49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for sciwizeh

OK, i recently got a few books on OpenGL, i also got Microsoft flight sim x, and a nice logitech joystick to use with it. so i want to try to figure out how to make OpenGL take input from the joystick. i haven't read much of the books yet …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for PC_Nerd

Hi, I've just been looking at Hello World applications for programmign CGI's - and ive discovered that: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Content-Type: text/plain;charset=us-ascii\n\n"); printf("Hello world\n\n"); return 0; }[/CODE] Compiles to about 15.4 kb, compared to: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"Content-type: text/plain"<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Hello World!"<<endl; return 0; …

Member Avatar for grumpier
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I want to Show "ToolTips" when radioButton4 is Checked and when you Hover the mouse over textBox2. This works as expected. Now when I Check the radioButton5 wich makes the radioButton4 UnChecked I dont want the ToolTips to be seen when Hover the mouse over textBox2. I am trying to …

Member Avatar for cikara21
Member Avatar for mrnutty

hi, I was trying to implement the sieve of eroathoses (I know I spelt this wrong) and it works. But i was trying to find all prime under 2 million. The .cmd for visual studio just corrupts if I try to find all prime under 2million. I am guessing It's …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for tymk

Hi all. I wanted to run this class by some experienced programmers to see if I have any obvious errors and to get any advice otherwise. I created a test suite and everything seems to function properly so I'm interested in feedback on overall class design, choice of data types, …

Member Avatar for tymk
Member Avatar for amt_muk

Hello friends, Suppose I want to write a dll file with MS-VC8.0 compiler. I need to add [B]__declspec(dllexport)[/B] for all of the functions which will be called from outside of that dll. Now my question is that whether it is possible to export all functions of that dll at a …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for web_master

hey, I am developing this game of snake, just like the nokia phones have. anyway i have worked on windows till now, but now i am using geany on linux. so there are quite some methods which are not standardised for all platforms. one of them is gotoxy() and i …

Member Avatar for web_master
Member Avatar for nilrem

Hi all, I have a problem with template methods, what I want to do is pass in a struct type as a template variable but I don't know the correct way to do it. Here is the method: [code] template<typename T> void SetSize(unsigned int size, string inClass, T &inStart, T …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for majesticmanish

Hi, i have seen few codes where assert macro is used to make some checks on conditions. They used 'assert' so frequently (like in every destructor) that makes code looks too bad. My question is: [LIST]why people rely on assert so much. is it because is it easy to use …

Member Avatar for majesticmanish
Member Avatar for Manutebecker

Learn how to fully use the windows header with help from [URL="http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/simple_window.html"]Windows.h Tutorial[/URL], I'm pretty well along in the Programming world and was wondering if this would be really useful in becoming a programmer in the future.

Member Avatar for Manutebecker
Member Avatar for Tmy

how can i use cin.ignore to ignore every character up to and including a specified character – for example a full stop, ’.’ or a comma ',' ?? for example if the person entered Tom Jones. the program needs to igonre the full stop please help [CODE] #include<iostream> #include<string> using …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for agentkirb

I'm making a program, and I'm at the beginning where I'm just reading the information in. The goal of this short bit of code is to read in a date (when I finish the program it should be able to read in multiple dates from a file, but I'm keeping …

Member Avatar for agentkirb
Member Avatar for presario

Where should I include other header files, in header file or source file? What is the difference between the below two: Example: [code] //file1.h #include "file2.h" ... [/code] OR [code] //file1.h class class2; ... [/code] [code] //file1.cpp #include "file2.h" ... [/code]

Member Avatar for grumpier
Member Avatar for fireballnelson

A pointer points to a memory location containing a specified value right? If a pointer is defined without something to point at, it can point anywhere, right? Here is my question: What are the practical uses of pointers? I mean why wouldn't you just make a reference to the variable …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for nrupparikh
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I wonder something about adding a .DLL file to a project I am doing in a Win Form. I have rightclicked the Project ant choosed "Properties". Then under "Common Properties" I have "Add New Reference" and Added the Graph.DLL file to my project. This .DLL is a GraphControl. My question …

Member Avatar for Lukezzz
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

Hey everyone! =) I'm starting an Application Development club at my college! However, there are a fair amount of programmers with multiple backgrounds who want to be a part of the club and partake in some of the Software we will create. Most of the people who are joining the …

Member Avatar for iluxa
Member Avatar for Clockowl

Hey guys, I'm stuck on some undefined references to glut and OpenGL, even when I linked my projects with the correct libraries. Well apparently they aren't correct... I'm trying to compile this: [code=C] /* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for nrupparikh
Member Avatar for mirfanud

Hi, I use a simulator written in systemc to evaluate the programs written in pthread. so i have to interconnect the pthreads and systemc threads. The connection works fine, but I want to calculate the execution time of the pthreads events in systemc simulation time. I use systemc events to …

Member Avatar for new2c++

hello, im just learning c++ and was wondering if any one could spare the time to explain to me what each line of the ollowing code does, this is no my code i was just hoping to see what each lines does to see if it wil make it clearer. …

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for Liinker

I'm mapping a file view to share an array of 200 std::strings between two processes but I've been getting an access violation error when I write a string longer than 15 characters into the array. Does anyone know how I might increase the size of each array element so it …

Member Avatar for Liinker
Member Avatar for abhi.nalluri

Hi All, I have an application to open a serial port and write commands to it. I have used CreateFile function along with ReadFile and WriteFile. I need to use my serial connection from Network Connections and connect to a device.After connecting to the device I disconnect it. Now I …

Member Avatar for acardiac

I just need a hint or two to solve this problem. I dont need any coding or something similar just a "hint". Thanx Q.2. A local airlines has three different models of passenger planes: The 101 is a charter plane that carries up to 10 passengers, with the seats arranged …

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Member Avatar for Swemp

Hi, I'm Sven I'm a student from Belgium and one of my classes is about C++ I'm working on a program for such a long time, but I can't find the solution. (First of all : sorry for my bad english) Here's what I'm supposed to do : I have …

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Member Avatar for Fox5

Alright, I'm trying to learn some basic threading and this is a problem I've been banging my head up against for a while. I'm doing some image manipulation using boost::numeric::ublas::matrix, which I believe is supposed to be thread safe, but as soon as more than 1 concurrent thread is involved …

Member Avatar for Fox5
Member Avatar for Ronen444

Hi, i'm new in this forum and i have some questions in C++... 1. I have main.cpp, which has [B]int main()[/B]... I also have some.cpp which has [B]int some()[/B]. How do i access/use some() from main() ? 2. Also, how can i use some other (I'm not sure i'm saying …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for OnIIcE

Hi, im trying to create a image editor and Im currently working on a "history/reopen" image part in my menu. ive read loads into dynamicly creating menu items but have always failed when it has come to adding a function to it, but that is a differnt story all together …

Member Avatar for I_want_to_lean

Hi every one,i'm following this tutorial and i can't seem to find the Message Maps property sheet in Visual Studio 2008. This is the link of the Tutorial [URL="http://www.functionx.com/visualc/dialog/dialog2.htm"]http://www.functionx.com/visualc/dialog/dialog2.htm[/URL] In the 27nth step says : Click the Message Maps property sheet but i don't find it in VC2008 I will …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for k59smooth

I have been trying to get my program to ask the user if the want to run the program again before exiting. I have been using he following while loop. It isn't working, any suggestions. char again; again = 'Y'; while (again == 'Y','y') { // // program // cout …

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The End.