49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for arun_lisieux

Ques: The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? I came up with the following code. This did compile in VC++ Express Edition without any errors/warnings. But i only get a blank output screen. Someone plz …

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Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

how would i be able to make pictures capable of animating like the attached picture?

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for ucza

I made some simple mistake (conversion?) in my program.. I will be gratefull if anyone has an idea what's wrong with it;) The problem is not with the algorithm itself so I am not explaining it - the problem is: why the condition placed in the code between // HERE …

Member Avatar for ucza
Member Avatar for clutchkiller

For the 2 parameters lpClassName and lpWindowName in FindWindow, what do i throw in there to hide all open windows? Is this possible? MSDN makes it sound like if both parameters are null, that will do the trick, but before i test it, i want to make sure that works …

Member Avatar for clutchkiller
Member Avatar for rmlopes

Hello all, I am using VS2008 and I have a solution with 3 projects. One is the Loki library, another one is a library designed by me and the other is a small application that uses a part of my library. The Loki project is a static library. Mine is …

Member Avatar for bigbadowl

Hi All I am using the code below to get ACL information from files on Windows (in this case Vista). I need to know wether or not a trustee is a group or a user but when I loop through each trustee they all say "TRUSTEE_IS_UNKNOWN". Am I getting something …

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for azwraith69

hello,, my first post here.. im a 1st year CS student.. i need a help on having the idea of how to make this assignment.. i need to make a program,,a question bank,, with this functions: 1. Add a question 2. Delete question(s) 3. Modify a question 4. Display question(s) …

Member Avatar for azwraith69
Member Avatar for cppnewb

Hi. I was just wondering if you had any opinions/recomendations on some Text Editors. Specific editors I was wondering about: Dev-C++ Vim Emacs. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for DonkeyKong92

Hi all, ok i have just started learning C++ today and i have download "Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition" and i am trying to make the "Hello World" program. I clicked on "Create Project" and then "Win32 Console Application" and then typed in the name "Hello World" then i right …

Member Avatar for Kungpao
Member Avatar for abhi1

Hi Guys, Am trying to edit a file in C++. Am using TurboC++ (and have to stick to it only :P ). I have to functions, find_detail() and balance_update(). What am trying to do is find the position of balance in the file, store it in a int variable, then …

Member Avatar for guest7
Member Avatar for abhishek2301

Hello, I have a BinaryHeap class that uses template <class Comparable> as follows: [code] template <class Comparable> class BinaryHeap { public: explicit BinaryHeap (int capacity = 0) const Comparable & findMin( ) const; ......................................................... private: int currentSize; vector<Comparable> array; ........................................................ }; template <class Comparable> const Comparable & BinaryHeap<Comparable>::findMin( ) const …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for Bladtman242

this program is just messing around with file i/o, and then i stumbled across something that i¨ve clearly forgot or missed in the tutorials i've read. my 'guess' is its the to if statements messing up (or perhaps rather their else's) i know i used goto and that means i …

Member Avatar for Bladtman242
Member Avatar for mini programmer

Hi to all I have a project, and I found 2 the errors in derived class, says the first: 'BaseClass' : base class undefined the number of error is :Error C2504: and I include the file: #include "BaseClass.h" and make declare base class with extern. but still the error. ......................... …

Member Avatar for mini programmer
Member Avatar for NeoKyrgyz

Hi, experts. I want to test whether (third library) function (say X) is interruptible or not. For this, I want to create two threads one for calling function X, the other for interrupting (sending signal) to the first one while it's inside the function X. But I don't know the …

Member Avatar for NeoKyrgyz
Member Avatar for k59smooth

On This web site is frist time i heard of C#. I am skilled in C++ and was wanting to know if C# is an advanced version of C++, kind of like C++ is an advanced version of C...

