49,762 Topics
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ok so my compiler is doing something weird, for this like of code it is thinking the \d is a command like \n but that is a cstring, and it uses each char to decode a message to Attack at dawn!, but comes out missing the c, any hits or … | |
I have been working on this assignment for a while. I have read a couple other threads in this site regarding similar solutions but I feel mine might be a little more unique. This tic-tac-toe board is user entered, simply setup as 9 characters in 3x3 format. Input should look … | |
1.I'm trying to write an MFC program in EVC++ 4.0 on window CE 5.0 that lists the disk drives on the system (C:, D:, and so on). I also need to know if the drive is a hard disk or a USB. Is there a class to get this information? … | |
Hi, I would have replied in the last thread instead of creating a new one again but I have a dial up connection and dad doesn't like me tying up the phone lines at this time in the year. In the last thread I asked how to find the cubed … | |
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I figure since it's a [I]C++[/I] IDE it's probably qualified... How do I compile my program without all the extra debugging stuff in Dev-C++? I looked through it but I can't find any way to do this... I know … | |
I have the eclipse for Java developers, and I have the MinGW that's distributed with Dev-C++. I just want to know what downloads need to get from the update manager of eclipse, I also don't know how i set it up to use the compiler that came with Dev-C++. I … | |
I'm trying to read a Unicode file using std::wifstream. On wintel. [code=c++] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { wifstream File("input.txt"); wstring Line; while(!File.eof() ) { getline(File, Line); wcout << Line << endl; } system("pause"); return 0; } [/code] And this is my output [code] … | |
[code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; void round(); int main() { void round(); { double input; double output; double first; double second; double third; double decimal_fix; cout << "Please enter the Number and the Places to round off" << endl; cin >> input; cout << "DEcimal places to fix" <<endl; … | |
Let Wallet be a class that represents the amount of coins and bills in a purse. The class has got a data element amount of type long. The binary operator += shall be overloaded as an inline method. Identify the error in the following definition. Wallet& operator+=(Wallet& w) { // … | |
Hello all. I need some help on some code... function definition double Magnitude () const; function implementation double Vector::Magnitude () const {return sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z);} Test cout<<"test 4 \n"; cout<<"VectorA ^ VectorB = " (VectorA^VectorB)<<" = "<<(VectorA^VectorB).Magnitude()<<endl; I get c2064 on the portion of code highlighted in red. … | |
Hi, im working on a small console app that among other things calculates the mean value of all rows and columns of a matrix. I want to incorporate the mean symbol (x with an over score) into the out put but the symbol isn't included in the ASCII chart, any … | |
Hello everyone, I have a ray-tracing code and I can successfully generate images taken from different view points. My generated image has 802x802 resolution. I am applying the same procedures for every different point of view. However, my generated .bmp files always have different file size. I wonder why? They … | |
Let class Customer { private: long id; string name; public: ... }; be part of a class definition. What is wrong with the following constructors ? Customer () { id(0); name(''X''); } Customer () ( long n, const string& s) : id(s), name(n) { } Does anyone know this? | |
hi ... An error: There is missing ; before * .. What does that mean .. Plz help me the project on the attachment | |
Hi guys. I was wondering if you could help me with this code. I am trying to open a file and read character by character. The program compiles but when I run it it aborts with an access violation while reading from the file. I made the program output the … | |
Does anyone now answer to this: Suppose class X includes a data elements common declared as public. How can it be accessed by all functions in the same name space ? | |
I have been having a serious problem relating to memory allocation and arrays/vectors in C++ using the G++ compilier on both a windows machine(Dev-C++) and linux(debian). I would post all the code, but it is proprietary technology(I'm a Graduate Student) and therefore I can't share it openly without permission. That … | |
Please can anyone tell me in few words What is wrong with the following class definition? whait's missing, etc. [code] Class Numeric { private: long x; public ... void set (long n) const { x = n; } long get () { return x; } const } [/code] | |
For instance... I have the class Deck, which represents a deck of cards, and I want another class, derived from that, called cards, I want class Deck to have a class array called Cards[52], so I can assign all the different values and strings to the individual Cards class instances … | |
I am using Microsoft Visual C++ to write a program, i am trying to As records secretary for Cougar High School, you have been asked by the principal to prepare a report on the grades of some of the school's top athletes. Specifically, you must print each of the athlete's … | |
hi can anyone pls suggest me website through which i can safely download a c++ software? | |
hello there! i badly need help on this. how do i implement a power function that: a. does not use the cmath library b. does not use repetitive multiplication c. USES repetitive Addition thanks in advance! :S | |
Could someone help me with this? This is the warning message [url]http://s5.tinypic.com/28ilonq.jpg[/url] Variables [url]http://s5.tinypic.com/n1a5fk.jpg[/url] I know it should be an integer for the total_gal_paint, but it keeps giving me that message | |
Hello there, I made this code for an ISBN verifier but there's a problem with it [CODE=C++] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> // REQUIRED FOR FILE STREAMS #include <cstdlib> // FOR DEFINITION OF EXIT_FAILURE #include <cctype> #include <string> using namespace std; // ASSOCIATE STREAMS WITH EXTERNAL FILE NAMES #define inFile "isbntest.txt" … | |
[CODE] # Makefile for Nikunj C. Oza's code. # # Definitions of basic variables. CC = g++ LIB = -lm # CPPFLAGS = -O2 CPPFLAGS = -g # File set (only one right now) OBJ1 = bagdtstump.o bagging.o baggingnb.o bagnn.o boostdtstump.o boostdtstumpave.o boostdtstumpave2.o boostdtstumpave3.o boosting.o boostingac.o boostingave.o boostingave2.o boostingave3.o boostdttotal.o … | |
So, what Im trying to do here is a client server socket program. The client will ask a question to the server. For example, How are you? Then the server opens a text file, compares the string from the client and outputs the answer to the client. My text file … | |
I have written the program but I do not know if the results are correct. This is my Declaration: length width area and perimeter. My Input is length and width. The calculations are p=2*(l+w) and a=l*w. My Output is P and A. So what i want to know is, are … | |
I have the following array that prints out the amount of rainfall for each month, and then uses a bubble sort to sort it in ascending order... How can I display the name of the month along with the value that is already displayed? [ICODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; void … | |
kindly help me to resolve this error. I have a function inside a namespace in my header file . This is my header file #ifndef _MATPACK_H_ #define _MATPACK_H_ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include "scene.h" // class Scene #include "mpmatrix3d.h" // 3d matrix template classes #include "vector.h" // vector and matrix classes #include "mpspecfun.h" … | |
can anybody help me?currently i had wrote a coding for trash recycle system.to make thing more interesting,I wish to add simulation in that coding,however,I failed to do it,since my visual C++ is just still basic only.Hope U all can lend me a hand,please.thanks |
The End.