 1 to n, which the user inputs. I have to use recursion to calculate the sum. For example if the user inputs 5 it will return the sum of 1,2,3,4,5. Here is what I have so …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for Fouly

Hi, I'm writing MFC code and i got an error after writing this command line: [code] CFile f(_T("E:\\testHMM.txt", CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite)); [/code] the error is Debug Assertion Failed!!! Thanks, Mostafa Fouly

Member Avatar for Fouly
Member Avatar for ox99racer

this is my code... not too sure what im doing wrong but its probably something small. im getting errors too. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; // void functions void nameFile(ifstream & infile); void openfile(ifstream & infile); void displayScores(int scores); void getData(ifstream & infile, int scores[], int …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for anbuninja

so im starting the second half of my c++ class and we are getting into functions. are first assignment and im already stuck -__- the teacher gives us the code for above main so we just need to write the prototypes. heres my code so far (prototypes probably wrong) it …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for shankhs

I dont know whether this is the right place to post this question but I think you guys have huge experiences so... I had a course on both algorithms and software engineering , and now I feel that I can devote my time to only one of these( as these …

Member Avatar for shankhs
Member Avatar for chiurox

Hi, I'm doing an assignment, where we need to use a class Domain and correctly output the URL address. The given class Domain is like this: [ICODE]class Domain { public: Domain(string lbl) : m_label(lbl) {} string label() const { return m_label; } const vector<Domain*>& subdomains() const { return m_subdomains; } …

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Member Avatar for DeadJustice

I'm doing this minesweeper assignment and I need help. I tried to test the findMineValues() function and it completely scrambles up my board. Can someone help me pinpoint what I am doing wrong? [CODE=cpp] #include <string> #include "Cell.h" using namespace std; Cell::Cell(){ label = 0; mine = false; flag = …

Member Avatar for DeadJustice
Member Avatar for tyoung4@runner

The following is the complete code. Can you give me a hint as to why the program is reading the "mph" instead of "hours"?? The program should only display the "Distance Traveled" according to how many hours the user inputs, not 40 separate calculations. The user inputs 40 mph and …

Member Avatar for tyoung4@runner
Member Avatar for waldchr

Does anyone know why if I hover my mouse over an "if" statement in Dev-C++ it comes up with a tool tip: "Sometimes headers get that do if"??? It happens with types to: "...get that do long" or "int". What is going on?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ttony

Hi, can somebody explain why am I getting segmentation fault on this program. It seams that the list that is initialized in clstouchcontext.h does not get recognized in clstouchcontext.cpp Makefile is attached. main.cpp: [code=cplusplus] #include "clstouchcontext.h" #include <iostream> int main () { clsTouchContext* pContext = 0; //= GetContext ( iContextId …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for binamy1

I have been developing my own compression algorithm for my school project.It is like LZ77 but uses fixed blocks,and a dictionary containing the position of the repeating block (dic.inpos)& where it is to be copied(dic.charpos);I am using Gnu C++,The program crashes or gets stuck on initializing in.. Also the program …

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Member Avatar for tyoung4@runner

Hello everyone. I am having a hard time getting this program to run w/o an infinite loop. I have been in my C++ class for a month. I think my test expression is incorrect, but I've tried what I think it should be. Problem: Write a program that asks the …

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Member Avatar for GadiK

Hi Guys. I wrote a nice MFC application. This app uses a number of threads and is meant to manage rs232 communication with a microcontroller. When I send or receive data Visual Studio informs me of a [B]Memory Leak[/B]: Detected memory leaks! Dumping objects -> f:\rtm\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\src\mfc\thrdcore.cpp(306) : {184} client block …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for shahab.burki

Hi, I am using Visula C++ and building LinkedList. But I am studk. Please look at this if goes something wrong. Please mention it. Their are are two classes I am using for it. The first it Data Class and other one is Node class. Note that both classes are …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for bojomojo

Hello I need the user to input for example a time format HH:MM(AMorPM) or a complex number format: X+jY Then I want to read HH in and int and MM in another int and the same for the complex number example. I am aware I should use delimiters, but i …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for lancevo3

I am writing a program for a class and I am having a problem that seems very simple yet I can't place my finger on it. I have to decode a message and everything decodes right except what is already there and should be showing up in the output which …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for aminpost

i have a class with 10 object and each object have a random position like (x,y) now i wand a code that do not put object in same position please complete my code [CODE] #include <iostream.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> class chess{ public : chess(); private : int x; int …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for Acis

Im trying to create a Text Based Game and i want to have a 'Game Menu'. This is my code but i dont know exactly how to make the menu. Please Help! I also wouldnt mind if some can tell me how i would be able to integrate a cheat …

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The End.