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for 35nando

I made an application in Builder C++ 6. It contains few graphic elements, few image lists. I use drawing on Canvas. After short using my application, following message appears: "out of system resources". After it, my application behaves strangly and freezes. I use onPaint event. My exe weights 2200 KB

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for heimdhal

I quite don't get it! I've got a memory access violation on a perfectly normal code string. Error occurs when starting the application. I can click continiuse and everything goes on ok. And more. If I enter a breakpoint before the bad line it doesn't stop there but the error …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for johnray31

Hi guys , i am very new to this language so can you tell me which style below function is showing in C++. [CODE] SmeConfigRnc::SmeConfigRnc(uint32_t rncId, uint16_t pc) : m_RncId(rncId), m_Pc(pc) { //Allocate userId m_UserId = SmeConfigMgr::GetInstance()->GetFromFreeUserIdPool(); printf("Allocated for RNC, User Id=%d\n", m_UserId); //Allocate mtpSap m_MtpSapId = SmeConfigMgr::GetInstance()->GetFromFreeMtpSapIdPool(); printf("Allocated for …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for mnmustafa

hiz, well i have a question regarding to for and while loop i want to create such a triangle with "*" * * * * * * * * * * (its not right angle triangle, its equilateral triangle) and 2nd thing, what if i want the USER to put …

Member Avatar for kbshibukumar
Member Avatar for mrnutty

What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits? so i made a program that finds the fibonocci's sequence (fs). I tried to do it recursively but it takes too long for big numbers. so i made a manual one. BUt as i count how many …

Member Avatar for aryansmit3754
Member Avatar for Olsi009

Hi to all, I have just started programing with C++ but I am having some problems with linked lists I have this easy homework that I cant compile correctly. [B]We have this structure:[/B] [CODE]struct rekord { char key[10]; int nr; rekord next; };[/CODE] [B]Write a program that reads the elements …

Member Avatar for kbshibukumar
Member Avatar for IMJS

My C++ is basic but improving and I am trying to use a C++-based development kit (SDK) for some image processing software. The documentation and support for the SDK is limited. The SDK provides a linked list class and I am keen to utilise this. The class allows me to …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for kennycason

hi, I'm running code::blocks on ubuntu linux 8.10. I am writing a game in SDL. i have all the SDL libraries installed. everything worked perfect. including SDL_tff. then my computer shut off and now when i try to run the project again, I keep getting "undefined reference to `TTF_RenderText_Solid`, `TTF_Init`, …

Member Avatar for BMPaul

Could some please explain why this code is outputting 1 when it should be 1.5; [code=C++] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double a = 3/2; cout << a; } [/code] thanks

Member Avatar for BMPaul
Member Avatar for David2x

Greetings: My name is David and I am a beginner in c++ and I am looking to join a Project Team of c++ programmers of various skill levels to increase my knowledge in c++. I would like to know if anyone knows where I can go to join such a …

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Member Avatar for nitrooreo

Hello. This is my first problem post on Daniweb so feel free to overload me with info even outside the scope of this overloading problem. I have a class Point where I have overloaded the + operator and I'm trying to overload "operator=" so that I can right something like: …

Member Avatar for nitrooreo
Member Avatar for michaelmorris

Hi, What I'm attempting to do is send data from one class, to another and then store it in that second class as an array. E.g. file class1.cpp [CODE=c++]class1{ Class2 c; c.methodAdd(Variable1, id); cout << c.methodGet(2); }[/CODE] file class2.h [CODE=c++]class2{ typedef string StringArrayPtr; StringArrayPtr *array = new StringArrayPtr[3]; //create the …

Member Avatar for michaelmorris
Member Avatar for michaelmorris

Hi, its me again, How would I go about reading in the same file twice?? What I need to do is read it in the first time, and count how many lines there are between two words (in the middle of the file somewhere - see example below), create and …

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Member Avatar for u8sand

Hello again. Once again another problem... Well i made a very good string class, only problem is, i don't know how to use an operator= for assignment. I have operator='s programed in but i don't know how to make it an assignment operator. for instance: [code] String str1 = "Hello"; …

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Member Avatar for rajesh_pec

please can anyone help me in writing code for the below question in c++ as am weak in c++ a. Write and test a function for the vertex-insertion algorithm (insert a new vertex, given a specification of all vertices adjacent to it)

Member Avatar for skatamatic

The End.